
  • 网络plant pathogenic bacteria
  1. 植物病原细菌的hrp基因

    Review on hrp Genes of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria

  2. 一部分是转录激活效应器(TAL),它是一种黄单胞菌属的植物病原细菌的毒力因子。

    One is the Transcription activator-like ( TAL ) effector , which is a virulence factor of plant pathogenic bacteria in the genus Xanthomonas .

  3. 的ch出基因与其在水稻上的致病性有关可能是通过控制其趋向水孔有关。进一步说明趋化性可能在植物病原细菌致病的早期起重要作用。

    Chemotaxis may play an important role at the early stages in pathogenesis of phytopathogenic bacteria .

  4. 而许多植物病原细菌毒性因子的产生都依赖于群体感应(QuorumSensing,QS)调节系统的调节。

    While the production of virulence factors in many phytopathogenic bacteria is regulated by Quorum Sensing ( QS ) .

  5. 植物病原细菌中,调控植物过敏性反应和致病性反应的基因称为过敏性反应和致病性基因(hypersensitivereactionandpathogenicity,hrp基因)。

    In plant bacterial pathogens , there is a gene family that regulates the bacteria triggering hypersensitive reaction and pathogenicity ( hrp ) in plant .

  6. Harpin是由革兰氏阴性植物病原细菌产生的性质和功能相似的一类蛋白质,影响病原菌在寄主植物上的致病性和非寄主植物上的过敏反应(HR)。

    Harpin proteins produced by gram-negative phytopathogenic bacteria generally affect virulence to host plants and the hypersensitive reaction ( HR ) of nonhost plants .

  7. 植物病原细菌的三型分泌系统(TTSS)是丁香假单胞菌(Pseudomonassyringae)侵染过程中重要的蛋白分泌系统。

    Type III secretory system ( TTSS ) of plant pathogenic bacteria is an important protein secretion system for Pseudomonas syringae infection .

  8. hrp基因存在于4类革兰氏阴性植物病原细菌中,决定病原细菌对寄主植物致病性和诱导非寄主及抗病植物过敏性反应。

    The hrp genes exist in 4 kinds of Gram-negative plant pathogenic bacteria and are responsible for the pathogenicity of bacteria . They can induce hypersensitive response on non-host and resistant plants .

  9. 位于革兰氏阴性植物病原细菌染色体上的hrp基因簇决定其在非寄主植物上的过敏反应和在寄主植物上的致病性。

    The hrp ( hypersensitive response and pathogenicity ) gene clusters in Gram-negative phytopathogenic bacteria determine hypersensitive response ( HR ) in nonhost plants and pathogenicity in host plants of the bacteria .

  10. 革兰氏阴性植物病原细菌Harpin与Avr蛋白代表Ⅲ型泌出蛋白的不同类型,对致病性与植物抗病防卫反应起不同作用。

    Harpin and Avr proteins are representative type III effectors secreted by Gram-negative phytopathogenic bacteria , that regulate the pathogenicity and the plant defense response to pathogens .

  11. 本研究的目的是从我国的土壤细菌中筛选能够干扰植物病原细菌quorum-sensing系统的资源,并初步解析其干扰机制。

    The aim of this study was to screen soilborne bacterial strains which could interfere with the quorum-sensing system and to understand primarily their interfering mechanisms . Totally ca.

  12. hrp基因簇编码的Ⅲ型分泌系统(TTSS)在动植物病原细菌和寄主互作过程中起着极其重要的作用。

    In both plant and mammalian Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria , type III secretion systems ( TTSS ), encoded by hrp cluster , play a crucial role in interactions with the host .

  13. 稀土积累对植物病原细菌生长的影响

    Effect of Rare Earth Accumulation on the Growth of Phytopathogenic Bacteria

  14. 植物病原细菌中超氧阴离子释放及其释放位点的研究

    Production and releasing sites of superoxide anion in phytopathogenic bacteria

  15. 以植物病原细菌和真菌为供试菌,对单体化合物的抗菌活性进行了初步测定。

    Phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria were used in activity screening .

  16. 植物病原细菌检测和细菌病害诊断方法

    Approaches of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria Detection and Bacterial Disease Diagnosis

  17. 人工接种条件下植物病原细菌噬菌体来源的研究

    Studies on the Origin of Plant Bacteriophages in an Artifcial Inoculation Condition

  18. 宁夏植物病原细菌、线虫及寄生性种子植物种类调查

    Species Investigation on Phytopathogen Bacteria , Nematode and Parasitic Seed Plants in Ningxia

  19. 植物病原细菌的细菌素与细菌性病害的防冶

    Bacteriocin of phytopathogenic bacteria and bacterial diseases control

  20. 植物病原细菌分类新进展

    Progress in the Taxonomy of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria

  21. 壳聚糖对植物病原细菌的抑制作用研究

    Inhibition of Chitosan on some plant pathogenic bacteria

  22. 植物病原细菌产生的细胞降解酶降解植物细胞成分使之成为细菌可利用的营养物质。

    Cell degrading enzymes ( CDEs ) produced by phytopathogenic bacteria reduce plant cell components to compounds useful for pathogen nutrition .

  23. 记述了笔者1985年至今对宁夏植物病原细菌、线虫和寄生性种子植物种类的调查结果。

    The paper described the author 's investigation , which carried out from 1985 , on phytopathogen bacteria , nematode and parasitic seed plant varieties of Ningxia plants .

  24. 本文对已完成全基因组测序的16个植物病原细菌基因组进行序列分析,推测出基因组中的致病基因并对其进行了功能分类。

    In this paper , 16 sequenced phytopathogenic bacteria complete genome were analysed , As a result the pathogenic genes were speculated and classified basic on their function analyse .

  25. 枯草芽孢杆菌菌株B11对广泛的植物病原真菌和细菌都具有拮抗作用。

    Bacillus subtilis strain B11 displayed antagonistic activity against a wide variety of plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria .

  26. 一种从土壤中筛选植物病原真菌拮抗细菌的新方法初步研究

    A new method for screening antagonistic bacteria of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from soil

  27. 对一株植物病原真菌拮抗细菌的抗菌物质进行了分离、纯化并研究了其部分理化性质。

    One strain antibiotic material was purified and its Physico-chemical qualities were studied .

  28. 植物病原棒形细菌的分类研究进展

    Taxonomy of plant pathogenic coryneform bacteria

  29. 来源于海洋真菌的农用抗生素的研究进展抗植物病原真菌海洋细菌的抗菌作用研究

    The Research Process in Farm Antibiotics from Marine Fungus Study on Antimicrobial Activity of Marine Bacteria against Plant Pathogenic Fungi

  30. 已有的研究表明,壳寡糖能够抑制植物病原真菌和细菌的生长,诱导植物产生对病原真菌和细菌的系统诱导抗病性。但缺少对植物病毒诱导抗病性和体外钝化作用的系统研究。

    It was demonstrated that chito-oligosaccharides strongly inhibited the growth of fungal and bacterial pathogens and elicited systemic acquired resistance ( SAR ) to them in plants , but lacking information about induced resistance or inactivation effects in vitro to plant virus .