
fēi qín
  • birds;all kinds of birds
飞禽 [fēi qín]
  • [all kinds of birds] 会飞的鸟类,也泛指鸟类

  • 飞禽走兽

飞禽[fēi qín]
  1. 大多数飞禽都是单配性的。

    Most birds are monogamous .

  2. 该算法在获得良好的烟雾捕获能力的同时初步排除了飞禽、晃动的树枝、移动的汽车之干扰。(2)研究了基于脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN)的图像特征提取算法。

    This algorithm has excellent smoke capture and preliminary filtration capacity of disruptors such as flying birds , swaying branches or moving cars . ( 2 ) A forest fire smoke image feature extraction method based on the pulse coupled neural network ( PCNN ) .

  3. 而当我独个儿面对着死沉沉的岩石、飞禽、雨水和冷漠的大海时,也可以冲散我的害怕的感觉。

    And saved me from the sense of horror I had whenever I was quite alone with dead rocks and fowls , and the rain .

  4. 在1492年12月12号给西班牙一位朋友的信件中,LuisdeTorres将他在美国遇到的这种飞禽称为tuki,在古希伯来文中指的是“孔雀”的意思以及在现代的希伯来文中指的是“鹦鹉”的意思

    In an October 12 , 1492 letter to a friend in Spain , de Torres had referred to the American bird he encountered as a tuki , the word for " peacock " in ancient Hebrew and " parrot " in modern Hebrew

  5. 有些猎获的飞禽一直保存到开始变质才烹制。

    Some game-birds are kept until they are high before cooking .

  6. 三个毛绒绒的飞禽从月亮女神脆弱的扇子上掉下来。

    Three fluffy feathers fell from phoebe 's flimsy fan .

  7. 许多走兽和飞禽住在森林里。

    Lots of animals and birds live in the forest .

  8. 凡是洁净的飞禽,都可以吃。

    All birds that are clean you shall eat .

  9. 千奇百怪的飞禽是多塞特角的艺术家所钟爱的又一个题材。

    Strange species of birds are another favourite subject of the Cape Dorsetartists .

  10. 他们的特征是类飞禽,让他们看起来像人形的鸟或者猛禽。

    Their features are avian , making them resemble humanoid birds or raptors .

  11. 目前,已有数百万鸡与飞禽在10个国家被扑杀。

    Workers in ten countries have been killing millions of chickens and other birds .

  12. 那飞禽向着猎物猛扑下来。

    The bird swooped down on its prey .

  13. 鱼和爬行动物一般要比哺乳动物或飞禽更容易改变性别。

    Fish and reptiles are more likely to change sex than are mammals or birds .

  14. 蒙古人的飞禽崇拜

    On the Mongolian Worship of Birds

  15. 坐船途中,游客们也可观赏到天然的红树林区及各飞禽类。

    The trip allows tourists to enjoy the sight of mangrove swamps and species of birds .

  16. 德鲁伊能变成飞禽,那么会被近战攻击吗?

    If a druid shapeshifts into a flying animal , can it be attacked by melee ?

  17. 在这么多飞禽中,我只认出一种叫企鹅的东西,其余的我都叫不上名字。

    But such as I knew not the names of , except those call 'd penguins .

  18. 你可以到裕廊飞禽公园吃早餐,并观赏塘鹅和鹦鹉表演。

    You can take a breakfast at Jurong Birdpark and enjoy a show featuring pelicans and parrots .

  19. 所有的动物,无论是飞禽还是走兽,都立刻蜂拥到他的身边。

    Immediately al the different kinds of animals , both birds and beasts , flocked around him .

  20. 我们的换羽毛的季节,就像飞禽的,必然是生命之中一个大的转折点。

    Our moulting season , like that of the fowls , must be a crisis in our lives .

  21. 斑头雁与其它飞禽相比,它们用于飞行的肌肉里有更多的线粒体&这是一种能在细胞内产生能量的结构。

    The geese 's flight muscles also have more mitochondria energy-producing structures inside cells than their fellow fowl .

  22. 想到这个,我忽然的很难过。一个飞禽失去翅膀是多么可怜。

    Suddenly I was seized with sadness . How miserable it was for a bird to lose its wings !

  23. 那些讨厌的龙骑兵将守住这荒原中的高地,除了有翅的飞禽,谁也休想飞出亚品。

    These weary dragoons will keep the crown of the wasteland and none will get out of Appin but winged fowls .

  24. 另一些飞禽和动物留下来了,但是整个冬天你不会看到所有的这些动物。

    Other birds and animals stay with you , but you will not see all the animals all through the winter .

  25. 将不能朽坏之神的荣耀变为偶像,仿佛必朽坏的人和飞禽、走兽、昆虫的样式。

    And exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles .

  26. 各类的走兽,飞禽,昆虫,水族,本来都可以制伏,也已经被人制伏了。

    All kinds of animals , birds , reptiles and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man .

  27. 海南热带飞禽世界地处海南省安定县塔岭开发区,是目前国内最大的鸟文化主题公园。

    Hainan Tropical Bird World located at Taling development zone in Dingan is the biggest theme park in birds in our country at present .

  28. 裕廊飞禽公园是亚太地区最大的,也是人们最想去的旅游景点之一。

    Jurong Bird Park is the greatest in Asia Pacific and very natural came first in our list of places to visit in Singapore .

  29. 这49片区域组成的飞禽公园是5000多只鸟的家园,有来自世界各地的380种鸟类。

    This 49 sections of land flying creature park is home to more than 5000 fowls with 380 species from everywhere throughout the world .

  30. 是的,德鲁伊的飞禽形态是秃鹫,在地面一定高度上盘旋,不是真正飞行。

    Yes , the druid 's air form is a condor , and it hovers a certain height above the ground , not really flying .