
  • 网络project negotiation
  1. 伊朗核项目谈判今天在哈萨克斯坦没有突破及没有进一步会谈的具体期限结束。

    Talks on Iran 's nuclear program ended in Kazakhstan today with no breakthrough and no date for further talks .

  2. 客户在和开发区进行项目谈判过程中,必须明确这部分费用的分担比例。

    While customers have negotiation with Park with respect to the projects , it should keep in mind the cost that each side should pay .

  3. 韩国媒体报道称,随着国际社会要求朝鲜参与谈判的压力日益加大,平壤方面已邀请美国朝鲜问题特使斯蒂芬博斯沃思(stephenbosworth)出席有关其核项目的谈判。

    Under increasing pressure to bargain with the international community , Pyongyang has invited Stephen Bosworth , the US Special Representative for North Korea , to attend talks on its nuclear programme , according to South Korean media .

  4. 通过对FW公司项目采购谈判三个阶段的分析,发现采购流程中问题的根源,找出解决与供应商采购谈判方法,并在此基础上提出改进措施和建议,从而为FW公司采购管理水平的提升出谋划策。

    FW company project procurement negotiations are the three stages of analysis , origin of problems and corresponding improvement measures and recommendations on that basis , thus contributing to FW companies purchasing management improving the standard of advice .

  5. Fitzpatrick认为,由于意在控制伊朗核燃料和提炼项目的谈判显示出不顺利的迹象,对伊朗的制裁将更加严重。

    Fitzpatrick believes the sanctions will get worse because negotiations to curb Iran 's nuclear fuel and enrichment program appear to be in trouble . Recent talks in Moscow produce no move toward compromise .

  6. 云南省清洁发展机制项目国际谈判研究

    Study on the International Negotiation of CDM Project of Yunnan Province

  7. 国际钢结构工程项目商务谈判的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis of Business Negotiation for International Steel Structure Project

  8. 限制伊朗核项目的谈判目前处于关键阶段。

    Talks to limit Iran 's nuclear program are in a critical phase .

  9. 参与外商投资项目的谈判、起草、审查相关法律文件;

    Participate business negotiation , draft and review relevant legal instruments for foreign invested projects .

  10. 海外矿业项目商务谈判之我见

    Business Negotiation on Overseas Mining Projects

  11. 笔者在紫金矿业集团股份有限公司国际部任职一年多,结合近期的海外矿业项目商务谈判运作,较系统地总结了在海外投资矿业项目的商务谈判经验,与读者共享。

    , Ltd , the author systematically summarizes the business negotiating experience in investing foreign mining projects .

  12. 布什政府坚持把伊朗首先终止铀浓缩项目作为谈判的前提。对此,斯佩克特参议员提出了置疑。

    He questioned the administration 's insistence on having Iran halt its uranium enrichment program before opening talks .

  13. 参加朝核六方会谈的谈判人员正准备在北京会面,进行销毁北韩核项目的谈判。

    Negotiators from six nations are preparing to meet in Beijing for talks on eliminating North Korea 's nuclear programs .

  14. 他还表示,他不会与美国总统乔·拜登会面,也不会就伊朗弹道导弹项目进行谈判。

    He also said he would not meet with U.S. President Joe Biden nor negotiate over Tehran 's ballistic missile program .

  15. 贾利利这封信是回复阿什顿在六月初提出的一项建议。阿什顿的建议是恢复有关伊朗核项目的谈判。

    He was replying to an offer made by Ashton in early June to resume talks on the Iranian nuclear program .

  16. 伊朗首席核谈判代表说,伊朗已经准备好和世界强国就伊朗有争议的核项目恢复谈判。

    Iran 's top nuclear negotiator says the country is ready to resume negotiations with world powers over its controversial nuclear program .

  17. 各方特使努力就一项有关伊朗的提案达成协议,提案希望伊朗重新开始有关该国核项目的谈判。

    The envoys had been trying to reach agreement on a proposal to present to Iran for resuming negotiations on its nuclear programs .

