
guǎn zi
  • restaurant;eating house
馆子 [guǎn zǐ]
  • [restaurant] 群众可以吃到茶点、饮料或饭菜的店铺

馆子[guǎn zi]
  1. 我们并不铺张浪费:下馆子是一种奢侈,也不会考虑买名牌衣服。

    We are not extravagant ; restaurant meals are a luxury and designer clothes are out

  2. 晚上到馆子里去好好撮一顿吧。

    Let 's go to the restaurant for a big meal .

  3. 在法国,下馆子是全国人普遍的消遣活动。

    Eating out is the national pastime in France .

  4. 你今晚想下馆子吗?

    Do you feel like eating out tonight ?

  5. 他们花在下馆子等额外消费上的钱也少多了。

    They are also spending much less on extras like meals in restaurants .

  6. 我的爱好是:到外面上馆子,晚上在家娱乐,听音乐,寻乐子。

    My interests : eating out , fun nights in , music and laughter .

  7. 特朗普似乎感到头疼和压抑,他无法在晚上出去吃馆子了。

    The President is apparently2 getting headaches and feeling frustrated3 that he cannot spend evenings dining at restaurants .

  8. 英国人下馆子或去酒吧吃东西会用到diningout,eatingout这两个短语。

    Dining out , or eating out , are phrases people use in Britain when they eat in a restaurant or a pub .

  9. 工作了一天的人们通常不太爱自己下厨,于是选择下馆子,也经常会买外卖take-away。

    As well as dining in a restaurant , when people are too tired to cook after work they often get a take-away .

  10. 到阿根廷式烧烤餐厅(parrillada)下馆子,几乎是这里的固定节目,不过躲开DonJulio’s或ParrillaPe那类餐室开阔、人头攒动、菜单厚得像书一样的常规去处,改去LaCarniceria试试吧。

    Going to an Argentine parrillada ( barbecue restaurant ) is practically compulsory here , but eschew the huge , tourist-filled dining rooms and book-long menus of the old standbys like Don Julio 's or Parrilla Pe and head instead to La Carniceria .

  11. 食品是必需品,下馆子则是奢侈。

    Food is a necessity , a meal out a luxury .

  12. 、“附近有什么好的泰国菜馆子吗?”

    Or , " any good Thai restaurants around here ? "

  13. 我宁可在家里吃饭也不下馆子。

    I 'd rather eat at home than in a restaurant .

  14. 有些享受肯定得放弃,比如看收费的有线电视和下馆子吃饭等。

    Consider obvious cutbacks , such as cable TV and restaurants .

  15. 离这里两个街区有一家好牛排馆子。

    There 's a good steak house two blocks from here .

  16. 在地下购货和下馆子有什么优越性呢?

    What are some of the advantages of shopping and eating underground ?

  17. 如果天不下雨,我们上馆子吃饭。

    We shall eat out if it does not rain .

  18. 你自己做饭还是喜欢下馆子?

    Do you prefer cooking for yourself or eating in a restaurant ?

  19. 我是典型的被宠坏的外国人,大多数时间晚餐都是下馆子。

    I 'm a typical spoilt expat and eat out most evenings .

  20. 我们到泰国卡斯尔一家上等馆子去。

    We 'll go to one of the fashionable restaurants in tynecastle .

  21. 极其这家馆子不错,而且价格便宜得不得了。

    It 's a good restaurant , and incredibly cheap .

  22. 有一个日本商人请一位犹太画家上馆子吃饭。

    Japanese businessman invited a Jewish painter to eat out .

  23. 他要请我们吃馆子。

    He is going to invite us out to dinner .

  24. 京晶:晚餐的时候我们再去找个馆子吧。

    Let 's look for a restaurant when dinnertime comes .

  25. 昨晚我们下馆子,大卫付的账。

    We went to the restaurant last night and David footed the bill .

  26. 我们在那家馆子吃的那顿饭菜很一般。

    The meal we had at the restaurant was rather betwixt and between .

  27. 平常会花多少钱去吃馆子?

    How much do you usually spend at restaurants ?

  28. 他说:这些消费包括到星巴克喝咖啡、下馆子吃饭、和自己开车。

    These include coffee at Starbucks , restaurant lunches and driving your car .

  29. 我们上馆子吃饭来庆祝妈妈的生日。

    We ate out to celebrate Mom 's birthday .

  30. 下馆子一般和朋友一起去。

    Dinner at a restaurant is usually with friends .