
  • 网络Risk Contagion;contagion risk
  1. 此外,中国银监会(CBRC)正在制定一项规定,将要求在商业银行与其控股股东之间、以及商业银行与其非银行业分支机构之间建立防火墙,以防止风险蔓延。

    On top of that , the China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) is developing a regulation that would require firewalls to be established between commercial banks and their controlling shareholders and between commercial banks and their non-banking subsidiaries , in order to prevent risk contagion .

  2. 中国经济硬着陆将对全球产生影响的第三个方式是通过风险蔓延,即信心丧失的现象伴随着难以预料的后果蔓延。

    The third way that a hard landing in China would affect the world is through market contagion , when a loss of confidence spreads with unforeseen consequences .

  3. 不过与其像2008年那样?了应对全球经济滑坡而释放一波新增信贷,中国不如依靠小规模救助计划,正如李昌镛所说的微创手术,来防范金融风险蔓延。

    But rather than unleash a wave of new credit as China did in 2008 to offset a global slowdown , China should rely on small remedies - ' micro-surgery ' as Mr. Rhee put it - to stem financial contagion .

  4. 为了保证高等学校的健康、正常发展和金融的安全运行,必须要有效控制高等学校贷款风险的蔓延与进一步升级。

    In order to ensure the healthy development of higher education and their financial security , something must be done to prevent the loan risks from increasing .

  5. 现在流行的观点都是认为“不拯救雷曼”是错误的,加速了金融风险多米诺式蔓延和金融体系系统性“倒塌”,美国应该“事无巨细”地拯救所有金融机构和企业。

    Now popular views deem it wrong not to have saved the later , because the action accelerated the domino-style spread of financial crisis and the " tumble " of financial system .

  6. 如您在本迭代旅行的简单实例中所见到的,对于软件风险、特性蔓延、超出控制的未预料的崩溃,和恢复计划,我们遇到了相似的事件。

    As you can see in this simple example of iterative traveling , we 've encountered similar events to software risks , feature creep , unexpected breakdowns beyond our control , and recovery plans .

  7. 另外,全球化造成的国际银行业竞争的格局,使得银行风险在全球蔓延和传播,2008年全球金融危机就是最好的例子,事实证明了银行业监管国际协作的重要性。

    Furthermore , the competitive order of the international banking caused by the globalization makes the banking risk spreads through the global . The crisis in 2008 is a good example . The fact proves the importance of international cooperation in banking regulation .

  8. 城市区域地震次生火灾风险评估及火蔓延模拟

    Post-earthquake Fire Risk Assessment and Fire Spread Modeling in Urban Area

  9. 私人风险的发生和蔓延,转化成为公共风险,最终带来负债风险。

    Occurrence and extension of the personal risk can be transformed into public risk and then debt risk .

  10. 由于新型农村合作医疗各利益相关方在对自身利益最大化的追求过程中的博弈,加上新农合制度本身监管机制的不完善,导致道德风险的生成和蔓延。

    Various benefit related sides in New Rural Cooperatives Medical System aim to maximize their own benefit as well as the supervisory of the system is not imperfect , which cause the growth and spread of moral hazard .

  11. 金融衍生产品交易的高杠杆性和高关联性使得许多投机者可以仅用少量资金就可以在金融市场上制造较大的风险,并使风险迅速蔓延和扩大。

    The trait of high leverage and high relevance of financial derivatives transaction permit many speculators to make by only a small amount of funds great risks and have the risks spread and expanded rapidly .

  12. 一旦交易失败风险暴露会带来多米诺骨牌效应,风险的迅速蔓延会让金融业乃至国家经济承担巨大的代价。

    Once the transaction fails , the risks it produce would bring domino effect , the spreading of these risks could make finance sector and the state bear a high price .