
fēi xínɡ hánɡ xiàn
  • air lane;lane;vector
  1. 船在风暴中偏离了航道。飞行航线偏差指示器

    During the storm the ship wandered from its course . flight path deviation indicator

  2. 飞行航线上的五维可视化气象信息

    Five-dimensional Weather Visualization Information along Air Route

  3. 从那时起,它就得沿着弹道,即沿着飞行航线滑向其目标。

    From then on it must coast in a trajectory , or flight path , to its target .

  4. 侧风与给定方向成直角吹的风,如与飞行航线成直角的风。

    A wind blowing at right angles to a given direction , as to an aircraft 's line of flight .

  5. 在右边的空栏内画出你的飞行航线并在地图上标明你想参观的城市。

    Draw your flight line in the box on the right and mark the cities you want to visit on the map .

  6. 沿着“驼峰飞行航线”寻找美中两国飞机可能遗留的残骸。

    Where possible , search for and identify the remains of American and Chinese aircraft along the infamous " hump " air route .

  7. 这座火山并不是处于人口密集区域,但是人们所担心的是与之牵连的飞行航线。

    It 's not located near a highly populated area , but one reason why people are concerned has to do with flight .

  8. 通过建立问题的多准则最短路径问题模型,提出一种多准则最短路径遗传算法求解优化飞行航线。

    After building a model for the shortest path problem , multicriteria shortest path genetic algorithm is presented for obtaining the optimal flight path .

  9. 它出色的可靠性和可操作性意味着它能保证我们飞行航线,给了我们乘客最大化选择。

    Its outstanding reliability and operational flexibility mean it does not limit the routes that our aircraft can operate , giving our passengers maximum choice .

  10. 因为导弹没有稳定或控制翼面,它完全地依靠在第一级发动机的摆动喷嘴去维持它的飞行航线。

    Because the missile does not have establishing or controlling surfaces , it completely relies on the swinging nozzles of its first stage engine to maintain its course of flight .

  11. 它们飞经的空域被空中交通管制员认定是安全的,飞行的航线也经过了由联合国(UN)旗下全球航空组织任命的欧洲监管员的批准。

    They flew in airspace declared safe by air traffic controllers , and on flight paths approved by European regulators appointed by the UN 's global aviation body .

  12. 指民航运输定期班机飞行的航线长度的总和。

    Refers to the length of all routes for regular civil aviation flights .

  13. 普通旅客的选择是以旅客的旅行记录和飞行的航线等标准为依据的。

    Selection is based on criteria like passengers ' travel history and the route being flown .

  14. 此次航班飞行的航线地形险恶,天气条件可能也比较恶劣。

    ' The route that flight takes has difficult terrain and the weather conditions could be harsh . '

  15. 飞机每天精确地按时刻表飞行在各条航线上。

    Planes fly daily over regular routes with timetable precision .

  16. 该航班由ColganAir航空运营,飞行欧洲大陆航线。

    The flight was operated for Continental Airlines by another company , Colgan Air .

  17. 自由飞行是解决航线拥挤的有效方法,但同时增加了空中交通管理的难度。

    Free flight is an effective way to solve the congestions of air traffic managements .

  18. 飞机飞行偏离了航线。

    The plane flew off the course .

  19. 由于无人机在飞行的过程受到航线、风速等不确定的影响,所拍摄的图像与地面会产生不确定的夹角。

    Because Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ( UAV ) is impact by flight courses , wind speed and other uncertainty factors in the process of its flight , the images will have an uncertainty angle with the ground .

  20. 吉尔福德说鸽子在长途飞行或者第一次飞行新航线时依靠的是它们自身的导航系统。

    Guilford said pigeons use their own navigational system when doing long-distance trips or when a bird does a journey for the first time .

  21. 机载飞行管理计算机系统对飞行航线的动态实时优化能力是实现该理想的一个关键。

    The ability of the onboard flight management computer system to optimize flight lines in real time is one of the key techniques to implement the goal .

  22. 飞行员会在飞航时发布飞行简报,让飞行调度员和航线上的其他飞机知道他们遭遇了乱流,提醒他们注意。

    While in flight , pilots file Pilot Reports ( Pireps ) to alert airline dispatchers and other pilots en route of any turbulence they 've encountered ;

  23. 解决这一问题的最有效方法之一就是自由飞行,即允许飞行员选择最合适自己的飞行航线和飞行速度。

    One of the most available ways to solve the problem is " free flight " that the pilots may choose the air route and flight speed suitable for them .

  24. 一段飞行航程位于两个连续的降落、位置或方向转变之间的飞行航线或飞机航程图的一部分

    The part of an air route or a flight pattern that is between two successive stops , positions , or changes in direction . parabolic flight aircraft

  25. 在现代飞机中,飞行指引系统对飞机的起飞、着陆、预选飞行高度和航向、保持飞行状态和航线飞行等方面起着十分重要的作用。

    The flight director system for modern aircraft has assumed an important role in the guidance of aircraft 's taking off , landing , preselecting altitude and heading , maintaining a flight state and course flight , and so on .