
  • 网络food quality and safety;food safety and quality
  1. 应用型本科食品质量与安全专业建设的研究与实践

    Research and Practice on Constriction of Apply-Type Subject of Food Safety and Quality

  2. 对我国食品质量与安全专业教学模式的思考和实践

    Idea and Practice of Education Model for Specialized Subject of Food Safety and Quality in China

  3. 增设食品质量与安全本科专业的必要性

    The importance of setting up undergraduate specialty of food quality and safety

  4. 食品质量与安全专业食品微生物学检验教学改革体会

    Reform of Food Microbiology Detection Teaching for Food Quality and Safety Discipline

  5. 食品质量与安全专业双语教学的探讨

    Exploration on Bilingual Education in the Undergraduate Specialty of Food Quality and Safety

  6. 食品质量与安全专业《仪器分析》课程教学体会

    Study on Teaching the Course of Instrumental Analysis for Food Quality and Safety Specialty

  7. 食品质量与安全专业学生病原微生物检测技能培养的探讨

    Teaching Discussion on Experimental Pathogenic Bacteria-detection Training for Food Quality and Safety Undergraduate Students

  8. 食品质量与安全性控制技术

    The Control Technology of Food Quality and Safety

  9. 基于食品质量与安全专业教学中的大学生素质培养

    Diathesis Cultivation of Undergraduates Basing on Speciality Teaching of Quality and Safety of Foodstuff

  10. 新形势下加强食品质量与安全类专业实践性教学环节的思考

    Reflection on Strengthening Practical Teaching of Food Quality and Security Specialty in New Situation

  11. 食品质量与安全专业在保证食物链的安全中起着非常重要的作用。

    Food quality and safety specialty plays an important role in assuring the safety of food chain .

  12. 食品质量与安全是人们目前普遍关注的问题。

    At present , food quality and safety is an important problem which has been paid wide attention .

  13. 食品质量与安全问题也一直深刻地关系到人类的健康、社会的稳定和经济的发展。

    Food quality and safety issues have been deeply related to health , social stability and economic development of mankind .

  14. 文章对食品质量与安全专业的微生物类课程实验教学的改革进行了深入探讨。

    The experimental teaching reforms are discussed in detail for microbiological experimental courses of the food quality and safety specialty .

  15. 它以快速、简便、安全等特点迅速在食品质量与安全、生物、环境等领域得到了广泛的应用。

    With its characteristics of robustness , simplicity and safety , it is widely applied in the fields of food quality and safety inspection , biological , environmental studies .

  16. 本文对食品质量与安全专业课程体系建设的指导思想、课程选用教材等进行了分析,对构建课程体系提出了建议。

    The guideline in the establishment of its curricular system , the selection of teaching materials , and so on , were discussed and some proposes were put forward .

  17. 据新华社报道,茅台学院已获教育部批准,它将开设五个本科生专业,包括酿酒工程、资源循环工程和食品质量与安全研究。

    Already approved by the Ministry of Education , Moutai College will have five undergraduate programs , including brewing engineering , ecological engineering and food quality and safety studies .

  18. 食品质量与安全面临新的形势,食品质量与安全专业成为我国热门专业,在过去的二、三年中有50多所高校成立了该专业,但还没有形成比较理想的教学模式。

    Food safety and quality is faced the new situation as a hot subject in China . More than fifty universities have set up The Specialized Subject of Food Safety and Quality In the past three years , but the ideal education model has not been founded .

  19. 如何保证生鲜食品的质量与安全

    How to Guarantee the Fresh Products Safety

  20. 在我国政府的有力监管下,肉类食品产品质量与安全有了大幅度提高。

    Under the powerful supervision of the government , the quality of meat food products has been greatly enhanced .

  21. 对食品工业和食品质量与安全的思考

    Reflection on the Food Industry and Food Quality and Safety

  22. 卫生部门控制食品和药品的质量与安全。

    The health sector regulates the quality and safety of food and pharmaceutical products .

  23. 《食品微生物学》是食品科学与工程、食品质量与安全等专业重要的专业基础课,课程内容稍显较抽象,学生较难理解。

    Food Microbiology is an important specialized foundation course of students of Food Science and Engineering and Food Quality and Safety .

  24. 通过剖析动物性食品卫生、安全特点及动物性食品卫生检验学内容,阐述了食品质量与安全的必要性和重要意义。

    After analyzing the characteristics of animal food hygiene and safety and the contents of Test Methodology of Animal Food Hygiene , the necessity and importance were clarified .