
  • 网络Risk Tolerance;Risk tolerate
  1. 基金投资管理中的风险容忍度方法探讨

    On The Risk Tolerance Method In The Mutual Fund Investment Management

  2. 风险容忍度较好地反映了投资者的风险&回报偏好。

    The level of risk tolerance indicates the investor 's risk & return preference effectively .

  3. 二者雄性的风险容忍度均低于雌性。

    Males of both species had lower willingness to tolerate risk to themselves than females .

  4. 风险容忍度的估算与求解水稻耐锌程度研究

    The estimation and solution of the level of risk tolerance Studies on Rice Tolerance Zinc Degree

  5. 线性风险容忍度效用下线性跳跃扩散过程的零息债券均衡定价

    Equilibrium pricing for zero coupon bond when the representative 's utility shows linear risk tolerance under the linear jump diffusion processes

  6. 它注重安全性与收益性的统一,规模大、流动性需求低、风险容忍度高。

    It centers on safety and unified of benefits . It also is large-scale low demand liquidity and high tolerance of risk .

  7. 本文分析了基金投资管理的基本过程以及两种基本策略,并在此基础上提出了风险容忍度的概念及估计方法。

    This article analyzes the processes and two strategies of mutual fund , presenting the concept and estimating the method of risk tolerance .

  8. 因此,如果你的风险容忍度适中,且希望获得高水平的收益,那么这种基金非常适合。

    This type of fund is therefore suitable if you have a moderate to high risk tolerance and want a high level of income .

  9. 包括卡内曼博士在内,行为经济学的学者曾尝试理出个人及投资者的风险容忍度和决策不断变化背后的因素。

    Scholars of behavioral economics , including Dr. Kahneman , have attempted to tease out the factors behind individuals ' and investors ' shifting risk tolerances and decisions .

  10. 首先提出用风险容忍度这一实际和近似的方法确定投资目标,代替寻找投资者的无差异曲线;

    At first , this paper presents that the level of risk tolerance is a practical and approximate method to make investment objective , which can replace the finding of investor 's indifference curve .

  11. 《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法》(glass-steagallact)的废除,加上货币的贬值以及对更高风险的容忍度,都导致了当前局势。

    The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act , coupled with cheap money and tolerance for ever greater risk , led to this situation .

  12. 她说,“我们越经常踏出我们感觉踏实的地带,我们对风险的容忍度就会越高。”

    The more often we step out of our comfort zone , the more we build our tolerance for risk-taking , ' she says .

  13. 她说,我们越经常踏出我们感觉踏实的地带,我们对风险的容忍度就会越高。

    ' The more often we step out of our comfort zone , the more we build our tolerance for risk-taking , ' she says .

  14. 在阐述建筑欠薪风险的容忍度概念之后,运用定性和定量相结合的方法对建筑欠薪风险进行评估。

    Wages in the construction of the concept of risk tolerance , the use of a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to assess the risk of the construction of Wages .

  15. 他表示,野村具有一种纯粹的本土文化,这种文化基于日本终身雇佣的传统,表现为对公司极其忠诚、决策缓慢、以及对风险的容忍度低。

    Nomura has a completely domestic culture , he says , one based on Japanese customs of lifetime employment , and where company loyalty is strong , decision-making is slow and tolerance for risk is low .

  16. 您必须具有管理风险的能力,从而理解并且保持对风险的容忍度。

    You must have some ability to manage risk , to understand when you are over-exposed , and to stay within your tolerance for risk .

  17. 然而在风险补偿模型中,投资者可以控制风险,根据自己不同的风险容忍度和未来预期选择最优的租赁策略。

    Different from this method , the investor can control his own undertaken risk and choose the optimal online leasing strategy according to his own risk tolerance and forecast in the risk-reward model .