
fēi xíng
  • flight;flying;aviate;wing;aero;voyage;fly away
飞行 [fēi xíng]
  • (1) [flight;flying]∶飞机、火箭、宇宙飞船等在空中航行

  • 那只蝙蝠已做过夜间飞行

  • (2) [voyage]∶穿越空中或空间的航行

  • 第一次载人气球飞行

飞行[fēi xíng]
  1. 我们在从伦敦到巴黎的飞行途中相遇。

    We met on a flight from London to Paris .

  2. 票价包括您的飞行航程和接续的铁路旅费。

    Ticket prices include your flight and onward rail journey .

  3. 飞机在3000米的高空飞行。

    The plane flew at a height of 3 000 metres .

  4. 飞机一路大多在云层里飞行。

    The plane was flying in cloud most of the way .

  5. 这位飞行员有1000小时的飞行记录。

    The pilot has logged 1 000 hours in the air .

  6. 最后,飞机终于恢复了平稳,继续飞行。

    At last the plane righted itself and flew on .

  7. 我不相信这些有关目击不明飞行物的传言。

    I don 't believe these reports of UFO sightings .

  8. 这些飞机需要添加燃料才能再次飞行。

    The planes needed to refuel before the next mission .

  9. 仅次于飞行的事就是滑翔。

    The next best thing to flying is gliding .

  10. 他一想到飞行,就浑身冒汗。

    He breaks out in a sweat just at the thought of flying .

  11. 在偏远地区有飞行医生服务。

    A flying doctor service operates in remote regions .

  12. 一想到飞行我的心就嘣嘣地跳。

    Just the thought of flying gives me palpitations .

  13. 飞机向左作高度倾斜飞行。

    The plane banked steeply to the left .

  14. 她迷上了飞行,仿佛天生就会似的。

    She took to flying like a natural .

  15. 飞机沿海岸线飞行。

    The plane flew parallel to the coast .

  16. 我们在35000英尺高空飞行。

    We 're flying at 35 000 feet .

  17. 他对飞行有恐惧症。

    He has a phobia about flying .

  18. 他们正在高空飞行。

    They were flying at high altitude .

  19. 飞行时间大约需要三小时。

    The flight takes approximately three hours .

  20. 我们对每架飞机都会进行测试,以确保其飞行性能良好。

    We test each one to see that it flies well .

  21. 载人宇宙飞行的前景看上去充满了越来越多的变数。

    The future for manned space flight is looking increasingly uncertain .

  22. 为节省资金,航天飞行计划已被束之高阁。

    The shuttle programme has now been mothballed to save money .

  23. 美国不明飞行物目击事件激增。

    There has been a surge of UFO sightings in America .

  24. 这架喷气式飞机在飞行了将近3小时后降落了。

    The jet landed after a flight of just under three hours

  25. 至少有4架高空飞行战斗机不得不采取避让行动。

    At least four high-flying warplanes had to take evasive action .

  26. 这比大多数亚音速飞机的飞行高度高20,000英尺。

    This is 20,000 feet higher than most subsonic airliners .

  27. 她第一次也是唯一一次宇宙飞行是在去年9月。

    She made her first and only space flight last September

  28. 机修工努力维持直升机的飞行性能。

    The mechanics work hard to keep the helicopters airworthy .

  29. 由于顺风,飞行时间缩短了半小时。

    A tailwind had cut the flying time by half an hour .

  30. 飞行员降低了高度,最后我们紧贴着地面飞行。

    Our pilot reduced height until we hugged the ground .