
  1. 中国最早的礼仪是在饮食活动中产生的。

    The Chinese earliest etiquette was produced in the diet activity .

  2. 把社会饮食活动纳入礼的政治伦理秩序;

    Social dietetic activities were brought into the political ethics ;

  3. 传统饮食活动是壮族民族文化的重要组成部分,当前较少对某一特定地区壮民族传统饮食的研究。

    Traditional dietary activities are a most important part of Zhuang nationality culture .

  4. 本文通过论述宴(燕)乐和一般乐舞与饮食活动的结合,阐明了中国饮食文化的独特魅力之所在。

    The writer discusses this combination and states the unique charm of Chinese food culture .

  5. 音乐舞蹈与饮食活动的结合体现了生活的艺术化。

    The combination of music and dance with food and drink can bring artistic life .

  6. 休闲观念进入寻常百姓家,自然而然地影响到人们的饮食活动,促成休闲饮食文化的大众化。

    With the sense of leisure becoming common , it would influence people 's diet activities .

  7. 民以食为天、衣食住行中的食无不体现着饮食活动在人类生存中的必要性。

    " Hunger breeds discontentment "," basic necessities of life " in the " food " embody the diet activities in human life importance .

  8. 我国的餐饮文化源远流长,反映了人们饮食活动过程中关于饮食品质、审美体验、情感活动、社会功能等诸多方面的独特文化意蕴。

    China has a long food history , and it reflect the connotation of lots of aspect including food quality , aesthetic experience , emotion activity , and social function .

  9. 饮食活动是人类最基本的生存方式之一,中西方都存有不同的关于饮食动作的表达。

    Eating and drinking activity is one of the most basic life style of human beings . Both Chinese and western have a different point of view on expressing eating and drinking .

  10. 在以国家政治权力为中心的古代社会,人们的饮食活动、饮食行为受政治形态的作用或影响,往往脱离饮食本身的物质享受意义而向其它非饮食的社会功能转化。

    In ancient society which took nation 's political power as its centre , people 's dietetic activities and behaviors which were effected by political modality sometimes broke away from its basic meaning of creature comfort , but transformed into social function .

  11. 脂肪来自你的饮食和活动习惯。

    Body fat is dictated by what you eat and your activity .

  12. 术后患者恢复平稳,疼痛轻微,均可早期恢复饮食及活动。

    The patients recovered uneventfully with light postoperative pain and early restoration of oral intake and activity .

  13. 通过急性毒性实验,观察小鼠饮食、活动情况,有无死亡现象。

    By the use of the method of acute toxicity test , the diet and activity situation were observed .

  14. 研究结果1.正常对照组皮毛光滑,身体健壮,饮食、活动、体质量增长正常。

    The normal control group : smooth fur , able-bodied , diet , activity , body in normal growth .

  15. 每日观察小鼠精神状态、饮食及活动情况,隔天称小鼠体重,测肿瘤体积。

    The mental state , diet and activities of mice were observed everyday , body weight and tumor volume measured every two days .

  16. 结果:给药期及恢复性观察期(2周)大鼠饮食、活动、二便正常,毛泽光洁。

    Results : The appetite , activity and excretion of rats were normal in the term of taking drugs and following observation for2 weeks .

  17. 吸烟、饮酒、高脂偏咸饮食、活动少等是血脂异常及相关疾病的主要不良生活方式。

    Smoking , drinking , high-fat diets , high-salt diets , less activities are the main living babits that contribute to dyslipidemia and related diseases .

  18. 观察运动期间大鼠的饮食、活动、毛色、体重变化及尾吊期间大鼠的反应,并做记录。

    Observe the rats ' diet , activity , coat color , weight and their response during exercise and tail-suspension , and take notes . 2 .

  19. 术后做好患者的饮食、活动指导,注意切口有无感染,合理选用抗生素。

    After operation , the nurses should give patients directions in diet and exercises , pay attention to whether there is infection or not and choose proper antibiotics .

  20. 随着人们食用营养更少(但是热量丰富)的饮食和活动更少的生活方式,迅速发展的国家越来越面临营养不足和营养过剩的双重负担。

    Rapidly developing countries increasingly face a dual burden of undernutrition and'overnutrition ' , as people adopt less nutritious ( but calorie-rich ) diets and less active lifestyles .

  21. 他想理解代谢异常者和正常者的差距有多年夜;也想看看为小我代谢状况量身设计的饮食和活动法,能否能让瘦削者的体重恢复正常,而且能预防未老先衰的景象。

    He will also investigate whether diet and exercise tailored to a person 's unique metabolic profile can bring weight down to normal and prevent a premature slide into bad health .

  22. 青春期前的轻度肥胖,是为了进一步的发育,中年人的肥胖与饮食及活动有很大的关系,老年人的肥胖有一定的特殊性。

    Mildly obese before puberty , is to further the development , middle-aged obesity and diet and activities have a great relationship , the elderly , obesity has some special characteristics .

  23. 分别为对照组、顺铂组、米非司酮组和联合用药组。4实验过程中注意观察裸鼠的饮食、活动、反应等情况。

    They were control group , DDP group , mifepristone ( MIF ) group and DDP + MIF group . 4 Pay attention to food and drink 、 activity and response of the nude mice in the lab process .

  24. 方法74例COPD缓解期患者随机分为两组,1组为对照组,行一般饮食和肢体活动,2组为观察组,行营养支持并对其施行呼吸操锻炼。

    Methods 74 COPD stable patients were randomly divided into two groups , group 1 was control . group 2 was observed with nutritional supporting and respiratory training .

  25. 根据患者BMI、日常生活、饮食习惯、活动量制定相应热卡的饮食计划,可进行各种形式的健康教育,并追踪调查各项生理指标。

    According to BMI , everyday life , diet habit and activities of diabetes patients , make thermal diet plan , all kinds of healthy education and follow the study several physiological index .

  26. 旅游景区(点)是旅游活动发生的主要场所,是一个相对完整和封闭的空间,其住宿、饮食、娱乐活动等设施相对齐全,能源消耗和CO2较大。

    Tourist areas ( spots ) are the main places where tourist activities take place and it is a relatively complete and enclosure space , and accommodation , food , entertainment , activities and other infrastructure are self-contained , energy consumption is high and carbon emissions is large .

  27. 监测关于饮食和身体活动的科学并促进其研究。

    Monitor science and promote research on diet and physical activity .

  28. 所以,看看你的日常饮食情况和活动量。

    So take a look at your diet and level of activity .

  29. 监督检查患者护理的各方面情况,包括饮食和身体活动。

    Monitor all aspects of patient care , including diet and physical activity .

  30. 从日常饮食、宴飨活动和祭食三个方面来阐述食物的消费过程,然后探讨食物废料的处理方式。

    There are three aspects , including the diet , banquet activities and festival food .