
  • 网络saturation effect
  1. He-Ne放电小信号增益的电子饱和效应及其径向分布

    Saturation effect by electrons and radial distribution of small-signal gain in a He-Ne discharge tube

  2. MCP自饱和效应理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of MCP self - saturation effect

  3. x射线激光传输过程中的折射和饱和效应

    Modeling of refraction and saturation effects of x-ray lasers

  4. 数字PID控制中积分饱和效应及克服方法

    Integral Saturation Effeciency and Overcoming in Digital PID Control

  5. 对SOA增益饱和效应引起的信道间串扰进行了理论研究。

    Theoretical study on channel crosstalk due to gain saturation in SOAs is presented .

  6. ABA对线粒体膜微粘度的作用具有浓度饱和效应;

    The effect of ABA on membrane micro-viscosity exhibited saturation Kinetics ;

  7. 沉积物中石英ESR测年功率饱和效应的初步研究

    Preliminary research on effect of power saturation of quartz in sediments for ESR dating

  8. 荧光屏的电流饱和效应等。提出了全面优化的设计方针,确定了以时间-空间调制传递函数为评价原则,以Monte-Carlo方法为计算手段的设计路线。

    The design method evaluated on Time-Spatial MTF , calculated in the means of Monte-Carlo , is confirmed .

  9. 光纤Bragg光栅的饱和效应可引起二阶衍射,并使一阶衍射的峰值反射率下降。

    Saturation effect of fiber Bragg gratings can cause the second order diffraction and the decreasing of the first order maximum reflectivity .

  10. 关于一类广义Tikhonov正则化方法的饱和效应分析

    The analysis of the saturation effect for a class of general Tikhonov regularization

  11. 半导体光放大器的快速饱和效应及其长度对TOAD解复用器性能的影响

    Influences of Fast Gain Saturation and Length of SOA on the Performances of TOAD

  12. 它们的ESR信号强度对微波功率的饱和效应及对温度的响应;同时测定了在不同温度下UV-辐照的ESR相对强度。

    The relationships of the ESR line intensity to saturation effect of microwave power , as well as the temperature were also determined .

  13. 小尺寸功率VDMOS晶体管中准饱和效应的研究

    Investigation of Quasi-saturation Effect in Small Size Power VDMOS

  14. 与氧有关的自由基的ESR信号强度对微波功率的饱和效应与各化合物析出的等电点pH值有关;对温度的响应情况比较复杂;

    The dependence of ESR line intensity on the saturation effect of microwave power is related to isoelectric point ( pH value ), but the effect of temperature is more complicated .

  15. 另外,比较讨论了P沟和N沟MOSFET的退化,对器件退化导致的电路延迟增加则引入了时间因子的概念来加以明确的表征;对器件退化的饱和效应和温度特性也作了分析概述。

    Also , the degradations of n-MOSFET and p-MOSFET are compared and the increase of delay-time induced by device degradation is represented by introducing " time-index ", and the saturation effect and temperature characteristics of device degradation are described .

  16. 分析了功率VDMOS晶体管在小尺寸时准饱和效应的成因,并对其进行了理论证明和模拟验证。

    In small size power VDMOS transistors , the cause of quasi-saturation effect has been investigated and simulated by software .

  17. 该模型考虑了电子温度对迁移率的影响,基区重掺杂和Ge引起的禁带变窄效应及速度饱和效应。

    This model takes into account the effect of electron temperature on mobility , bandgap narrowing due to heavy doping in base region and the Ge concentration , and carrier velocity saturation in the BC junction .

  18. 本文利用仿真软件Saber,综合考虑电路、磁路2个方面,建立了考虑磁滞效应和饱和效应的变压器仿真模型,可以实现对励磁涌流和包括匝间短路的多种故障情况进行全面系统的仿真计算。

    A transformer model considering the hysteresis effect and the saturation is presented first and magnetic inrushes and short-circuit faults are simulated with this model .

  19. 从理论上分析MCP自饱和效应产生的原因,以及自饱和效应对MCP工作性能的影响,提出克服自饱和效应的办法。

    The causes leading to the self-saturation effect of MCP and the effect of it on MCP are theoretically analysed . The methods for solving the self saturation effect are proposed .

  20. 耐性不同辣椒幼苗光合和PSII光化学效率对低温弱光的响应多普勒系统中简并四波混频的饱和效应

    Responses of Photosynthesis and PSII Photochemistry Activities to Chilling Treatment under Low Irradiance in Two Cultivars of Pepper THE SATURATION EFFECT OF DEGENERATE FOUR-WAVE MIXING IN DOPPLER-BROADENED SYSTEM

  21. 运用行波法求解正常色散区含频率啁啾和介质非线性饱和效应的NLS方程,并由得到的孤子解讨论了啁啾和介质非线性饱和效应对暗孤子传输特性的影响。

    The solution for NLS equation in normal dispersion has been gotten , including chirped and nonlinear saturation medium effect , the solution for the influence of dark soliton by chirped and nonlinear saturation medium effect is discussed in detail .

  22. 分析了半导体光放大器(SOA)的快速饱和效应及其长度对TOAD解复用器性能的影响,对小开关窗口和大开关窗口两种工作模式进行了研究。

    The influences of the fast gain saturation and the length of SOA on the performances of terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer ( TOAD ) are investigated in this paper . Two operation modes , small width switching window mode and large width switching window mode , are all analyzed .

  23. 非均匀加宽型化学激光器增益饱和效应

    Gain Saturation Effect of Chemical Lasers in Inhomogeneous Broadening Condition

  24. 讨论了与饱和效应相联系的一些现象。

    The phenomena related to the saturation effect are discussed .

  25. 二相混合式步进电动机的振动特性与饱和效应

    The Vibration Characteristic and Saturation Effect of the 2-Phase Hybrid Stepping Motor

  26. 背散射和饱和效应对双向环形激光场的影响

    Influence of Backscattering and Saturation Effects on a Bidirectional Ring Laser Field

  27. 光泵远红外激光中多光子过程的饱和效应

    Saturation Effect of Multiphoton Processes in Optically Pumped FIR Lasers

  28. 单模激光中的饱和效应与色泵噪声

    Saturation Effects and the Colored Pump Noise in a Single Mode Laser

  29. 磁饱和效应对感应电动机转速辨识影响的研究

    Study of Main Flux Saturation Influence in Speed Estimating of Induction Machine

  30. 靶核热化过程存在饱和效应。

    There is the saturation effect in the process of target thermalization .