
  • 网络intracranial hypertension;Increased Intracranial Pressure
  1. Galen静脉血栓形成临床表现多样,缺乏特异性,以颅内压增高为主要表现,可伴有或不伴有局灶性症状和体征。

    The clinical manifestations of vein of Galen thrombosis are various , without any idiosyncrasy . Increased intracranial pressure is the main feature of vein of Galen thrombosis , with or without focal signs and symptoms .

  2. 结论并发呼吸功能障碍的主要原因是颅内压增高。

    CONCLUSION Increased intracranial pressure is main cause of respiratory system complications .

  3. 颅内压增高时岩下窦改变的CT初步研究

    Changes of inferior petrosal sinus in intracranial hypertension : an imaging study of 8 cases

  4. 颅内压增高时眼上静脉改变的MRI研究

    Changes of superior ophthalmic vein in intracranial hypertension by MRI

  5. 结果:脑充血组12例中8例同时行颅外减压术,在脑充血期间7例发生颅内压增高,颅内压增高发生率高于无脑充血组(P<0.05)。

    Results : Two cases died due to brain hyperemia . High ICP occurred in 7 of 8 cases who had been undergone cranial decompression in 12 patients of hyperemic group .

  6. 方法:对16例以颅内压增高为主症的肺癌脑转移患者的临床表现、CT、MRI、脑脊液检查进行回顾性分析。

    Methods : Retrospective analysis was conducted for the clinical characters , CT , MRI consequence of cerebrospinal fluid of16 patients with metastatic brain tumors from lung cancer .

  7. 方法对40例颅内压增高患者进行TCD检测,其中15例行甘露醇治疗前后动态观察。

    Methods 40 patients with increased ICP were examined with TCD , 15 among them were observed dynamically before and after mannitol administration .

  8. 结论:对进行性颅内压增高应高度怀疑,CT和MRI是诊断SSST有效手段,脑血管造影诊断价值最大。

    Conclusion : It should be highly suspected that the progressive intracranial hypertension . CT and MRI were the effective methods for diagnosis of SSST , but DSA was most significant .

  9. 目的研究颅内压增高患者的脑血流动力学变化特征,并探讨TCD和甘露醇对患者的诊断治疗作用。

    Objective To study the characteristic change of cerebral hemodynamics in patients with increased intracranial pressure ( ICP ), and to detect the diagnostic and therapeutic effect of TCD and mannitol administration .

  10. 而急性硬膜下血肿的快速消散与CSF向硬膜下腔移行、冲洗以及颅内压增高对血肿的挤压或脑萎缩对血肿的再分布提供空间有关。

    The rapid spontaneous resolution of acute subdural hematoma is relative to the transfering of cerebrospinal fluid to subdural space , and the squeeze of the hematoma by the high intracranial pressure or the space supplied by brain atrophy .

  11. IPS在颅内压增高时存在一定程度的形态学改变,尽管本实验样本量不足,不能全面反映颅内压增高患者的IPS改变,但其结果具有一定的临床意义,对后续研究具有启示作用。

    There are some morphologic changes of IPS in a certain degree when intracranial pressure increased . Although we have not enough samples in this experiment , the results still have some clinical value for subsequent research .

  12. 为了有效地改善颅内压增高患者的脑血流(CBF),对31例急性脑外伤患者实施了经颅多普勒(TCD)超声监测。

    To improve cerebral blood flow ( CBF ) more effectively in patients with raised intracranial pressure ( ICP ), transcranial Doppler ( TCD ) monitoring was performed . TCD monitoring was carried out on 31 patients with raised ICP .

  13. SBI主要表现之一为脑水肿,脑水肿是颅脑损伤后最严重的并发症之一,它使颅内压增高和加重,引起脑组织移位甚至脑疝而危及生命。

    One of main manifestations of SBI is cerebral edema which is one of the most serious complications after head injury , cerebral edema can promote intracranial pressure and lead to malposition of brain tissue , even endanger life because of brain hernia .

  14. 儿童期良性颅内压增高的诊断与治疗

    Diagnosis and treatment of benign int (?) cranial hypertension in children

  15. 主要临床表现为颅内压增高症状。

    The main symptom of patients was raise of intracranial pressure .

  16. 实验性颅内压增高对垂体-靶腺轴激素的影响

    Effects of elevated intracranial pressure on hormones of hypophysis-target gland axis

  17. 尝析颅内压增高病人护理中的哲学思维

    Analysis of the Philosophical Thinking in Patient Care of Intracranial Hypertension

  18. 犬颅内压增高肺表面活性物质变化

    Changes of Pulmonary Surfactant Associated to Intracranial Hypertension in Dogs

  19. 临床表现主要为颅内压增高和下丘脑损害。

    The main clinical manifestations were induced by high ICP and hypothalamic lesions .

  20. 急性颅内压增高引起心电图异常

    Abnormal electrocardiogram caused by acute increase in intracranial pressure

  21. 两种不同给药法对降低颅内压增高效果的观察

    Observation on the Therapeutic Effect on Intracranial Hypertension by Two different Administration Rutes

  22. 23例(82.1%)有头痛、头晕等颅内压增高症状;

    23 ( 82.1 % ) cases had the symptoms of intracranial hypertension .

  23. 急性颅内压增高并应激性溃疡出血患儿的护理

    Nursing care of infants with acute intracranial hypertension complicated with hemorrhage from stress ulcer

  24. 结果新型隐球菌脑膜炎的临床表现以颅内压增高、脑膜刺激征为主。

    Results The main clinical manifestations included intracranial hypertension and signs of meningeal irritation .

  25. 根据颅内压增高症状,神经体征和颈动脉造影即可诊断。

    Symptoms of elevated intracranial-pressure , localizing neurologic signs and cerebral angiography established the diagnosis .

  26. 目的对良性颅内压增高的病因进行分析,以提高对该病的认识。

    Objective To analyze the etiology and improve the acknowledgement of the benign intracranial hypertension .

  27. 以颅内压增高为主症的肺癌脑转移16例分析

    An analysis of metastastic brain tumors with higher brain pressure from lung cancer in 16 patients

  28. 方法本文采用MEB-9100型脑干诱发电位仪对颅内压增高患儿50例进行脑干听觉诱发电位检查。

    Methods 50 children with intracranial hypertension were examined by using BAEP instrument ( MEB-9 100 ) .

  29. 目的:探讨以颅内压增高为主症的肺癌脑转移的临床特点及诊断。

    Objective : To study the clinical characters and diagnosis of metastatic brain tumors from lung cancer .

  30. 多数病例有慢性颅内压增高及颅神经损害征。

    In most of the cases , the manifestation of raised ICP and some cranial nervous lesion appeared .