
fēnɡ xiǎn qǐ yè
  • venture enterprise
  1. 若1≤Sr<2,则风险企业情况一般;

    If 1 < Sr < 2 , it shows the venture enterprise common ;

  2. IPO对于风险企业来说,可以保持风险企业的独立性还可获得在证券市场上持续融资的渠道。

    For venture enterprise , lOP can ensure the independence of venture enterprise and acquire sustainable financing channel in stock market .

  3. 分析结果表明,无论风险企业是否达到IPO退出条件,风险投资家和风险企业之间是否签订回购协议以及回购协议中约定的违约费用的大小是影响博弈均衡结果的主要因素。

    According to the analysis , the main factors influencing the game equilibrium are whether the buyback agreement is signed between venture enterprises and venture capitalists , the sum of punishment , and whether venture enterprises satisfy the requirement of IPO .

  4. 利用Black-Scholes期权定价模型对这种机会价值评估,并指出风险企业的价值就是企业本身的价值与机会价值之和,从而对风险企业价值评估模型进行了修正。

    By using options pricing model of Black-Scholes to evaluate the future investment opportunities . To point out the value of the risk enterprises is the value of the enterprise itself and its opportunities . To amend the model of the risk enterprise value .

  5. 风险企业价值评估体系及模糊综合评价

    Value Evaluation System of Venture Business Enterprises and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  6. 风险企业控制权分配的博弈过程分析

    Allocation of Control Rights between Venture Capitalist and Entrepreneur by Game Theory

  7. 风险企业价值评价的实物期权方法

    Application of real options theory to venture enterprise value evaluation

  8. 论外商风险企业的法人治理结构

    Discussing the Construction of Corporate Governance on Risk Foreign-Invested Enterprise

  9. 导入期风险企业的风险综合评价

    Synthetical Evaluation of Risks of Venture Business during Start-up Period

  10. 风险企业经理的最优解聘时机模型

    Model on optimal dismission time to manager of venture enterprise

  11. 第4章:风险企业后续管理。

    Chapter 4 : Follow-up management in business ventures enterprise .

  12. 风险企业与投资公司的博弈分析

    Analyzing Both Venture Business and Investment Company from the Perspectives of Game Theory

  13. 风险企业债务估值未定权益分析的两个公式

    Two Formulas of Debt Valuation About risky Enterprise with Contingent Claims Analysis and Comparison

  14. 风险企业价值评估模型探讨

    The Discussion of Evaluating Model on Venture Enterprise

  15. 计划管理在风险企业中的运用

    The Exertion of Planned Management in Venture Enterprise

  16. 如果没有好的管理,就没有风险企业的更快、更大的进步。

    There is no rapid and big progress , if there is no good management .

  17. 风险企业成功的决定因素

    Critical factors for success in technology ventures

  18. 防范风险企业代理风险的财务监控研究

    The Research of Financial Monitoring and Controlling for Keeping Away Venture Enterprise 's Agent Risk

  19. 风险企业薪酬策略研究

    On Salary Strategies of Venture Capital Firms

  20. 风险企业中的企业家团队

    Business Entrepreneur Team in Venture Business

  21. 风险企业的成本控制

    The Cost Control in Venture Enterprises

  22. 动态博弈的先动优势均衡点的变化是由风险企业的先动优势决定的。

    The changes of pre-advantageous balancing-point of dynamic gaming are decided by pre-advantage of venture business .

  23. 风险企业的委托&代理模型

    Principal-Agent Theory in Venture Business

  24. 高新技术企业是典型的风险企业,他们大多在风险较大的高新技术产业领域进行研究开发、生产和经营。

    Hi-Tech enterprises are typical VC enterprises , most of which thus operate in high-risk Hi-Tech companies .

  25. 风险企业的治理特性表现在如下方面:实行参与型投资、强化信息披露、采用分阶段多轮投资策略、规定限制条款、选择有利的投资方式和以股票期权作为主要激励手段。

    The characteristics of governance for venture business include staggered investment , prohibited contractual items and stock options .

  26. 风险企业的道德风险与控制权配置的模型分析

    A Model Analysis of Moral Hazard and the Allocation of Control Rights in the Venture Capital Backed Companies

  27. 运用模糊数学理论得出风险企业的综合预警指数;

    Fourth , the composite advanced warning indexes in adventure investment are reached through the theory of ambiguous mathematics ;

  28. 第五,结合实际案例,运用本评价体系对于高科技初创风险企业的管理风险进行评价,并得出评价结果。

    Evaluating the managing risk to hi-tech enterprises in the start-up stage through the system and furthermore getting the result .

  29. 因此,论文主要采用规范分析和实证分析相结合的方法,对我国风险企业内外部财务治理进行了系统研究。

    Therefore , the paper uses both methods of normative and empirical to study financial affairs governance of venture enterprises .

  30. 随着风险企业的不断发展,其独特的融资方式也越来越受到世人的关注。

    With their continual development , risk businesses are drawing more and more attention , especially as far as their unique financing modes are concerned .