
  • 网络Storm Center;the eye of the storm;storm cell
  1. 当时,欧洲银行业已处在风暴中心。幸运的是,欧洲央行有一位经验丰富的危机管理者担任其行长。

    With Europe 's banks already then in the eye of the storm , the ECB was fortunate to have an experienced crisis manager as president .

  2. SCIT算法可以识别强风暴中心,能将风暴单体从风暴簇中分离出来。

    The SCIT algorithm can identify the strong storm center and isolate storm cell in a cluster of storms .

  3. 而国际货币基金组织(imf)正发现自己肩负着一项新的使命:保护那些处于风暴中心外围的国家。

    And the International Monetary Fund is finding a new mission in protecting countries at the periphery from the storm at the centre .

  4. 跟LePainQuotidien一样,风险源头通常存在于风暴中心的外部。

    As with Le pain Quotidien , the source of the risk often resides outside the organization that is most affected .

  5. 在接下去的理性主义与SSK的交锋中,强纲领自然成为了这场争论的风暴中心。

    Unification of fields It was natural that the " strong program " became the storm core of the following debate between the nationalism and the SSK .

  6. 不过,正如Sikka指出的那样,印度目前还不能从风暴中心“眼”中获取数据,而那是决定飓风运动的关键。

    But as Sikka points out , India cannot yet collect data from the central'eye'of the storm , and that 's what dictates a cyclone 's movement .

  7. 今天晚些时候风暴中心可能临近南卡罗莱纳州海岸。

    The storm center could be near the South Carolina coast late today .

  8. 简单的解决办法就如风暴中心的光亮,梅林。

    An easy solution is like a light in a storm , Merlin .

  9. 风暴中心会被立刻气化吗?

    Would the storm cell be immediately vaporized ?

  10. 气象预报说,风暴中心目前位于密西西比北部,正在向东北方向移动。

    Forecasters say the storm is now centered in northern mississippi , and moving northeast .

  11. 日本离风暴中心如此之远,为何会受到如此强烈的冲击?

    Why should japan , so far from the storm 's centre , have been hit so hard ?

  12. 现在,预期周六风暴中心将位于百慕大群岛和美国东部之间。

    Now the storm center is expected to move between the island territory and the eastern US on Saturday .

  13. 与此同时,处于经济危机风暴中心的金融行业仍在裁减数千员工。

    Meanwhile , at the center of the economic crisis , financial companies continue to lay off thousands of workers .

  14. 处于当前风暴中心的许多金融家辩称,这些事件非常重大,这或许并不令人感到惊奇。

    Many of the financiers at the heart of the current storm argue perhaps unsurprisingly that the events are highly significant .

  15. 这就是他们的工作&驾驶轮船穿过大海,进入风暴中心。

    This was their work - to move the ship over the high sea and into the very eye of the wind .

  16. 人们认为融解热的释放可以改变气压梯度,结果减小风暴中心附近的破坏性风力。

    Release of the heat of fusion is believed to alter the pressure gradient in such a way as to diminish the destructive winds near the storm center .

  17. 但是,(这个)风暴中心发生冲突的影响,将是深远的,否则,寻常的压力不足以给中国南部水域和边界,以及其它东南亚国家带来什么影响。

    But the impact of a conflict over a storm-tossed and otherwise unremarkable stretch of water south of China and bordered by most South East Asian states would be far-reaching .

  18. 正当到处都在谈论富裕国家所遭受的这场自大萧条以来最严重的金融危机时,新兴国家们似乎还远离着风暴中心。

    Even as talk mounted of the rich world suffering its worst financial collapse since the Depression , emerging economies seemed a long way from the centre of the storm .

  19. 在一些经济复苏势头强劲的国家,如新兴发展中国家和一些远离金融风暴中心的经济强国,行动计划清晰明了。

    The course of action is clear when the recovery is robust , as it is in big emerging markets and rich countries far from the centre of the financial crisis .

  20. 电视上那些狂热的暴风追逐者们深知无法从龙卷风中逃脱,他们会尽量离风暴中心远一点,避其锋芒。

    Most crazy storm chasers that you see on TV know well enough not to try to outrun a twister . They just try to stay far enough away from a tornado to avoid its wrath .

  21. 结果表明,风暴中心的模拟路径与实况路径虽有一定误差,但总趋势均向东北方向移动,表明模式对本个例的模拟预报可以参考;

    The results show that the there are certain errors between the simulated track of storm center and the observed one , but both the total tend is moving northeastward and the simulated results can be referenced .

  22. “你不能鼓吹道德我们完全可以聘请一位牧师,”塞耶茨教授表示,“我们希望邀请一位曾经处于风暴中心的人。”

    " You cannot preach ethics we might as well bring in a priest , " Prof seijts says . " We wanted to bring in someone who has been in the centre of the storm . "

  23. “他们正处于风暴中心,很难预测这些事情以后将会变成怎样。”一位来自也门巴尔的摩汤森大学的专家查尔斯说道。

    " They 're really in the eye of the hurricane , and it 's very hard to predict where events will go now ," said Charles Schmitz , a Yemen specialist at Towson University in Baltimore .

  24. 周日下午当风暴中心移上陆地时,安得拉邦出现了短暂的平静,但官员们警告居民不要认为风暴已经停止,之后风力再次加大到最初的强度。

    There was a brief lull in the storm in Andhra Pradesh on Sunday afternoon as the eye of the cyclone moved over land , but officials warned residents not to think that the storm had passed , and winds increased again to close to their initial levels .

  25. 虽然这个现象的成因还没有完全弄清楚,科学家们还是利用流体动力学解释了这一现象。实验研究表明,当风暴中心的旋转速度比气外围快时,风暴就会开始形成边缘;

    While the phenomenon is still not fully explained , scientists have several ideas that help explain exactly what is going on using " fluid dynamics . " Lab experiments have shown that in a fluid where the center is spinning faster than the outer sides , turbulence starts to create edges .

  26. 问题一。你一直处于一个媒体风暴的中心。

    You have been at the heart of a media-storm .

  27. 穿过对流层以进入风暴的中心。

    Over the troposphere into the eye of the storm .

  28. 而这场风暴的中心竟是无毒贝类生物--蚬。

    And it all centers on the innocuous shellfish - the pipi .

  29. 其中,中国将处于这场风暴的中心。

    Among others , China will be in the eye of this storm .

  30. 是你被云雾环绕,围困在风暴的中心?

    Have the clouds'round you , gathered in the midst of a storm ?