
  • 网络FY-
  1. 介绍了风云一号D(FY1D)极轨气象卫星的主要技术参数和遥感仪器配置等总体组成概况。

    The general information of FY 1D polar orbiting meteorology satellite , including the major parameters and its remote sensing instrument , is presented in this paper .

  2. 风云一号极地轨道气象卫星发射窗口的计算与分析

    The Calculation and Analysis of the Launching Window of the FY & 1B Weather Satellite on the Polar Orbit

  3. 风云一号(B)卫星探测到的太阳质子事件

    Solar proton events observed by " fengyun 1 " ( fy-1 ) meteorological satellite

  4. 用地球磁场和重力场成功挽救风云一号(B)卫星的控制技术

    Technique of successful rescue of FY-1B meteorological satellite by using the geomagnetic field and the gravitational field

  5. 风云一号C星空间粒子成分探测器及SAA区粒子辐射实测分析

    The space particle composition detector aboard FY-1C satellite and analysis of particle radiation in South Atlantic anomaly

  6. 本文分析了在风云一号(B)气象卫星环境中各种粒子辐射在集成芯片临界体积中产生的能量沉积,即LET(线性能量传输);

    This paper analyses energy deposit in critical volumes of integrate chips , whi-ch produced by some radiated particles in Feng Yun-1 ( B ) satellite environment . That is called linear energy translation ( LET ) .

  7. 简要介绍了风云一号(FY1)C,D极轨气象卫星的运行情况。

    The orbital operation of FY-1 C , D polar orbiting meteorological satellite was briefly introduced in this paper .

  8. 对于中国发射的风云一号(FY-1)气象卫星,由于星载辐射计只有一个红外窗区通道能用于大气削弱订正,为此专门开发了单通道海面温度处理方法。

    But as the radiometer on the Chinese FY-1 satellite has only one infrared window channel , Satellite Meteorology Center has to develop a statistical estimation method .

  9. 阐述了我国对气象卫星的需求,以及我国已发射的风云一号(FY1)极轨气象卫星和风云二号(FY2)静止气象卫星的概况、主要载荷、性能和某些应用情况。

    The requirements for meteorology satellite in China are also discussed . And then the general information , including main load , performance and some application of the developed FY 1 polar meteorology satellite and FY 2 stationary meteorology satellite in China is described .

  10. 风云一号气象卫星地面应用系统

    Introduction to FY-1 METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE data receiving and processing system

  11. 风云一号扫描辐射计红外辐射定标系统

    Infrared Radiation Calibration System for the Scanning Radiometer of Meteorological Satellite FY-1

  12. 风云一号气象卫星海洋水色的遥感试验

    Ocean color remote sensing experiment on FY-1 METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE

  13. 风云一号气象卫星星载天线隔离技术

    Isolation Technology of On-board Antenna for FY-1 Meteorological Satellite

  14. 第一颗气象卫星“风云一号”

    The First Meteorological Satellites " Feng Yun No.l "

  15. 本文主要研究风云一号接收系统载波恢复及系统实现。

    This paper mainly studies carrier recovery and system implementation in FY-1 receiving system .

  16. 风云一号卫星红外通道定标精度的检验

    A test of the accuracy of calibration for infrared channels of the FY-1 satellite

  17. 风云一号卫星的遥感图像传输系统

    Remote Sensing Picture Transmission System on FY-1

  18. 风云一号气象卫星用辐射致冷系统

    Radiant cooler system for FY-1 METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE

  19. 太阳电池阵是风云一号气象卫星的关键设备之一,卫星入轨后太阳电池阵从收拢状态展开成工作状态,成为卫星的发电厂。

    The solar array is one of the key equipments for the Wind-Cloud I satellite .

  20. 风云一号气象卫星简介

    A brief introduction on FY-1 METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITE

  21. 风云一号气象卫星的甚高分辨率数字云图发射机

    The High Resolution Picture Transmitter on FY-1

  22. 中国的第一颗极地轨道试验型气象卫星&风云一号

    China 's First Polar Experimental Meteorological Satellite-FY-1

  23. 风云一号试验气象卫星

    TESTING The FY-1 Experimental Meteorological Satellite

  24. 甚高分辨率数字云图发射机是风云一号气象卫星上的重要设备。

    The High Resolution Picture Transmitter is one of the major instrumentation on FY-1 Meteorological Satellite .

  25. 风云一号气象卫星姿态控制系统采用了三轴稳定对地定向的主动控制方案。

    The three axis stabilized Earth oriented attitude control system adopted by FY 1 meteorological satellites represents an active control concept .

  26. 风云一号天线反射板采用碳纤维/铝蜂窝夹层结构表面粘贴铝箔的结构形式。

    The antenna baffle_board of FY-1 weather satellite is made of Carbon fiber / Aluminum honeycomb sandwich on whose surface the Aluminum foil is sticking .

  27. 这颗命名为“风云一号”的气象卫星,是在我国太原卫星发射中心,用“长征四号”运载火箭发射的。

    This named " Fengyun No. 1 " meteorological satellite was launched by " Long March No. 4 " carrier rocket at China 's Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center .

  28. 甚高分辨率扫描辐射计是风云一号试验气象卫星上的主要探测仪器,本文介绍了它的探测原理、仪器结构、信息处理、轨道运行性能及获取的图像质量情况。

    This paper describes the detective principles , instrument construction , information processing , operational performance in orbit and picture quality of the Very High Reso-lution Scanning Radiometer on FY-1 Meteorological Satellite .

  29. 本文对风云一号卫星的磁强计测量数据与标准地磁模型计算结果进行了平静期吻合性的比较。

    This article gives the comparisons between the magnetometer measurement data of FY-1D satellite and IGRF result in calm period . This improved mixing dielectric model yields an excellent fit to measured data .

  30. 本文阐述了风云一号卫星遥感图像传输系统的任务,系统组成,方案特点与性能,在轨工作简况及传输图像质量。

    This paper describes the task , composition , characteristics and function of the re-mote sensing picture transmission system on FY-1 Meteorological Satellite . The work-ing condition in orbit and the quality of picture transmission are also introduced .