
jǐnɡ xiànɡ qiánɡ zhí
  • neck rigidity;stiffneck
  1. 结果尾状核头部型以头痛、呕吐伴颈项强直为主要表现,如不行头部CT检查极易误诊为蛛网膜下腔出血。

    Results Headache and nausea complicated with neck stiffness were the main clinical features in the head type of caudate , which would be misdiagnosed as subarachnoid hemorrhage without CT examination ;

  2. 脑膜炎的症状包括头痛,发热,寒战,恶心,呕吐,颈项强直,畏光。

    Symptoms of meningitis include headache , fever , chills , nausea , vomiting , stiff neck , and sensitivity to light .

  3. 临床的体征可能有:头疼、颈项强直(脊神经根受刺激)、发烧、意识障碍。

    Clinical signs may include : headache , neck stiffness ( from irritation of spinal nerve roots ), fever , and clouded consciousness .

  4. 尾状核体部局限型以头痛和轻、中度精神症状为主,呕吐和颈项强直少见。

    Headache and slight and moderate psychiatric symptom other than nausea and neck stiffness were the main clinical features in the body limit type of caudate ;

  5. 急性、剧烈的满头痛伴发热、畏光和颈项强直,提示感染,如脑膜炎,应寻找证据加以排除。

    An acute whole-cranial , severe headache a ociated with fever , photophobia , and stiff neck indicates an infectious prove , such as meningitis , until proved otherwise .

  6. 进展型以头痛呕吐,颈项强直和轻度偏瘫、意识障碍,并出现眼部体征。

    Headache , nausea , neck stiffness and slight hemiplegia , disturbance of consciousness and sign of eye were the main clinical features in the progressive type of caudate ;

  7. 结果:本组病人以恶心呕吐、眩晕和共济失调为常见临床表现,而头痛和颈项强直仅分别见于51.6%和32.3%的病人。

    Results : Symptoms such as nausea , vomiting , dizziness and dystaxia were common in this group of patients , and headache and nuchal rigidity were found in 51.6 % and 32.3 % patients respectively .