
  • 网络venture capital fund
  1. 他们可以直接投资一个风险资本基金。

    They could instead invest money directly in a venture capital fund .

  2. 出于税收方面的考虑,该风险资本基金在百幕大以有限合伙的机制建立。

    The venture capital fund was structured as a Bermuda limited partnership for tax reasons .

  3. 一位资深官员称,富兰克林邓普顿投资(franklintempletoninvestments)创始人兼董事长查尔斯约翰逊(charlesjohnson)8月底在天津与有关方面探讨了其公司可能参与建立风险资本基金的方式。

    Charles Johnson , the founder and chairman of Franklin Templeton Investments , was in Tianjin in late August to discuss ways in which his firm could be involved in establishing the VC funds , according to a senior officials .

  4. 支持新军的风险资本基金毫无收益却任大受追捧。

    Venture-capital funds , which back start-up companies and pay no income , were hugely popular .

  5. 减少温室气体风险资本基金

    Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Venture Capital Fund

  6. 苟利军坚称,滨海新区还将欢迎外国风险资本基金“与中方进行合作”。

    Mr Gou insisted Binhai would also welcome foreign venture capital funds " in collaboration with Chinese partners " .

  7. 此外,有需要的幼稚园学生也有资格根据幼稚园学费减免计划申请减免学费。减少温室气体风险资本基金

    Needy kindergarten pupils are eligible for tuition fee remission through the Kindergarten Fee Remission Scheme . Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Venture Capital Fund

  8. 对于学校而言,此项投资补足了学校的其他投资。目前,学校投资的对象涉及公共发行的股票、风险资本基金、房地产等各个领域,投资规模超过200亿美元。

    For the university , the dealmaking complements more than $ 20 billion it already has invested in everything from public stocks to venture capital funds to real estate .

  9. 中国监管机构上月签发新规,允许保险公司投资于风险资本基金,潜在向该行业注入新一波资金。

    Chinese regulators signed off on new rules last month allowing insurance companies to invest in venture capital funds , potentially unleashing a fresh wave of funding into the sector .

  10. 这三家集团都属于世界上最大的二级私人股本市场专业投资者。在这个市场上,投资者交易的是收购基金和风险资本基金的二手股权。

    The three groups are among the world 's biggest specialist investors in the secondary private equity market , in which second-hand interests in buy-out and venture capital funds are traded by investors .

  11. 从1980年到去年年底,所有风险资本基金的终身平均内部回报率为5.5%,而全部收购型公司的内部回报率为14.4%。

    The average internal rate of return over the life of all venture capital funds since 1980 until the end of last year was 5.5 per cent , against 14.4 per cent for all buyout firms .

  12. 在过去的十年里风险资本和私募基金经历了激剧的增长。

    Over the past decades the Venture Capital and Private Equity industry has registered a sharp increase .

  13. 第四类中国企业是由地方政府投资的,其资金通常来自市级国有风险资本或私募股权基金。

    A fourth flavour of Chinese firm is fuelled by investment by local government , often through municipally owned venture-capital or private-equity funds .

  14. 风险资本和私人股本基金都是企业集团的形式——它们代表外部人士投资广泛的业务领域,外部人士则相信这类基金拥有出色的专业知识。

    Venture capital and private equity funds are both forms of conglomerate - they invest capital in a broad portfolio of businesses on behalf of outsiders who believe that such funds possess superior expertise .

  15. 处置完上述两块业务,雷曼通过选择出售一些包括美国和欧洲商业银行业务、风险资本和房地产基金在内的私人股本业务,在市场上解冻另一层资金以偿还债务。

    With that taken care of , Lehman is now in the market to unlock another layer of funds to repay creditors by selling selected pieces of its private equity business , including its US and European merchant banking , venture capital and real estate funds .