
lú xiàng xué
  • phrenology;craniology
颅相学[lú xiàng xué]
  1. 帕森斯是一位坚定的颅相学信徒。

    Parsons was a committed believer in phrenology .

  2. 神经病学的先进研究已证实这是不可能的,此后颅相学开始衰落。

    With advances in neurology , this was shown to be impossible , and phrenology declined .

  3. 流行于19世纪,被认为是颅相学。

    Became popular in the nineteenth century , and is known as @ phrenology .

  4. 这一点可以解释人们对于颅相学“激活”理论的好奇和热情。

    That may account for the curious popular enthusiasm for the phrenological ' lighting up ' studies .

  5. 您的颅相学测试表明您的心理压力很高,特别是在这个区域。

    Young cleric : Your phrenology tests indicate a high level to mental stress , specifically in this area .

  6. 颅相学:指分析头颅的轮廓以测定他的智力和性格特征。

    Phrenology : Study of the shape of the skull as an indication of mental abilities and character traits .

  7. 另外一种伪科学颅相学始于19世纪,发起人弗兰茨·格尔是一个德籍解剖学老师。

    Another pseudo-psychology , phrenology , was started in the nineteenth century by a German anatomy teacher , Franz Gall .

  8. 然而颅相学也并非一无是处。它对人格的研究为现代心理学奠定了基础。

    Nevertheless , phrenology did help pave the way for the scientific study of personality , and thus for modern psychology .

  9. 颅相学认为,人的大脑可划分为许多区域,各个区域与不同的性格和能力相联系。

    Phrenology was based on the belief that the brain is composed of many areas , each of which governs different character traits and intellectual abilities .

  10. 颅相学一度被认为是科学,但现在人们认为它缺乏科学根据。

    Phrenology was once considered a science , but now we know the theory has no scientific basis . So it should be called a pseudoscience .

  11. 但是新技术使研究者得以同时观测整个大脑的活动,从而得出的结果与颅相学理论大为不同。

    But new techniques are letting researchers look at the activity of the whole brain at once . What emerges is very different from the phrenological view .

  12. 这些研究认为特定脑部区域和不同心理活动相关,这一观点与19世纪的颅相学颇为相似,此学说宣称人的心理特质与颅骨形状相关。

    They associated specific mental abilities with specific brain areas , in much the same way that phrenology , in the 19th century , claimed to associate psychological characteristics with skull shapes .

  13. 颅相图一度发行量很大。英国维多利亚女王、美国诗人埃德加·爱伦·坡和沃尔特·惠特曼都是颅相学的信奉者。

    Famous people who believed in phrenology included Queen Victoria of Britain , the American poets Edgar Allan Poe and Walt Whitman .