
zhí wù tǐ
  • Plant body;frond;botanic body;vegetal body
  1. 丝状藻类(Filamentousalgae)是一个形态学的概念,植物体一般有两个或两个以上的细胞组成。

    Filamentous algae , a morphological concept , are generally composed of two or more cells .

  2. 当硫化钠施用量为0.00351thm-2时,植物体Pb质量分数下降了23.8%,同时使植物的生物量增加。

    The content of Pb in asparagus lettuce was decreased by 23.8 % and biomass increased when the addition level of sodium sulfide was at 0.00351 thm-2 .

  3. PAL是植物体受到环境胁迫后产生变化的另一种保护酶,其保护机制与SOD、POD和CAT不同。

    PAL is another regulated protective enzyme when plant suffered environmental stress . Its protective mechanism is different from that of SOD , CAT and POD .

  4. k值与土壤pH、CEC呈极显著负相关,而与土壤镍向植物体的迁移能力呈正相关。

    The parameter k was negatively correlated with soil pH and CEC , but positively with the transfer coefficient ( Tc ) of Ni from soil to plant .

  5. 结果表明:加入系统的Pb主要分配存留在土壤中,很少迁移到植物体和掉落物中。

    Results showed that the total lead in artificial wastewater discharged into the simulated systems stagnated mainly in soil subsystem , only a few migrated into seedlings and litters .

  6. TDZ对植物体细胞胚胎发生的作用

    Effect of TDZ on Somatic Embryogenesis of Plant

  7. 同时进行了不同方法的单倍体检测技术的研究,确定DAPI染色可以做为快速鉴定植物体倍性常用方法。

    DAPI stain was selected from others as a fast method to judge the chromosome ploidy .

  8. 一般认为,任何植物体的碳同位素组成主要与光合作用的C3和C4两种碳固定途径有关。

    It is generally accepted that the carbon isotopic composition of plant material is correlated with C3 and C4 pathways of carbon fixation in photosynthesis .

  9. 植物体被软毛,平均果重71~100g,果实形状圆形、椭圆形、扁圆形或圆锥形。

    Mean fruit weights are from 71 g to 100 g. Fruit shapes are spheroidal . ovoid , ellipsoid , or turbinate .

  10. 水杨酸(Salicylicacid)是一类存在于植物体的酚类物质,能够诱导植物系统获得性抗性,水杨酸被广泛地应用于植物抗逆研究。

    Salicylic acid ( SA ) is a kind of hydroxybenzene substance exist in plant . It could induce systemic acquired resistance , so the research on SA about stress resistance of plant were widely made .

  11. 为了了解植物体对富营养化水体净化能力,通过监测了7种植物的含水率及体内TN、TP含量。

    Through by monitoring the seven kinds of plant moisture content and in vivo TN , TP concentration to learn the ability of plant purification of eutrophic water body .

  12. 脱落酸(ABA)是植物体抗氧化防护系统的一个重要调节因子,不仅可以诱导抗氧化酶的基因表达,还可增强其活性并能增加抗氧化剂的含量。

    Abscisic acid ( ABA ) not only induces the expression of antioxidant defence genes but also induces the increase in the activities of antioxidant enzymes and the contents of non-enzymatic antioxidants .

  13. 实验研究了90Sr、137Cs在植物体的干沉积和易位情况。

    Dry deposition , translocation of Sr 、 137Cs on plants are studied .

  14. PAMPs是一类比较保守的微生物物质,可以启动植物体级联信号途径,最终诱发植物的抗病性。

    PAMPs are a kind of conservative microbial substance , which can activate the plant signaling and induce plant immunity .

  15. 通过对稻田CH4排放、土壤CH4产生率以及植物体CH4传输、气泡、液相扩散这三种排放路径的同时测量后发现:CH4氧化作用在下午CH4排放路径通畅时较小;

    Simultaneous measurements of CH4 emission , CH4 production and transport through rice plant , gas bubble and diffusion in flooded water show that : low oxidation occurs in the afternoon when CH4 transport efficiency appears higher .

  16. 实验表明,在大豆幼苗受到2,4-D异辛酯胁迫时,加施KT能诱导产生更多保护性酶,并维持它们的活性,防止和减轻细胞膜系统的破坏,提高植物体对不良环境的抵御能力。

    The results indicated that adding KT may induce to produce more protective enzymes , and maintain their activities , prevent and mitigate to damage membrane system , improve plant resistance to adverse environment .

  17. 细胞程序性死亡(PCD)是植物体一定发育阶段普遍存在的一种现象,它受特定的基因调控,是主动的细胞死亡过程。

    Programmed cell death ( PCD ) is a common phenomenon at the special developing stages in the plants , which is an active dead process of the cells and is controlled by certain genes .

  18. 植物体能够通过释放H2S达到调节自身硫营养的平衡。H2S是近年来继NO、CO之后被确认的第三种内源性气体信号分子,在生物体多种应答反应信号转导途径中起重要作用。

    The plant can adjust their sulfur element balance through the release of H2S . H2S is confirmed the third kind of endogenous gas signal molecules after NO and CO , plays an important role in biology various response signal transduction pathways .

  19. PAL活性的强弱还与植物体感病与否有关,发病植株的PAL活性高于未发病植株,同时探讨了西瓜抗病性在嫁接体中的传递。

    Whether suffered from Fusarium wilt or not was related with the PAL activity , it kept a high level in the diseased plants , at the same time the transferring rule of the resistance in grafted seedlings was discussed .

  20. 植物体本身就是一个相当大的硅库,它们能以无定型硅(SiO2.nH2O)的形式积累硅,称作生物硅(BSi)、植硅石或蛋白石。

    A great pool of silicon is contained as the accumulations of amorphous silica ( SiO2 · nH2O ) in living plant tissues , known as biogenic silica ( BSi ), phytolith or opal .

  21. 通过总结主要环境因子对植物体δ13C值影响,认为大气CO2浓度增加时,植物体δ13C值会下降;

    After summarizing the effects of the main environmental factors on the δ 13C values of plants , in this paper it is considered that the δ 13C values of plants are decreased with the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration and UV-B but increased with the increase of illumination .

  22. 三趾跳鼠主要以绿色植物体为食,其次为植物种子(主要是牧草种子)。

    Dipus sagitta feeds on green plants and herbage seeds primarily .

  23. 植物体细胞胚胎发生&Ⅲ.相关基因及特异蛋白

    Advances on Genes and Specific Proteins Related to Plant Somatic Embryogenesis

  24. 植物体细胞胚状体与器官发生的激素调节

    On the phytohormone regulation of plant somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis

  25. 镧在植物体中能谱分析和超微结构定位

    Energy dispersive X-Ray microanalysis and ultrastructural location of lanthanum in intact plant

  26. 植物体铁花中稀土元素含量分布的化学光谱研究

    A Spectrochemical Study on the Distribution of Rare Earth contents in Plant

  27. 植物体细胞无性系变异的研究与应用

    Progress in the study and application of plant somaclonal variation

  28. 植物体细胞胚干化处理研究述评

    Review of the studies on desiccation of plant somatic embryos

  29. 表皮:是位于植物体的最外方的保护层细胞。

    Epidermis The outer protective layer of cells in plants .

  30. 芽殖:1.出芽:在植物体上产生芽的过程。

    Budding 1 . The production of buds on plants .