
  • 网络risk prevention mechanism
  1. 体育产业法律风险防范机制构建研究

    Construction of Legal Risk Prevention Mechanism on the Sports Industry

  2. 京郊农村资金互助社的风险防范机制研究

    Study on the Risk Prevention Mechanism of the Rural Mutual Cooperatives in the Suburb of Beijing

  3. 本文针对ERP实施过程进行分析,以找到文化影响ERP实施的证据,以及影响实施的文化元素、被影响的实施要素和环节,在此基础上建立ERP实施的文化风险防范机制。

    This paper analyzes the ERP implementing procedure , in order to find out the proofs of exist influence , and to find what and how influences the implementation . At this basis we found the culture risk preventing system of ERP implementation .

  4. 网上拍卖的风险防范机制及其发展研究

    Online Auction of Risk Prevention Mechanisms and the Development of Research

  5. 建立国有商业银行的风险防范机制;

    The mechanism against risk of setting up the state-run commercial bank ;

  6. 中国个人抵押贷款风险防范机制分析&建立我国个人住房抵押贷款风险防范机制的探讨

    The Analysis of Preventing Risk in Residential Mortgage in China

  7. 企业并购下的审计风险防范机制研究

    Research on Audit Risk Prevention in the Merger and Acquisition

  8. 助学贷款的风险防范机制研究

    Study on Risk-prevention Mechanism of Student Loan

  9. 健全信贷风险防范机制;

    Take precautions against the credit risk ;

  10. 从万事达卡事件看信用卡风险防范机制

    On Mechanism of Risk Prevention of the Credit Card from the Case of Master Card

  11. 建立风险防范机制,提高抵御外部冲击能力;

    It should also establish risk defend and alarm mechanism to make up the foreign shocks .

  12. 第二部分,重点分析了廉政风险防范机制建设的理论基础&风险管理理论。

    The second part , analyzes the risk guard mechanism construction theory , risk management theory .

  13. 谈地勘单位应收账款风险防范机制的建立

    Discussion on the Establishment of Mechanism for Risk Prevention of Accounts Receivable in Geological Prospecting Unit

  14. 市场参与者应建立、健全相应的内部管理制度和风险防范机制。

    The market participants shall establish and improve the corresponding internal management systems and risk prevention mechanism .

  15. 在利率市场化条件下构建商业银行的利率风险防范机制

    Establishing a rate risk control mechanism for commercial banks in the context of marketization of interest rates

  16. 最后,需要建立和完善管理监督体系、风险防范机制和发放监督制度。

    Finally , we must establish perfect supervision system , preventive risk system and release supervision system .

  17. 文章对其地方公债的发行管理、运作模式和风险防范机制进行了探讨。

    The article discussed on its local bond issuance management , mode of operation and risk prevention mechanism .

  18. 另外,还要建立健全海外投资法律风险防范机制。

    Moreover , we should establish and set up mechanism guard against the law risk of overseas investment .

  19. 本文的研究,试图为我国商业银行人员型操作风险防范机制的设计提供思路借鉴。

    This study , an attempt to offer reference ideas for prevent commercial banks ' people-based operational risk .

  20. 当时没有现代商业活动的风险防范机制和现代金融制度。

    The risk without modern business activity took precautions against the mechanism and modern monetary system at that time .

  21. 另外银行还要加快建立一些配套机制,如风险防范机制和收费账户监管机制。

    Moreover , the banks are also required to establish some mechanisms to prevent risk and supervise the charging account .

  22. 建立法律风险防范机制,对企业运作中可能出现或者已经出现的法律风险进行事先预防、事中化解和事后处理显得十分必要。

    The establishment of a legal risk prevention mechanism is necessary for the existing and potential legal risks in business operation .

  23. 内部控制作为企业的风险防范机制和治理机制对于企业和投资者的意义重大。

    As the mechanism for corporate governance and risk prevention , Internal control has most significance to all companies and investors .

  24. 为了保证联盟的稳定性,第三方担保机制可应用于建筑企业联盟风险防范机制的构建。

    To ensure the stability of the alliances , Third-party guarantee mechanism is a suitable choice which is adopted on alliances .

  25. 但由于个人信用制度的短缺,我国助学贷款的顺利发放还需要有有效的风险防范机制。

    But because of the shortage of personal credit system , it must have the risk countermeasure to grantee the loan .

  26. 笔者还设计了三种粮食价格定量调控模型,并对构建粮食价格风险防范机制提出了建议。

    This thesis designs three kinds of grain price quantitative regulating models and puts forwards some suggestions for constructing grain price risk preventing mechanism .

  27. 最后,我们需要完善风险防范机制,出台国家助学贷款相关法律和建立完备的个人信用法律制度,双管齐下,尽量将风险防患于未然。

    Finally , we need to perfect the risk control mechanism , make some student loan related laws and establish a complete personal credit system .

  28. 建立以人为本的风险防范机制和健全财务风险预警管理体制,使高校各项经济活动严格按照财务法规有序规范运作。

    Meanwhile , set up risk control mechanism and warning management system , and let every economic activity to carry out by finance regulations properly .

  29. 加强信用销售管理,除有赖于社会整体信用环境的好转外,更重要的是企业内部要建立信用风险防范机制。

    Besides to rely on normal credit condition for whole society , it 's more important to build the system keeping credit risk away in enterprises .

  30. 相反,我们认为,银行业务的操作离不开人,对人员型操作风险防范机制的研究具有重要意义。

    On the contrary , we believe that the operation of banking business is inseparable from who for personnel-based operational risk prevention mechanism of great significance .