
  • 网络floristic elements
  1. 该区植物区系成分复杂,与世界各地都有联系,特有植物和古老植物多。马鬃岭自然保护区主要有6个植被型:Ⅰ、常绿阔叶林;

    The floristic elements are complex and are related to the plants distributed in every part of the world .

  2. 多种植物区系成分共存,分别有中国日本森林植物区系成分,中国喜马拉雅区系成分,近古热带特有植物成分。

    Various floristic elements including China Japan Flora , China Himalayas Flora and approximate ancient tropical zone flora are coexisting in the area .

  3. 江西木本植物区系成分及其特征的研究

    Studies on the woody floristic components and characters of Jiangxi

  4. 滇川干热河谷种子植物区系成分研究

    The floristic study on seed plants in the dry-hot valleys in Yunnan and Sichuan

  5. 华东植物区系成分与日本植物间的联系

    The floristic similarity between East China and Japan

  6. 2植物区系成分多样,且具有明显的过渡性。

    Variety flora types , obviously transition character .

  7. 中国外来入侵植物区系成分的聚类分析和排序

    Cluster Analysis and Multi-Factor Ordination of Floristic Composition of Invasive Alien Plants in China

  8. 轿子雪山植物区系成分丰富,来源复杂,特有性和过渡性显著。

    The flora constitution of this area has complex origins and multiple elements through the statistics .

  9. 青冈林植物区系成分复杂,具有较高的热带成分比例。

    The community has a high diversity of family , genus and species , and a great variety of plants whose composition is complex .

  10. 从分布区类型构成看,胶州湾海岸湿地植物区系成分中世界分布属最多,达24属,占总属数的39.3%,这反映了湿地植被的隐域性特征。

    24 genera occupying 39.3 % of the total belong to cosmopolitan-areal type , reflecting that the vascular plants have universals in geographical distribution .

  11. 保护区植物区系成分复杂,维管植物属的分布类型有14个。其中:温带属144种、热带属115种。

    The floristic components are complex , according to geographical distribution of vascular genera , 14 types of geographical elements exist , with 144 temperate genera , 115 tropical genera .

  12. 植物区系成分的研究,为合理开发、利用、保护当地植物资源,开展科学引种提供了充分的依据。

    The study of floristic element has supplied sufficient basis for developing , utilizing and preventing the local plant resources , as well as developing plant introduction from other basin or areas .

  13. 西段中山落叶阔叶树种类和温带植物区系成分比较丰富,常绿落叶阔叶混交林分布范围较广。

    The area of intermediate elevation in the west section is comparatively rich in decidous broad-leaved tree species and temperate flora components , with wide distribution of evergreen and decidous broad-leaved mixed forests .

  14. 河北省北部苔藓植物区系成分以北温带成分为主(占总种数的54.07%),其次是东亚成分(占总种数的14.81%)。

    North temperate elements make up the majority , approximating to 54.07 % of the entirely known bryoflora in Northern Hebei Province , and next comes East Asian elements , accounting for 14.81 % .

  15. 结果表明:阿勒泰山两河源自然保护区地衣植物区系成分丰富而且复杂,共有地面生地衣植物5科6属46种,以石蕊科种类最为丰富,约32种。

    The results showed that the lichen flora in this area is rich and com - plex . A total of 46 floor lichen species belonging to 6 genera of 5 families were recorded .

  16. 主要叙述青岛崂山北九水小区植被、植物区系成分及主要经济植物资源概况,为保护和发展该地区的森林植物资源提供科学依据。

    This paper deals with the vegetation , component of flora and general situation of major economical plant resources . It provides scientific bases of protection and development of the plant resources of this area .

  17. 山东省地处暖温带,属于暖温带季风性气候,植物区系成分多样。

    Shandong Province is situated in the warm temperate zone , belongs to the warm temperate zone monsoon climate . As the geography and environment of this area are very complex , the geographical elements of vegetation flora are extremely various .

  18. 板桥自然保护区木本植物区系地理成分分析

    Analysis of the Floristic Element of Woody Flora in Banqiao Natural Reserve

  19. 山西木本植物区系地理成分的比较分析

    A comparison analysis on the floristic geographic compositions of xylophyta of Shanxi

  20. 植物区系特征成分及地带性分化问题的探讨

    The Discussion on the Typical Floristic Elements and Their Zonation Differentiation Problems

  21. 金华北山常绿阔叶林群落种子植物的区系成分复杂,具有明显的过渡性质。

    The floristic characteristics of seed plants in the community had complicated composition significant transition properties .

  22. 福建永安桃源洞种子植物区系地理成分分析

    Study on the Geographic Component of Seed Plant Flora in Yong'an Taoyuan Cave of Fujian Province

  23. 福州兰科植物的区系成分复杂多样,共有10种分布类型。

    The component of the orchid flora in Fuzhou is complex , altogether has 10 distribution patterns .

  24. 湖南吉首市野生观赏植物区系地理成分与引种栽培

    The Floristic Geographical Elements and Introduced Cultivation of Wild Ornamental Plants in Jishou Region , Hunan Province

  25. 在各类植物区系地理成分中,北温带分布属(29属)具有明显优势,说明该地区湿地植物区系具有明显的温带特征。

    North Temperate type ( 29 generas ) is account for dominant position in the floristic geographical elements of genera .

  26. 随着海拔梯度的上升,资源植物的区系成分、性状特征表现出相对应的垂直分异规律。

    With increased elevation above sea level , the flora components of the resource plants present corresponding vertical differentiation patterns .

  27. 宝华山种子植物区系地理成分复杂,从科水平看热带性质明显;而从属和种水平看,则温带成分占绝对优势。

    The tropical nature was obvious at the family level , while at the level of genus and species , the temperate components were the dominant .

  28. 本文介绍了应用数值分析的某些方法和原理进行植物区系基本成分统计、地理成分划分及其分区。

    This paper introduces some methods and principles of the numerical analysis that has been used for the statistics of basic elements , division of geographical elements and regionalization of flora .

  29. 中国帕米尔高原菊科植物区系地理成分多样,温带性质明显,以北温带为主,缺乏热带分布型和中国特有分布型。

    The composition of flora of Compositae was very complex in Pamirs of China and the temperate quality was obvious , the north-temperate area was dominating , without tropic distribution and the Chinese unique distribution .

  30. 就植物区系地理成分来看,属、种二个层次均以温带成分占优势,且中国特有性程度不高。

    As far as the geographic elements of plant flora , temperate elements are more preponderant than the others at the two levels of genera and species , moreover , and endemic to china is lower .