
zhí wù shēnɡ zhǎnɡ tiáo jié jì
  • plant growth regulator
  1. 植物生长调节剂TA乳粉对海带产量和品质的影响

    The Effect of Plant Growth Regulator TA Emulsive Powder on the Yield and Quality of Kelp

  2. ACC(1氨基环丙烷1羧酸)是一种新型植物生长调节剂。

    ACC ( 1 Amino cyclopropane 1 carboxylic acid ) is a new type of plant growth regulator .

  3. GA3等5种植物生长调节剂对睡莲切花的保鲜效应

    Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Preservation of Nymphaea stellata Cut Flower

  4. 新型植物生长调节剂PT对水稻秧苗生理特性的影响

    Effects of A New Plant Regulator PT on Physiological Characteristics of Rice Seedlings

  5. 以MS为基本培养基、一品红花序轴为外植体,通过不同植物生长调节剂,诱导不同品种愈伤组织的发生。

    The Inflorescence axis of different varieties Euphorbia pulcherrima were used as explants to induce callus proliferation .

  6. 其次在三种不同的植物生长调节剂中,以6BA效果最好,GA3和6BA+GA3各处理效果都和6BA有显著差异。

    Second , among three different plant growth regular , the best effect was 6-BA ( 100mg / kg );

  7. 9个糖蔗品种的原生质体形成这种愈伤组织,其中一个品种的愈伤组织在不含任何植物生长调节剂的MS培养基中分化出根来。

    Commercial sugarcane cultivar protoplasts formed calli . One of them gave root organogenesis when transferred to MS medium without any plant growth regulators .

  8. 利用荧光定量PCR技术分析了与花色苷生物合成相关的14个结构基因和2个调节基因在植物生长调节剂处理下的mRNA转录水平。

    Real-time quantitative PCR was used to study the effects on the mRNA transcriptional level of 14 structure related genes of anthocyanin biosynthesis and 2 regulating genes .

  9. 锯木屑和草炭基质及GA3和IBA植物生长调节剂对兰州百合鳞片扦插繁殖的影响

    Effects of Sawdust , Peat , GA_3 and IBA on Scale Cutting Propagation in Lilium davidii var. unicolor

  10. 供试植物生长调节剂中,6-BA对羊肚菌菌丝生长有微弱的促进作用;

    In different types of plant hormones , 6-BA has weak promotion on the mycelium growth of M.esculenta ;

  11. 一种新的用于测定植物生长调节剂活性的微量滤纸法(MDB)的研究

    Study on a new micro disk bioassay ( mdb ) for determining activities of plant growth regulators

  12. 新型植物生长调节剂(ASL)在农林业上的应用

    The Application of a New Plant Growth Regulator ( ASL ) on Agriculture and Forestry

  13. 将初选的6个柿树株系插穗在新型植物生长调节剂中浸泡24h后扦插,结果表明:各株系插穗基部愈合率呈极显著差异。

    Cuttings of 6 pre selected strains of persimmon ( Diospyros kaki ) were soaked in a new plant growth regulator for 24 hours and cut .

  14. 用于愈伤组织诱导与分化的植物生长调节剂通常为2,4-D、NAA、6-BA等。

    Several kinds of plant growth regulators , such as 2,4-D , NAA , 6-BA and KT et al . are usually used .

  15. 以甘薯带腋芽茎段为繁殖体,用4%海藻酸钠(附加MS、3%蔗糖、植物生长调节剂和多菌灵)和2%CaCl2包裹,制作人工种子。

    Encapsulating sweet potato stem with auxiliary buds in 4 % Sodium Alginate ( added MS , 3 % sucrose , plant growth regulator and carbendazin ) and 2 % CaCl 2 to make artificial seeds .

  16. ABT新型植物生长调节剂在云南松飞机播种造林中应用的试验初报

    The initial report on a new regulator for plant growth-ABT applied in the afforestation by aerial seeding of pinus yunnanensis

  17. 研究了三种不同植物生长调节剂ABT、NAA、IBA对南蛇藤嫩枝扦插的影响。

    Effects of three different plant growth regulators ABT , NAA and IBA on rooting of ten-der branch cuttings of Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb .

  18. 绿色植物生长调节剂GGR推广机制的探讨

    Discussion on the popularize mechanism of GGR

  19. 应用植物生长调节剂GA3、天然植物浸提物水解乳蛋白(LH)和活性碳有利于胚的萌发、生根;

    Plant growth regulator GA 3 , natural plant soaked product ( LH ) and activated charcoal ( AC ) had advantages for shooting and rooting of embryos .

  20. 新型植物生长调节剂DA-6与TKE对羊草幼苗生长的影响

    Effects of New Types of Plant Growth Regulators DA-6 and TKE on Growth of Leymus chinensis Seedling

  21. 植物生长调节剂DTA-6对花生产量、品质及其根系生理调控研究

    Regulation of Plant Growth Regulator DTA-6 on Peanut Yield and Quality and its Root Physiology

  22. 花期喷施BN-2植物生长调节剂对油橄榄座果的影响

    Effect of Spraying BN-2 Auxin on Olive Fruit Setting During the Blooming Period

  23. 植物生长调节剂烯效唑(S3307)和赤霉素(GA3)组合使用对温州蜜柑果实的生长具有保果壮果的增效作用。

    The synergistical effect on protecting and swelling fruit of citrusfruity growth is obtained by combined utilization of S3307 and GA3 .

  24. 试验研究了含3种植物生长调节剂(GA3、NAA、BAP)的5种培养基对5种马铃薯脱毒试管苗微繁的影响。

    Five media were adopted to study the effects of three plant growth regulators ( GA3 ? NAA ? BAP ) on the micropropagation of five Virus-free tube potato plantlets .

  25. 试验结果表明,马尾松种子园植株的雄球花受到赤霉素GA4/7和脱落酸(ABA)这两种植物生长调节剂的处理而显著增加,赤霉素GA3对雄球花有一定程度的促进作用。

    The results indicated that GA4 / 7 and ABA significantly promoted the formation of male strobil and GA3 also promoted it to some extent .

  26. 植物生长调节剂SD-100在番茄上的残留动态

    The residual dynamic of plant growth regulator SD-100 in Tomato

  27. 利用杀菌剂和植物生长调节剂混配防治烟草气候斑,试验结果表明70%甲基托布津WP和0。

    The mixture of fungicides and plant growth regulator was used to control tobacco weather fleck , and the test results showed that the mixture of70 % thiophanate-methyl WP and0 .

  28. 若生根诱导10d后转入无植物生长调节剂培养基,培养5d左右可见根尖突出表皮,根系发育正常;

    However , if they were transferred into the medium without hormone in time , the root primordial protruded the epidermis and developed normally after 5 days culture .

  29. 利用环境毒理学标准生物大型蚤D.magna,对植物生长调节剂类农药多效唑进行21d慢性毒性研究。

    The standard environmental toxicity organism Daphnia magna was used to study the chronic toxicity of PGR pesticide paclobutrazol ( MET ) in 21d chronic test .

  30. 植物生长调节剂防落素P-51的合成及应用研究

    Study on the Synthesis and Application of the Plant-growth Regulator-4-CPA P-51