  18. 2012年,伊朗政府将面临新的压力,可能迫使它同意就原子能项目进行谈判,以色列将先观察伊朗对这种压力会作何反应。

    No. in 2012 , Israel will wait to see how Iran responds to fresh pressures that may force the regime to negotiate over its atomic programme .

  19. 中海油和雪佛龙的管理人员表示,围绕高更项目的谈判因价格原因而停滞不前,但双方并未放弃。高更是澳大利亚西部沿海一个大型天然气田。

    Executives at CNOOC and Chevron said the discussions over Gorgon , a vast field off the coast of West Australia coast , had stalled over pricing but had not been abandoned .

  20. 技能要求:1。优秀的判断分析和组织协调的能力,有资本市场融资或并购项目的谈判和领导执能力;

    CICPA , CFA preferred Ability and skills : 1.Excellent analyzing , organizing and negotiating skills , solid experiences in venture investment , capital management or M & A or famous consulting firms ;

  21. 他提出工业化建设方针和布局,参与156项工程项目的谈判与落实,为奠定中国社会主义工业化的初步基础献计献策;

    He also proposed the guiding policies and arrangements for industrialization , and took part in the negotiations for and implementation of the 156 Soviet aid projects , thus laying a preliminary foundation for socialist industrialization .

  22. 伊朗与世界六大国有关伊朗核项目的谈判面临6月30日以前达成协议的最后期限,美国议员希望在此之前推动伊朗释放美国公民。

    Congressional lawmakers are pushing Iran to release the Americans as the June 30 deadline approaches for Iran to reach a deal with the United States and five other nations over the Islamic regime 's nuclear program .

  23. 由中国主办的六方会谈是为了促使北韩废除其核项目,谈判最近陷入僵局,原因是北韩没有交出对其在今年六月所作的核材料声明进行核实的计划。

    The Chinese-sponsored six-party talks , aimed at getting Pyongyang to scrap its nuclear program , have been deadlocked over North Korea 's failure to submit a verification plan for the declaration of its nuclear holdings it made in June .

  24. 从今年初开始,伊朗一直在试图隐瞒其石油出口的最终目的地,原因是西方大国在追踪其能源销售,以迫使该国回到有关其核项目的谈判桌上。

    Since the beginning of the year , Tehran has tried to hide the final destination of its oil exports as Western powers have targeted its energy sales in an effort to bring Iran to the negotiating table over its nuclear programme .

  25. 巴西和土耳其在他们的伊朗科项目问题的谈判中失败了。

    Brazil and Turkey failed in their negotiation over Iran 's nuclear programme .

  26. 分析项目设计、谈判、立项阶段的管理工作,完成项目实施进度计划。

    This part analyzes project design , project negotiation , stage management , and makes up the project schedule .

  27. 伊朗外长穆塔基表示,围绕伊朗有争议的核项目举行的谈判出现新的气氛。

    Iran 's foreign minister says there is a new atmosphere in talks centered on his country 's controversial nuclear program .

  28. 最后,探讨在国际钢结构工程项目的商务谈判过程中国内钢结构供应商应该采取的怎样的有效策略。

    Finally , the article informs what effective strategies should be taken for domestic steel structure suppliers on business negotiation process of international steel structure projects .

  29. 伊朗总统欢迎国际间为换取伊朗中止浓缩铀项目并且回到谈判桌来所提出的一揽子激励方案。

    Iran 's president has welcomed an international incentives package offered in exchange for Tehran su ending uranium enrichment and returning to talks on its nuclear program .

  30. 欧盟表示,伊朗已经同意在11月10日之后针对其有争议的核项目重新开始谈判。

    EU : Iran Ready to Resume Nuclear Talks The European Union says Iran has agreed to resume talks over its controversial nuclear program after November 10 .