
  • 网络customer perceived value;cpv
  1. 另外,本文还在一系列研究结论之上提出了企业实施顾客感知价值导向的整合营销传播的原则、过程以及相关的注意事项。

    Seventeen assumptions are validated . Besides , this dissertation , based on a series of research conclusion , puts forward the law of IMC oriented by CPV , its course and relative matters concerned .

  2. 而本文重点研究顾客感知价值,细分顾客感知价值的维度,通过实证验证顾客参与对顾客感知价值及其构成维度的影响,并探究顾客参与中哪些维度影响不同的价值。

    However , in this paper , the focus is CPV . We divide the CPV dimension to verify the influence which customer participation to CPV , and to explore which dimension in customer participation impact the different CPV .

  3. 结果,Netflix以一种不同的媒体消费方式改变了顾客感知价值的方式。

    As a result , Netflix changed the way customers perceived value with a different approach to media consumption .

  4. 本文正是突出展示C品牌仿古砖的特点,对影响顾客感知价值的因素进行了实证分析研究,探寻对C品牌仿古砖顾客来说具有重要意义的感知价值因子。

    This paper is to highlight the C brand " antique brick ", the influence factors of customer perceived value of the empirical analysis , explore the antique brick customer perceived value factor is important for the C brand .

  5. 在分析基于顾客感知价值的整合营销传播系统的复杂适应性基础上,构建多Agent模型,对单要素传播、多要素传播以及系统的优化进行计算机仿真,结果运行良好,支持了前文的研究结论。

    By an analysis of complex adaptive of IMC system based on CPV , this dissertation establishes multi-agent model and simulate the interaction of one-factor and multi-factor communication and the optimization of system . The outcome proves the conclusion of this dissertation .

  6. 第三方物流服务企业顾客感知价值实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Third Party Logistics Enterprise Customer Perceived Value

  7. 最后,结合通径系数与因子负荷系数的具体数值,分析了影响顾客感知价值的主要因素及其特征。

    The factors and characteristics that influence perceived value are discussed .

  8. 中档女性服装顾客感知价值实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of Perceived Values of Midrange Female Garment Customers

  9. 基于顾客感知价值正面比较的顾客满意分析

    Analysis about Customer Satisfaction basing on Customer Perceived Value Positive Compare

  10. 基于模糊积分的医疗顾客感知价值综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Medical Customer Perceived Value Based on Fuzzy Integral

  11. 服装消费市场中的顾客感知价值及营销策略

    Customer Perceived Value and Marketing Strategy in the Apparel Consumption Market

  12. 绿色产品顾客感知价值维度研究

    The Research on Dimensions of Customer Perceived Value of Green Products

  13. 顾客感知价值与品牌资产关系研究

    The Research of Relationship between Customer Perceived Value and Brand Equity

  14. 生活方式、顾客感知价值对中国消费者购买行为影响

    Influences of Lifestyle and Customer Perceived Values on Chinese Consumer Purchasing Behaviors

  15. 基于顾客感知价值的医疗服务管理研究

    Research on Medical Service Management Based on Customer Perceived Value

  16. 绿色价值:顾客感知价值的新维度

    Green Value : A New Dimension of Customer Perceived Values

  17. 这些维度对顾客感知价值存在显著地正向影响关系。

    They have positive effects on customer perceived value .

  18. 基于顾客感知价值的图书定价方法研究

    Book Pricing Method Research Based on Customer Perceived Value

  19. 奥运赞助产品对顾客感知价值影响的实证分析

    Empirical analysis of influence on customer 's perceptive value of Olympic sponsorship products

  20. 服务公平性与顾客感知价值对重复购买意向影响之实证研究

    The Empirical Study on Repurchase Intention Influenced by Service Justice and Perceived Value

  21. 即信息分享和合作行为正向影响顾客感知价值。

    Namely , information sharing and cooperative behavior influence customer perceived value positively .

  22. 中国传统价值观与顾客感知价值对中国消费者消费行为的影响

    The Influences of Chinese Traditional Values and Customer Perceived Values on Chinese Consumer Behavior

  23. 顾客感知价值对服务品牌忠诚的影响机理

    The Mechanism of Form of Customer Perceived Value on Service Industries ' Brands Loyal

  24. 第三,港口关系质量对顾客感知价值产生重要影响。

    Port relationship quality has great influence on the perceived value of the customer .

  25. 知识产权密集型产品顾客感知价值驱动要素及影响因子剖析

    Driven Elements and Impact Factor of Customer Perceived Value of the Intellectual Property-Intensive Products

  26. 第二部分为中介变量顾客感知价值;第三部分为结果变量顾客重复购买次数。

    Mediating variable within customer perceived value . Independent variable is customer repurchase behavior .

  27. 各国学者开始了对顾客感知价值各领域的探索。

    Scholars from different countries start to research in the area of customer perceived value .

  28. 顾客感知价值、顾客忠诚对口碑传播意愿影响研究

    Study on the Effect of Customer Perceptions , Customer Loyalty on Word of Mouth Willingness

  29. 顾客感知价值、顾客满意对品牌忠诚的影响研究

    A Study on the Influence of Customer Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty

  30. 学生顾客感知价值越高,学生的顾客满意度则越高。

    The higher Customer Perceived Value of students is , the higher student satisfaction is .