
  • 网络expected price;expectation price;anticipate price
  1. 模糊理论,存货模式,预期价格上涨,不良率。

    Fuzzy sets theory , inventory model , expected price increase , imperfect rate .

  2. 低于实价买低于适当或预期价格购买(某物)

    To buy ( something ) at less than a proper or expected price .

  3. 瑞穗证券(MizuhoSecurities)驻香港经济学家沈建光预期价格会继续上涨。

    Shen Jiangguang , an economist at Mizuho Securities in Hong Kong , expects prices to continue to rising .

  4. 知情人士称,阿里巴巴预计最早将于周二公布其IPO的预期价格范围。

    Alibaba is expected to unveil the expected price range of its I.P.O. as soon as Tuesday , according to people briefed on the matter .

  5. 非均衡微观市场预期价格模型价格调节稳定性分析

    Stability analysis made of price adjustment of disequilibrium micro-market expectation price

  6. 四是股指期货交易发现的预期价格可更敏感地反映国民经济的未来变化,充分发挥国民经济晴雨表的作用。

    It 's function of finding price might reflect future changes in national economy ; e.

  7. 当知道预期价格后,就能给相关人员指定策略提供有效帮助。

    When the expected price have been known , after month-end can provide effective strategies for specified .

  8. 期货价格作为未来现货价格的预期价格,与宏观经济因素存在着密切的联系。

    The futures price will take the future spot price the anticipated price , and it also affected by macroeconomic variables .

  9. 这种预期价格与实际市场价格之间的背离可能会导致供求失调和资源配置的效率损失。

    This divergence between expected price and the actual market price may lead to the inefficient allocation of resources and welfare loss .

  10. 实际价格不仅要被预期价格所代替,而且要被预期价格的贴现价值所代替。

    Actual prices have to be replaced , not merely by expected prices but by the discounted values of those expected prices .

  11. 因此,这些产油商会降低供应,使得现货价格上涨足够的幅度,从而推动预期价格涨势回落到最初水平。

    They responded by reducing supply and raising the spot price enough to bring the expected price rise back to its initial rate .

  12. 经验结论还表明这一时期货币供给主要是内生决定的,预期价格上涨导致名义货币供给几乎同比例增长。

    It is also found that the money supply was endogenous , i.e. , it grew with almost the same speed as that of the inflation expectations .

  13. 本文研究了如何提出合理的预期价格,保证供给和需求趋于均衡,从而实现价格波动的可控性。

    In present paper we show how the demand and supply can tend towards equilibrium by means of suit-able expecting price , and then the controllability of price changes can be acquired .

  14. 以及根据项目宗地开发整理的具体状况,探讨了项目土地开发成熟地的开发投资成本、项目土地未来的最终产品的预期价格、未来可以达到的预期规模和价值;

    Discuss the land development cost for mature land , the expected price for the final product of the project , and discuss the scale and value it can reach in the future ;

  15. 一般的,“卖空”是为了从(证券)预期价格下降中获取利润,或者规避长期持有相同证券或相关证券的风险。

    In general , short selling is utilized to profit from an expected downward price movement , or to hedge the risk of a long position in the same security or in a related security .

  16. 这个模型建立在邻近地区内的其他有可比性的房子的售价的基础上(模型),然后再把您自己房子的值放入此模型来产生一个预期价格。

    You created the model based on other comparable houses in the neighborhood and what they sold for ( the model ), then put the values of your own house into this model to produce an expected price .

  17. 微观市场预期价格作为一个重要的变量,影响着消费者的消费行为和生产者的供给行为,而生产者对产品的价格预期,不仅包含过去的价格决策和实际价格信号,而且还会考虑过去的供求状况。

    As an important variable , expectation price affects the behaviors of consumer and producer in micro-market . Expectation price of producer contains not only the past expectation price and real price but also the past supply and demand .

  18. 但二叉树模型计算是需要大量的信息集,即要知道每一时间点上标的资产和期权预期价格的数据,这是二叉树方法应用的不足之处。

    Binary model , but requires a lot of information is set , that is , to know every time options on the underlying assets and the expected price data , which is a binary tree method of application deficiencies .

  19. 商品期货价格是一种能够反映未来现货供求关系的预期价格,期货价格形成机制是否有效,可以从期货市场功能是否得到实现体现出来。

    Commodity futures price is an expected price , which will reflect the relation of supply and demand in spot transactions for the future . Whether the forming mechanism is valid or not can be proved when the futures market acted .

  20. 消费者一日预期价格仍会下跌,就一日不会购物,只会买最必需要用的物品。耐用品,耐用消费品:任何具有相当长的使用寿命,因而不是立即消费掉的消费品。

    So long as consumers see prices continuing to fall , they will hold off making anything but the most essential purchases . durable goods ; durables : Any consumer good which has a significant life and which is not therefore immediately consumed .

  21. 采用包层材料预期价格,对成本进行了计算,同时分析了成本与工程参数及包层材料价格不确定性因子的关系,为进一步改进FDS-Ⅱ设计提供参考。

    Then , the economics characteristics of FDS - ⅱ power plant have been estimated with respect to the engineering parameters and uncertainty factor of blanket material unit cost . The results have been provided as a reference for further improving design of FDS - ⅱ .

  22. 分析结果表明。可变产量的理性产出范围应在最小边际成本所对应的产出量到边际成本与产品的预期价格相等所对应的产出量之间。

    The results show that the rational range of variable output is between the quantity of output when marginal cost is lest of all and the quantity of output which is decided by marginal cost when it equals the expected price of the product in market .

  23. 分析家们预期股票价格将持续上涨。

    Analysts expect the share price to remain buoyant .

  24. 筹资51亿美元。Verisk发售的逾8500万股股票都来自其现有的所有者,即包括HartfordFinancialServicesGroupInc.和美国国际集团(AmericanInternationalGroupInc.)在内的多个大保险公司。预期的价格区间在每股19-21美元。

    All of the more than 85 million Verisk shares being sold are from its current owners , a group of big insurers ranging from Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. to American International Group Inc. The expected price range is $ 19 to $ 21 a share .

  25. 像Boel这样的参保人除了得到走路不用拐杖的好处外,还从保险公司提供的最佳保险覆盖费低于政府预期的价格战中获益。

    Besides the benefit of walking upright without support , customers such as Boel have also benefited from a price war that saw insurers offer premiums lower than what the government estimates .

  26. 由于预期白酒价格将会上调,白酒制造商类股也表现突出。

    Spirit makers also outperformed after expectations of price rises for the sector .

  27. 理性预期粘性价格模型是否能够解释通货膨胀动态?

    Can Rational Expectations Sticky-Price Models Explain Inflation Dynamics ?

  28. 它们表示,现在不是等待并预期能源价格复苏的时候。

    This is no time for waiting and hoping for an energy price recovery , they declared .

  29. 研究人员称,低于预期的价格让人们觉得很便宜。

    The researchers suggest that choosing to pay less than an announced lower-than-expected price made people feel cheap .

  30. 因此投机者指通过预期期货价格上涨或下跌来寻求获利机会的个人或企业。

    Speculators therefore are individuals and firms who seek to profit from anticipated increases or decreases in futures prices .