
  • 网络expected return;Expected Rate of Return;required rate of return;IRR
  1. 你的预期收益率提高了,但风险没有增加。

    You 'd have a higher expected return with no more variance .

  2. 投资组合的预期收益率是什么?

    What is the portfolio expected return ?

  3. 金融机构也往往以预期收益率为噱头

    Financial institutions are also often expected yield of gimmicks .

  4. 是市场组合中所有资产组合的,rm,is,the,expected,return,on,the,market,portfolio,预期收益率。

    Rm which is the portfolio of all assets .

  5. 本论文定义还原利率为收益还原法估价中使用的现金流公式中的利率r,其本质是资本投资的预期收益率。

    The thesis defines return rate is R of cash flow formula for income capitalization approach . The essence is capital investment expectation return rate .

  6. 但在“资本边际效率”(themarginalefficiencyofcapital)这一章后面的一条引文中,粗略地提到了考虑到利息支付之后,新投资的预期收益率。

    There is , however , a reference after the chapter on " the marginal efficiency of capital " , which is roughly speaking the prospective yield of new investment after taking into account interest payments .

  7. 最后,本文以上海市推出廉租房REITs的可能性为例,以内部收益率替代REITs的预期收益率,进行了实证分析。

    Finally , taking Shanghai for example , an empirical analysis in which IRR is used to substitute the future expected return rate is used to demonstrate the possibility of introducing low-rent housing REITs in Shanghai .

  8. 该方案的主要内容如下:将进入不良资产进行分组,然后利用KMV资产组合模型对各组资产进行组合,求得一定预期收益率水平下的资产池最小风险组合;

    The detail of the design of pool is : the given non-performing asset is first categorized and then each group of asset is combined according to KMV Portfolio model . The minimum risk combination of asset pool under certain expected yield will be obtained .

  9. 本论文根据现代金融学的理论把商业银行信贷风险严格定义为商业银行信贷活动预期收益率概率分布的标准差。

    The Credit rate of return has its own probability distribution .

  10. 福建省电力投资预期收益率分析

    The Expected Yield on Different Power Consumers in Fujian INVESTMENT

  11. 资本成本是投资者要求获得的预期收益率。

    The cost of capital is expected yield investors demand .

  12. 各类商业银行在预期收益率下限方面具有乐观预测倾向。

    Commercial banks tend to be optimistic in expected yield lower limit .

  13. 非系统风险与股票预期收益率负相关;

    Second , idiosyncratic risk and expected return of stocks are negatively related .

  14. 确定有效证券组合构成变动的预期收益率参数化方法

    Expected-Return-Parameterized Method for Determining Constitution Variations of Efficient Portfolios

  15. 模糊预期收益率下风险损失率的左偏差度量

    Left Deviation for the Measure of Risk Rate under Fuzzy Expected Profit Rate

  16. 根据论文中分析得到的信息指标,建立中国国债市场的预期收益率模型以及国债收益风险控制模型,并利用历史数据分析验证了模型的有效性。

    The models of forecast bond yield and bond yield risk management are established .

  17. 股票预期收益率的多因素平行数据分析

    The Panel Data Analysis of Expected Stock Returns

  18. 作者利用模糊数来描述资产的预期收益率,并用模糊理论将模糊数转化为普通数,建立了一种模糊规划模型。

    A fuzzy program model in which expected return rates is provided in fuzzy nimber .

  19. 本文提出基于马尔可夫链的模糊预期收益率的预测方法。

    This paper proposes one method for acquiring anticipation fuzzy profit rate based on Markov chain .

  20. 对于基金持有人而言,不同的风险偏好意味着不同的预期收益率。

    For the purposes of fund holders , the different risk preferences imply different predictive yields .

  21. 当预期收益率给定时,证明最小风险选择组合的存在性。

    When the anticipated rates are given , the existence of the minimum risk portfolio is proved ;

  22. 交易成本作用于交易频率,强化交易频率与股票预期收益率的负相关性。

    Trade cost effects trade frequency to enlarge the negative correlation between trade frequency and stock expect return .

  23. h股看上去“非常便宜”,预测市盈率(价格与预期收益率之比)仅为9到10倍。

    H-shares , which trade at just 9 to 10 times forward earnings , look " very cheap " .

  24. 在证券市场,由于各种不确定因素的存在,证券的预期收益率是难以精确估算的。

    In securities markets , the expected rates of security returns are difficulty to estimate precisely due to many uncertainties .

  25. 并对模型参数(β系数和预期收益率)的估计提出了计算方法。

    Bring upped the calculation method to estimate the model parameter ( coefficient b and the expect rate of return ) .

  26. 本论文采用人工神经网络技术对中国股票市场的预期收益率进行实证分析。

    This thesis uses the Artificial Neural Net technique to empirically analyze the expected rate of return of China stock markets .

  27. 证券市场异常现象,是指风险调整后证券收益率超过预期收益率的现象。

    Security market anomalies refer to the particular phenomenon in which the risk-adjusted returns to securities in mind exceed the expected values .

  28. 在证券预期收益率为区间数数据下,阐述了相对左偏度在相应风险损失率度量中的应用。

    It can be applied in the measure of risk rate when expected profit rate of stock investment is interval number datum .

  29. 它是投资组合的收益标准差,关于预期收益率的函数图像。

    It shows the standard deviation of the return on the portfolio as a function of the expected return on the portfolio .

  30. 比较两个有相同预期收益率的投资组合时,你会选择方差小的那一个。

    If you 're comparing two portfolios with the same expected return , then you want the one with the lower variance .