
  • 网络Customer discrimination
  1. 但是,如果你看到顾客对亚裔美容师歧视性地叫嚷,你会怎么做呢?

    But what would you do if you saw a customer 's racist rant ?

  2. 美容沙龙:看到其他顾客对亚裔美容师歧视性地叫嚷,你会怎么做?

    Beauty SPA : what will be the reaction to a customer 's racist rant ?

  3. 由于针对体型偏大的顾客和“不够时髦”的顾客发表了歧视性言论,迈克?杰弗里斯这一年受到了如潮的恶评,但他并没有丢掉Abercrombie&Fitch服装公司首席执行官的位置。

    After a banner year of negative press for discriminatory comments against larger shoppers and " not-so-cool " customers , Mike Jeffries is staying on as Abercrombie & Fitch 's chief executive .

  4. 以会员积分卡为形式的顾客锁定折扣是零售商广泛采用的促销手段,本质上是针对顾客的价格歧视。

    Locked-in discounts in the form of added-point member cards which are essentially price discrimination have been widely introduced by retailers .