
  • 网络rubella vaccine;MMR
  1. 国产BRDⅡ株风疹疫苗免疫效果观察

    Study on the Immune Effect of Domestic BRD ⅱ Strain of Rubella Vaccine

  2. 国产BRDⅡ株风疹疫苗起始免疫月龄的血清学研究

    A Serological Study on the Immunization Schedule at First Dose of Domestic BRD ⅱ Strain Rubella Vaccine

  3. 婴幼儿接种国产BRDⅡ株风疹疫苗后免疫持久性观察

    An observation of the immuno persistence after inoculating with the domestic BRD ⅱ strain rubella vaccine among infants and young children

  4. BRD-2株冻干风疹疫苗的反应性及免疫原性观察

    Immunogenicity and Adverse Reaction of Freeze-dried Rubella Vaccine Prepared with Strain BRD-2

  5. 结论应用风疹疫苗进行预防接种是控制风疹流行和预防先天性风疹综合征(CRS)的有效办法,尽快制定风疹疫苗免疫策略十分必要。

    Conclusion Rubella vaccine immunization is the useful method to control the prevalence of rubella and to prevent the congenital rubella syndrome ( CRS ), so it is very essential to set up the immunization program of rubella vaccine as soon as possible .

  6. 用冻干风疹疫苗免疫8~11月、1岁、2~3岁儿童,免疫后各年龄组抗体阳转率和GMRT的差异也无统计学意义。

    Comparison of antibody positive seroconversion rates and GMRTs in 8 ~ 11 months , 1 year and 2 ~ 3 years of age groups inoculated cryodesiccation form rubella vaccine also showed no statistical difference .

  7. 国产风疹疫苗的近期和远期效果评价

    Short and long term effects of rubella vaccine made in China

  8. 从单价风疹疫苗到改用流行性腮腺炎、麻疹和风疹三联疫苗

    Switch from rubella vaccine to mumps , measles and rubella vaccine

  9. 不同年龄人群对风疹疫苗的免疫应答研究

    Immune Response of Rubella Vaccine in the Populations with Different Age Groups

  10. 为儿童接种抗风疹疫苗的试验计画。

    A pilot scheme to vaccinate children against German measles .

  11. 开展风疹疫苗应急接种是控制风疹流行最有效的措施。

    Emergent immunization of rubella vaccine was the effective measure to control rubella outbreak .

  12. 风疹疫苗及其联合免疫效果的研究

    The effects of rubella vaccine and combined immunization

  13. 免疫战略咨询专家组强调,各国在为人群接种麻疹疫苗的同时也应当开展风疹疫苗接种。

    SAGE emphasized that countries vaccinating their populations against measles , should also be vaccinating against rubella .

  14. 学龄前儿童风疹疫苗基础免疫估算接种率约为60%,学龄儿童约为20%。

    The estimated coverage of rubella vaccine for pre-school children was about 60 % but only 20 % were for school children .

  15. 虽然接种风疹疫苗在高收入和中等收入国家具有成本效益,但免疫战略咨询专家组建议,对于低收入国家的成本效益研究正在进行之中。

    While cost-effectiveness for rubella vaccination is clear for high and middle-income countries , SAGE recommended that cost-effectiveness studies for low-income countries be undertaken .

  16. 冻干风疹疫苗应急接种后,2周内即可控制疫情,疫苗保护率78.88%。

    Rubella epidemic situation was controlled in 2 weeks after emergent vaccination with cryodesiccation from rubella vaccine , protective rate of vaccine was 78 88 % .

  17. 原发性扩张型心肌病与陈旧性心肌梗塞的动态心电图分析方法观察风疹疫苗接种后临床反应,抗体动态变化和发病情况。

    Methods Observation on clinical reaction , antibody dynamic change and situation of disease after administration of BRD ⅱ strain live attenuated Rubella vaccine were carried out .

  18. 在实验室里,它们能在不同的热带温度下使麻疹,腮腺炎及风疹疫苗保持稳定,长达六个多月。

    In the lab , they were able to stabilize the measles , mumps and rubella vaccine for more than 6 months at a variety of tropical temperatures .

  19. 一些活疫苗,比如口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗;黄热病疫苗;麻疹,腮腺炎和风疹疫苗并不含硫柳汞,因为后者会杀死免疫成分。

    Live vaccines , such as oral poliovirus vaccine ; yellow fever vaccine ; and measles , mumps and rubella vaccines , do not contain thiomersal , because it would kill the immunizing component .

  20. 鉴于上述结果及我国现行的儿童计划免疫程序,作者建议国产风疹疫苗的起始免疫月龄定为儿童出生后8月龄接种为宜。

    Taking these results together with the current vaccine immunization schedule for expanded programme on immunization ( EPI ) in China into consideration , the author recommended that the immunization schedule at first vaccination for BRD ⅱ strain rubella vaccine should be started at 8 month olds .

  21. 目的分析山东省自1995年开始实施儿童风疹疫苗免疫后风疹发病年龄的变化趋势。方法对1999-2004年通过麻疹疫情专报系统得到的风疹疫情资料以及风疹疫苗接种情况进行分析。

    Objective To analyze the changing of age patterns among rubella patients after implementing rubella vaccine immunization to children in Shandong province since 1995 . Methods Epidemiologic data on rubella through surveillance system for suspected measles from 1999 to 2004 and data on rubella vaccination were used and analyzed .

  22. 结论为加速控制麻疹,继续探索提高0~7月龄儿童麻疹免疫水平和外来儿童两剂次MV(含麻疹、流行性腮腺炎、风疹联合疫苗)接种率的策略。

    Conclusion To control measles , further research is needed to develop strategy on how to enhance measles immunity of infants aged 0-7 months and two times vaccinations in floating children and properly advance immunity programmed of measles .

  23. 无证据表明麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹三联疫苗与步态不稳相关

    No evidence of an association between MMR vaccine and gait disturbance

  24. 冻干风疹活疫苗生产工艺研究

    Studies on the production process for lyophilized live rubella vaccine

  25. 麻疹-风疹联合疫苗的安全性和免疫原性观察

    Observation on Safety and Immunogenicity of Measles-rubella Combined Vaccine

  26. 国产麻疹流行性腮腺炎风疹联合疫苗初免效果及免疫程序探讨

    Investigation on Immunogenicity and Immunization Procedure of China-made Live Attenuated Measles-mumps-rubella Combined Vaccine

  27. 麻疹流行性腮腺炎风疹联合疫苗2剂免疫的效果观察

    Observation on Immunization Effectivity of 2 Doses of Combined Measles , Mumps , Rubella Vaccine

  28. 结论试制RA27/3株风疹活疫苗,质量及热稳定性良好。

    Conclusions The quality and stability of the live RA27 / 3 rubella vaccine prepared were tested to be safe and reliable .

  29. 这份研究发表在12年前,声称自闭症和预防腮腺炎,麻疹和风疹的疫苗之间存在联系。

    The study , published twelve years ago , suggested a link between autism and the vaccine against mumps , measles and rubella .

  30. 有一个臭名远扬的例子:去年《柳叶刀》撤销了一篇论文,该论文声称自闭症与麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹三联疫苗有内在关联。

    In a notorious case , the Lancet last year retracted a study claiming a link between autism and the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine & 12 years after it was published .