
fēng xiǎn
  • risk;hazard;danger;chance
风险 [fēng xiǎn]
  • [risk;hazard] 危险;遭受损失、伤害、不利或毁灭的可能性

  • 担风险

风险[fēng xiǎn]
  1. 似乎应该警告你有风险。

    It seems only right to warn you of the risk .

  2. 戒烟会减少得心脏病的风险。

    Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease .

  3. 对无风险意识的人而言,股票市场充满了陷阱。

    The stock market is full of traps for the unwary .

  4. 应该让人人都知道其中的风险。

    Everybody should be made aware of the risks involved .

  5. 他们甘冒风险,把这当成工作的一部分。

    They accept the risks as part of the job .

  6. 我认真权衡了这个计划的优点和有关的风险。

    I weighed the benefits of the plan against the risks involved .

  7. 高脂肪饮食与增加心脏病发作的风险密切相关。

    A high-fat diet correlates with a greater risk of heart disease .

  8. 估定承保的风险永远不会成为一门精确的科学。

    Assessing insurance risk can never be an exact science .

  9. 合同规定了雇主与承包人分担的风险。

    The contract defines the apportionment of risks between employer and contractor .

  10. 我们的保单全面承保火灾及盗窃风险。

    Our policy offers complete protection against fire and theft .

  11. 如果超出了透支限额,就有被银行加收费用的风险。

    You risk incurring bank charges if you exceed your overdraft limit .

  12. 他多小的风险也不想冒。

    He wanted to take no risks , however small .

  13. 所冒的风险极小。

    There 's only a minimal amount of risk involved .

  14. 我认为宁可过于谨慎也不要冒风险。

    I thought it was better to err on the side of caution .

  15. 贵重物品需看管,否则风险自负。

    Valuables are left at their owner 's risk .

  16. 整桩买卖化为泡影的风险仍然存在。

    There is still a risk that the whole deal will fall through .

  17. 任何商业投资都包含一定的风险因素。

    Any business venture contains an element of risk .

  18. 健康的风险是无法用数量表示的。

    The risks to health are impossible to quantify .

  19. 投资这么多会有风险。

    It would be hazardous to invest so much .

  20. 由于已有了五次索赔要求,他现在是一位风险很大的被保险人。

    With five previous claims , he 's now a bad insurance risk .

  21. 他以自己稳定的财政作赌注去做风险这么大的交易是错误的。

    It was wrong to venture his financial security on such a risky deal .

  22. 任何投资都有一定的风险。

    Any investment involves an element of risk .

  23. 作为一项格斗运动,空手道有受伤的风险。

    Being a combat sport , karate carries with it the risk of injury .

  24. 看得出,有的组风险大,有的组风险小。

    It can be seen that certain groups are more at risk than others .

  25. 我们完全清楚所面临的种种风险。

    We are starkly aware of the risks .

  26. 创业时过分依赖某一个客户是有风险的。

    Heavy reliance on one client is risky when you are building up a business .

  27. 投资就是要冒风险。

    Investment is all about running risks .

  28. 没有接触传染的风险。

    There is no risk of contagion .

  29. 他甘冒风险,因为他觉得值。

    He took a calculated risk .

  30. 我们也许可以将这些资料托付给她,但实在不值得去担这样的风险。

    We could probably trust her with the information but it 's just not worth the risk .