
  • 网络saturation diving;saturated diving
  1. 300m氦氮氧饱和潜水科学实验研究

    An Experimental Study on He Ni O Saturation Diving System for 300m Depth

  2. 方法用ELISA法检测8名潜水员在饱和潜水前、后血清IL-6、IL-8的含量。

    Methods The serum IL 6 , IL 8 contents of eight divers before and after saturation diving were measured by ELISA .

  3. 200m氦氧模拟饱和潜水实验的氦气回收

    Reclamation of helium in 200m simulated He-O2 saturation diving

  4. 目的研究海上大深度饱和潜水对潜水员血清白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-8(IL-8)含量的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of deep saturation diving on the serum IL 6 , IL 8 contents in divers .

  5. 350m模拟氦氧饱和潜水中人体生理功能变化的研究

    Experimental study on the physiologic function changes of the human body

  6. 本文在350m氦氧模拟饱和潜水的22天过程中,对4名男潜水员进行中午及夜晚睡眠时连续心电图监察。

    Continuous ECG monitoring was carried out in 4 male divers during afternoon naps and night sleeps in a 22-day simulated 350m He-O_2 saturation dive experiment .

  7. 方法分别于饱和潜水前后以ELISA法检测8名潜水员在饱和前后血清中IL1、IL2R和TNFα的含量。

    Method Eight divers experienced 150 m heliox saturation - 182 m excursion diving . Serum levels of IL 1 , IL 2R and TNF α level before and after diving were measured by ELISA .

  8. 方法8名潜水员利用国产大深度饱和潜水系统和Heliox-18b型潜水装具,依据制定的医学保障方案,执行海上大深度饱和-巡回潜水。

    Methods According to the predetermined medical support profile , 8 divers performed deep saturation excursion dives at sea using home made deep saturation diving systems and Heliox 18b diving equipment .

  9. 本文参考南海二号半潜式钻井平台上挪威3x潜水设备公司300米氦氧饱和潜水舱生命维持系统进行了改进设计,并应用于25kgf/cm~2加压舱获得成功。

    This paper mainly deals with the successful conversion design of 25 kgf / cm ~ 2 compression chamber , which is the first one in our country with consulting the life support system of 3x saturation diving chamber on semi-submerged drilling platform NAN HAI No.

  10. 氦氧饱和潜水环境对小鼠血清皮质酮及白介素-2含量的影响

    Effect of Saturation Diving on Serum Corticosterone and IL-2 in Mice

  11. 结论在此次大深度饱和潜水中潜水员免疫功能没有受到明显影响。

    Conclusion The immune function of divers was not obviously influenced by saturation deep diving .

  12. 饱和潜水中氦气回收技术

    Helium Retrieving Technique in Saturation Diving

  13. 潜水员的300+米混合气潜水适用于饱和潜水(氦丰富的环境)。

    Diver's300 + m for mixed-gas diving Suitable for saturation diving ( helium enriched environment ) .

  14. 饱和潜水中舱压和氧分压的自动控制

    Automatic Control of Pressure ( P ) and Oxygen 's Partial Pressure ( Po2 ) During Saturation Diving

  15. 结论:大深度饱和潜水可以短暂性引起潜水员的心理变化。

    Conclusion : The saturation deep diving may cause the psychological changes of the divers during short period .

  16. 目的研究海上饱和潜水对潜水员肺呼吸功能的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of saturation deep diving in the sea on pulmonary respiratory functions in the divers .

  17. 他表示,“饱和潜水”技术,让潜水员体内各组织体液中所溶解的惰性气体达到完全饱和的程度,来适应高压环境。

    He says saturation diving technology enables human beings to withstand high water pressure by saturating human tissue with inert gas .

  18. 利用本舱群,已顺利地进行了模拟潜艇艇员水下90昼夜巡航和潜水员35昼夜饱和潜水等一系列试验。

    In these chambers experiments of imitated 90-day underwater submarine patrol and 35-day saturation diving were successfully conducted on human bodies .

  19. 目前中国正在正在进一步研发500米饱和潜水作业技术。

    China is now working to develop saturation diving technology that would work at a depth of 500 meters under the sea .

  20. 小深度的饱和潜水训练后,潜水员的选择反应时缩短,闪光融合频率增大,提示潜水训练对部分认知能力有影响。

    Selective reaction time was decreased and flicker fusion frequency was increased , which provide substantial evidence of a change in cognitive performance after saturation exercise .

  21. 关于饱和潜水时空气不减压向下巡回潜水深度-时程的理论计算视神经管减压手术效果不肯定。


  22. 目的为提高海军部队的防险救生能力,培养一批适应大深度饱和潜水的潜水员和从事相应深度的潜水医学保障及设备保障人员。

    Objective To improve the salvage ability of the navy and to cultivate divers of saturation deep diving together with personnel of medical security and diving equipment support .

  23. 周日上午,中国首次深海300米饱和潜水作业成功,三名潜水员平安地从深海返回生活舱。

    China succeeded in its first 300-meter saturation dive on Sunday morning as three divers returned safe and sound from deep water to the living chamber on their ship .

  24. 模拟36.5米氮氧饱和潜水26昼夜和60、70及75米空气巡潜对人体脑电图的影响

    Effects on electroencephalography of human body during simulated nitrogen-oxygen saturation diving in depth of 36.5 m for 26 days and air excursion diving in depths of 60 , 70 and 75 m

  25. 结合饱和潜水作业的工作特点、计划制定、作业组织与实施,制定相应的饱和潜水组织操作规范、加减压方案和应急预案,建立一系列饱和潜水的潜水方案和程序。

    Combined with the characteristics of saturation diving work , to develop appropriate operating specifications , compression and decompression programs and contingency plans , also to establish a series of diving programs and procedures .

  26. 80m氦氧饱和-100m巡回潜水时的动态心电图分析

    An analysis of ambulatory ECG in the 80m heliox SATURATION-100m excursion dive

  27. 80m氦氧饱和-100m巡回潜水医学保障的研究

    Study of the Medical Support for the 80m Heliox Saturation-100m Excursion Diving in the Open Sea

  28. 氦氧140m饱和-166m巡回潜水对潜水员肺呼吸功能的影响

    The changes of pulmonary respiratory function in the 140 m heliox saturation-166m excursion diving

  29. 氦氧140m饱和-166m巡回潜水时潜水员应激反应的观察

    A study of the stress response of divers in the 140 m heliox saturation-166m excursion diving

  30. 海上150m氦氧饱和-182m巡回潜水对潜水员血浆和尿液CRH、β-EP含量的影响

    The effects of the 150 m heliox saturation-182 m excursion diving in the open sea on the serum and urine CRH ,β - EP content of divers