
pín shuò
  • frequent and continuous;frequently


pín shù
  • frequency
频数 [pín shuò]
  • [frequently] 接连多次

  • 便归膏面染髭须,从今宴会应频数。--宋. 梅尧臣《和永叔内翰戏答》

  • 病人腹泻频数

频数[pín shù]
频数[pín shuò]
  1. 基因组k字频数普适关系的研究

    Research on the Universality of k-mer Frequency Distribution in Genomes

  2. 影响广西的热带气旋年频数的BP神经网络预测模型

    A BP neural network prediction model for the annual frequency of Tropical Cyclones Affecting Guangxi

  3. 秋雨频数。

    It rains incessantly in autumn .

  4. 采用EXcel统计软件进行频数分析、图表分析。

    Excel software statistical frequency analysis , chart analysis .

  5. 数据包络分析(DEA)得分频数分布为正偏态。

    The frequence distribution of the DEA scores is positive partial .

  6. 频数分析和Logistic回归分析结果基本符合肝硬化常见证候的证候特点。

    Frequency analysis and Logistic regression analysis results in line with cirrhosis common syndrome syndrome characteristics .

  7. 按频数段比较两组有心理或躯体不适者的构成,两组差别也无统计学显著意义(P>0.05)。

    Still no statistically significant differences were found in the frequencies of psychological and physical symptoms between the two groups ( p > 0.05 ) . b.

  8. 将数据分别录入计算机,用SPSS软件进行频数和百分率的统计。

    The data were inputted computer and calculated frequency and percentage by SPSS .

  9. 结果:郑州市汉族健康人群与DMCAD患者血清ArE/PON1活性频数均呈单峰正态分布;

    Results : Serum ArE / PON1 activity distributions in healthy group and DM-CAD group were all normal distribution .

  10. 基于频数直方图检测QRS波的新方法

    A New Approach to Detection of QRS Complexes Based on Histogram

  11. 在Excel表格中进行频数计算,运用频数对心力衰竭的中医证候及证候要素进行分析。

    Use of excel statistical software as calculation , use frequency of CHF of syndrome and syndrome factor analysis .

  12. 利用K邻域频数法对714SDN型多普勒天气雷达原始资料进行预处理,分析了参数的选取对处理结果的影响,得出了一些重要结论。

    A K-Neighborhood Frequency method is used to preprocess the Doppler weather radar data and its effect is analyzed , some significant conclusions are educed .

  13. 陆地棉×亚洲棉F0成胚频数与亲本主要产量性状配合力的关系

    Relationship Between the Rate of Embryo Formation in F_0 of Upland Cotton x Asiatic Cotton and the Combining Ability of Yield Characters of Parents

  14. 测验结果进行频数分布统计、t检验、方差分析、χ2检验和q检验。

    The results were dealt with frequency distribution statistics test , t-test , analysis of variance , χ 2 test and q test .

  15. 方法:对54所医疗机构收集到的472例ADR报告利用microsoftexcel电子表格进行频数分析。

    METHODS : Frequency analysis was performed on 472 ADR cases collected from 54 medical institutions by means of Microsoft Excel .

  16. 华南登陆台风频数的变化及其与ENSO事件的关系

    Variations of Annual Frequency of Landfall Typhoons in South China and Its Relation with ENSO

  17. 期望频数较小时Hardy-Weinberg平衡检验的确切概率计算

    Calculation of Exact Probability for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Test with Small Samples

  18. 在此基础上,对八面体并联机床的位姿误差进行了MonteCarlo模拟,给出了统计频数直方图。

    Based on it , the Monte Carlo simulation is implemented for the octahedron parallel machine tool , and then the statistical frequency histogram is given .

  19. OLR场对福建热带气旋频数影响的初步研究

    Preliminary analysis over OLR fields effecting YEAR-FREQUENCY of tropical cyclone abnormality in Fujian

  20. 空气质量为III级的发生频数不同城市有不同的季节性。除局地因素的影响外,邻近城市之间的相互输送是一个主要原因。

    III-air-quality occurrence frequency has not all the same seasonal changes for different cities owing to influence of local factors and transport of TSP among neighboring cities ;

  21. 球状颗粒大小的频数分布在AL一EFA和。LP各亚组分中呈单峰状,其它均呈双峰状。

    The size distributions of spheroidal particles presented single peak in AL-NEFA and a Lp subfractions , and double peaks in the others .

  22. 描述性分析采用频数分布、构成比等指标,统计学检验采用卡方检验和二分类非条件Logistic回归等。

    The indicators such as frequency distribution , proportion of constitution were used in descriptive analysis and the chi-square test and the classification of non-Conditional Logistic Regression , etc. in statistical tests .

  23. 目的:分析立体定向治疗过程及误差来源,建立立体定向治疗的QA内容及检查频数。

    Purpose : To analyse the X-ray stereotactic treatment process during which errors induced and to establish a QA program and its checking frequency .

  24. 方法联合应用Pearson相关分析、因子分析和逐步回归分析等方法,对我国火灾频数与社会经济因素的关系进行分析。

    Methods The relationship of fire injury with socioeconomic factors was analyzed with Pearson correlation analysis , factor analysis and stepwise regression analysis .

  25. 通过振动分析的虚频数和内禀反应坐标(IRC)计算,确认了反应涉及的每一个过渡态。

    Every transition state is confirmed by the numbers of virtual frequency and the intrinsic reaction coordinate ( IRC ) paths .

  26. 方法对符合中医头晕诊断标准者,填写中医证候调查表,采用SPSS统计软件对中医表征和证型做频数和百分比统计。

    Method Patients of vertigo need to fill a form about the symptoms of TCM , and then analyze the frequence and percentage of the symptoms and the syndromes with SPSS software .

  27. 计量资料采用x±s进行描述;计数资料用频数表示,并采用统计学方法分析糖尿病肾病临床证型的各分布频率,并分析肾功能与独立证型间的相关性。

    Measurement data use x ± s described ; Count material use frequency said . Using the statistical methods to analysis each frequency distribution of the syndrome types of DN , and the relationship between renal function and the syndrome types .

  28. 结果:常用114种心血管类药物中,用药频数最多的25种心血管类药物利用指数(DUI)多接近1。

    Result : The DUIs of twenty five kinds used at most in 114 kinds of the cardiovascular agents were near one .

  29. 结果1、结果显示枪击瞬时S组的VCT异常征象的频数均较M组多。

    The results showed that the frequency of abnormal CT signs of S group were more than M group at instantaneous trauma .

  30. 模糊综合决策模型分MA和MB两大类。由列联系数(ci),等级相关系数(di)和最大频数(∫i)构成模糊向量X;

    The authors divided the Fuzzy synthetic determinative model into two large sorts , i. e. M_A and M_B . The Fuzzy vectors X were composed of contingency coefficient ( c_i ) , grade relation coefficient ( d_i ) and the biggest frequency ( f_i ) .