
  1. 其他的大股东还包括风投机构加速合伙公司(AccelPartners),DST集团,T.RowePrice基金公司和高盛(GoldmanSachs)。

    Other major holders include accel partners , DST group , T. Rowe price and Goldman Sachs .

  2. 在A轮融资中,她们从贝塔斯曼数字媒体投资公司(BertelsmannDigitalMediaInvestments)等风投机构那里融资200万美元。

    The pair raised $ 2 million in a Series A funding round from Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments and others to become a digital foodie force .

  3. 在农业领域,indusbasinholdings等社会风投机构正在为建立小规模水稻种植户与跨国公司之间的联系发挥引导作用。

    In agriculture , social venture capitalists such as Indus Basin holdings are leading efforts to link groups of small-scale rice farmers to multinational companies .

  4. 人们会对初创公司的创始人们大献谀词,而像合广投资(UnionSquareVentures)和安德森霍洛维茨公司(Andreessen-Horowitz)这些最早资助Facebook的风投机构的形象也会变得光辉起来。

    There will be adulatory profiles of startup founders and VC firms who first backed them – firms like Union Square ventures and andreessen-horowitz .

  5. 风投机构FirstRoundCapital合伙人乔什o科佩尔曼说,近年来种子阶段投资的价格已经提高了20%-30%。

    Josh Kopelman , a partner at First Round Capital , says seed deals have increased in price by around 20 % to 30 % in recent years , which makes his job difficult . " We have tried to maintain price sensitivity , " he said .

  6. 去年11月,Kik从包括合广投资(UnionSquareVentures)和SVAngel在内的风投机构获得了融资。合广投资曾投资Twitter,而SVAngel则是Pinterest等众多社交应用的投资方。

    Kik raised funds from venture capitalists including Union Square Ventures , which backed Twitter , and SV Angel , an investor in many social apps including Pinterest , last November .

  7. 高地是由风投机构银湖合伙公司(SilverLakePartners)的投资明星罗杰•麦克纳米和U2乐队的摇滚巨星波诺共同创立的,高地称自己通过合作“获得”了新媒体。

    Co-founded by Roger McNamee , who had been an investing star at tech buyout firm Silver Lake partners , and rock star Bono of U2 fame , elevation billed itself as a partnership that " got " new media .

  8. ,他俩在2006年利用个人储蓄以及美国小型企业管理局(SBA)提供的银行贷款联合创办了一家后来发展成为IBT传媒集团的公司,没有接受来自风投机构的投入,包括融资或者咨询服务。

    Together they launched what became iBT media in 2006 , with personal savings , a SBA bank loan , and no input , financial or advisory , from VCs .

  9. 专注于中国的私人股本基金和风投机构的融资活动在此次全球金融市场动荡中毫发无损。

    Fundraising for China-focused private equity and venture capital has been unscathed by the global financial market turmoil .

  10. 中国的风投机构和私募公司以及他们投资的那些企业家,都在挑战着美国一贯的科技领先地位。

    Chinese venture capital and private-equity firms - and the entrepreneurs they invest in - are challenging America 's historic tech dominance .

  11. 艾里克•斯科恩菲尔德在他的博客中写道,“硬件是新的软件,”并称风投机构也在更加积极地寻找做硬件的创业公司进行投资。

    In his blog , Erick Schonfeld wrote that " hardware is the new software , " and that VCs are pursuing hardware startups more aggressively as well .

  12. 第三部分比较分析国外发达地区创业投资机构的发展模式与国内热点区域的风投机构的发展情况。

    In the third part , make comparative analyze on develop pattern of abroad venture capital institutions in developed areas , and the development environment in domestic hot regions .

  13. 根据风投研究机构CBInsights的数据,去年,美国在人工智能领域的投资增加逾一倍,至5.87亿美元。

    Investment in the sector in the US more than doubled to $ 587m last year , according to CB Insights , a venture capital research firm .