
  • 网络Survey;customer survey
  1. 写一个顾客调查:确定你的目标。

    Writing a Customer Survey : Identify Your Goals .

  2. 罗伯特说,日益增长的公司应该努力进行顾客调查一年两次。

    Deutsch says growing companies should strive to conduct a customer survey once or twice a year .

  3. 我们透过市场调查,焦点小组讨论和神秘顾客调查收集及分析市场资讯,帮商家对于顾客需求做出明智的反应。

    Through customer surveys , focus group meetings and mystery shopper surveys , we gather market information to enable our clients to react promptly to customers'needs and outmaneuver competition .

  4. 随后在顾客调查的基础上,基于专家意见应用德尔菲法、层次分析法、多层次模糊评价法构建起商业企业商誉评估模型;

    Fourthly , on the basis of questionnaire and the expert ideas , using the evaluation assessment of fuzzy mathematics and level analytic approach , this paper sets up commercial enterprises goodwill evaluation model ;

  5. 接下来,以为是在参加顾客调查的这些女士会被带到不同房间,根据指示她们会同一位20岁的男士讨论两种饼干的不同之处。

    Next , thinking they were taking part in a consumer survey , they were taken to a different room and asked to discuss the difference between two types of biscuit with the 20-year-old man .

  6. 作为我的论文的一个重要组成部分,我在中国进行的顾客调查,以确定目前中国客户的品牌协会和大众品牌在中国的形象。

    As an essential part of my Thesis , I conducted a customer survey in China , in order to identify current brand associations of Chinese customers and the image of VW brands in China .

  7. 为此,本文通过顾客调查建立了物业管理企业的顾客价值评价指标体系,该体系以顾客作为评价主体,来评价企业为顾客创造价值的大小。

    For this reason , the author has set up the evaluation index system of customers ' value for property management enterprise , which considers the customers as the evaluation subject to evaluate how much value the enterprise creates for the customers .

  8. 他们寄了一些表格给顾客做调查。

    They sent some forms to the customers to make a survey .

  9. 本文应用Logistic回归模型和在购物中心对顾客进行调查所得到的数据,分析了影响顾客购买决策的情境因素。

    Using logistic regression and data collected in a shopping center , this study examines the impact of situational factors on shoppers'buying decision .

  10. 现成的证据是,据全球市场资讯公司JDPowerandAssociates进行的顾客满意度调查显示,苹果iPhone手机已经连续六次位居榜首。

    Case in point : the iPhone has ranked # 1 in JD Power and associates ' customer satisfaction survey & six consecutive times .

  11. 企业QMS业绩的重要测量手段&谈顾客满意度调查

    Customer Satisfication Survey , an Important Measurement of QMS Achievement

  12. 结果1.通过对NC医院顾客满意度调查以及医院网络条件说明医院引入CRM系统是有必要的。

    Through client satisfaction survey of NC hospital and the network condition of hospitals , introduction of CRM system to hospital is proved to be necessary . 2 .

  13. 为帮助山东省X质检机构找出问题所在,特进行此研究。首先,本研究选择顾客满意度调查为分析工具,对实验室管理整体状况进行分析。

    To help Shandong x quality inspection institute find where the problems are , I do this research especially . Firstly , this study took the customer satisfaction investigation as analysis tool to evaluate overall situation of laboratory management .

  14. 并结合对××汽车公司一款SUV的顾客满意度调查实例说明了顾客满意度测评的实施步骤、数据分析以及根据分析结果提出了改进措施。

    And it explains the implementation steps , data analysis of measuring customer satisfaction and gives some suggestions for improvement based on the conclusions .

  15. 本文只需要确定产品的质量评价指标,不需对流程进行改进,于是本采用了简化的QFD方法,即包含以下三个方面的内容(1)顾客满意调查及其重要性。

    This paper only needs the product quality evaluation , so we use the simplified QFD method , which consists of the following three aspects ( 1 ) Customer satisfaction survey and its importance .

  16. 雇员持股的连锁超市会让人与顾客满意度调查相联系。

    Shop at chains that are employee-owned , suggest customer-satisfaction surveys .

  17. 顾客满意度调查中因子权重的排序估计法

    Weight-measurement Based on Rank Ordering in Customer Satisfaction Survey

  18. 谈顾客满意度调查的样本量确认

    Talk the sample deal confirmation that customer approval investigate

  19. 对客户进行半年一次的顾客满意度调查。

    Carry on half year a time customer satisfaction to investigate to the customer .

  20. 关于顾客满意度调查的若干思考

    Several Issues about Customer Satisfaction Research in China

  21. 本文以网络顾客为调查对象,探讨了信任前因、信任与购买意愿之间的关系。

    This paper explores the relationships among antecedents of trust , trust and purchase intention .

  22. 实施顾客满意度调查。

    Conduct client satisfaction survey .

  23. 顾客满意调查中的几个问题

    Problems in Customer Satisfaction Investigation

  24. 本文以在中小型商店消费过的顾客为调查对象,在文献研究的基础上,设计了相应的调查问卷。

    And the research survey objects is the customer who have consumed in small & medium-sized stores .

  25. 以上研究结果为顾客满意度调查在计划免疫服务领域进一步的应用提供参考。

    The result provide a important reference for the use of satisfaction in the field of EPI service .

  26. 顾客满意度调查显示,购物者比以前更开心了,这让管理层得以在新装修的店面收取高于平均水平的租金涨幅。

    Customer satisfaction surveys show shoppers are happier , enabling management to exact above-average rent increases at renovated stores .

  27. 对顾客的调查显示,今年的假日消费将比去年增加2%至4%。

    Shopper surveys have suggested holiday spending this year will rise by between 2 and 4 per cent from last year .

  28. 目的:探讨医院顾客满意度调查问卷的设计及其预调查。

    Objective : To explore the design of a questionnaire and its use in a pilot survey on hospital customer satisfaction .

  29. 把自己当作顾客,调查、比较、购买和使用自己的产品。

    Go through the process of researching , comparing , buying , and using your own products and services as a customer would .

  30. 当月(6个月一次)实施书面顾客满意度调查时,书面顾客满意率采取上一次的调查所得的数据值。

    Month ( once every six months ) did not implement written pledges investigation , a written customer satisfaction rate for the previous survey data value .