
  • 网络chanel;Coco Chanel;Channel
  1. 外面穿着镶有褶边的衣服;里面穿着冒牌香奈尔时装。

    Frilly dresses are out ; Chanel knockoffs are in

  2. 她的行头包括Target的小洋装、香奈尔(Chanel)的平底芭蕾鞋,还有一大堆高档牛仔裤。

    This includes mini dresses from Target , Chanel ballerina flats , and a lot of luxury denim .

  3. 今年五月,一家私人宠物食品公司在曼哈顿为香奈尔举办了一场生日宴会。吉尼斯世界纪录的官员们则在宴会上为她颁发了世界最长寿狗的证书(Video)。

    Guinness World Records officials presented Chanel with a certificate as the world 's oldest dog at a Manhattan birthday bash hosted by a private pet food company in May .

  4. 一个香奈尔(Chanel)的手提包握在手,就能说明你的腰包有多鼓,当然最终也成为一种经济地位的象征。

    Carrying a chanel bag suggests you have a fat wallet inside , which is the ultimate status symbol .

  5. 你可以去乌节路,那里有很多国际品牌店,诸如香奈尔、LV、BCBG等等。

    There are various international stores , including Chanel , LV , BCBG and so on .

  6. LucienPellat-Finet设计的香奈尔针织夹克骷髅扣版是相当别致还是败笔呢?

    Is Lucien Pellat-Finet 's skull-studded version of a Chanel knit jacket brilliantly tongue-in-chic or a knock-off ?

  7. 正如香奈尔夫人自己所形容的:这就是我要的。

    As Ms Chanel said This is what I want .

  8. 可可?香奈尔于1971年逝世。他去年患肺炎逝世了。

    Coco Chanel passed away in 1971 . Pneumonia carried him off last winter .

  9. 肖尼西是从一个宠物收容所领养香奈尔的,当时她只有六周大。

    Shaughnessy got her pet from a shelter when the dog was six weeks old .

  10. 可可?香奈尔于1971年逝世。

    Coco Chanel passed away in 1971 .

  11. 香奈尔的富有创造性的梦想得以实现。头脑更敏锐想要增强创造性吗?

    Chanel 's creative dreams became realized . A sharper mind Want to be more creative ?

  12. 我能要香奈尔二十二号吗?

    Can I have Chanel twenty-two ?

  13. 就像可可·香奈尔曾经说过,“时尚并不仅仅是穿衣服”。

    As Coco Chanel once said , " fashion is not only a matter of clothing . "

  14. 香奈尔和她的5个男人

    She and the 5 Men

  15. 在香奈尔之前,世界最长寿犬纪录的保持者是一只28岁的、名叫布奇的狗,它于2003年去世。

    Chanel became the world 's oldest dog following the death of Butch , the28-year-old former record holder , in2003 .

  16. 充满青春活力但身无分文的香奈尔,却置身于乡间新鲜的空气中。

    The young , spirited , and penniless Chanel was to be found in the fresh air of the countryside .

  17. 香奈尔坐在一个红色迷你沙发上接受拍照,不过她看起来明显有些紧张,不时有些发抖。

    Though visibly nervous and shaking at times , Chanel posed for photographers as she sat on a red mini-sofa .

  18. 我在香奈尔的橱窗中看到一双系丝带的高跟凉鞋,真想把它们买下来。

    I saw a pair of ribbon-strap sandals in the window of Channel . I 'd really like to have them .

  19. 世界上现存最老的狗香奈尔(见图),今年已经年满20岁(按狗龄计算102岁)。

    Chanel , the world 's oldest living dog ( see photo ), is20 years old ( or102 in dog years ) .

  20. 如服装中的迪奥,香水中的香奈尔,珠宝中的卡地亚等名字都是很多中国人所熟悉的。

    Names such as Dior in clothes , Chanel in perfume , and Cartier in jewellery are familiar to many Chinese people .

  21. 之前《吉尼斯世界纪录》并没有收录世界最长寿狗的纪录,卡尔肖内西注意到之后便提名香奈尔竞争这一头衔。

    Karl Shaughnessy nominated Chanel for the title of world 's oldest dog after noticing the Guinness World Records book had no record .

  22. 上周五,这只名叫“香奈尔”的狗在她主人位于长岛杰斐逊港站郊区的家中天然逝世去。

    The dog , named Chanel , died Friday of natural causes at her owners'home in suburban Port Jefferson Station , on Long Island .

  23. 帽子和太阳镜散发出一流名品的气息,亚历山大-麦昆头巾、极漂亮的香奈尔手袋、靴子为她的黑色牛仔裤增色不少。

    The hat and sunglasses give off that'A-list'whiff , while her Alexander McQueen scarf , zingy Chanel bag and boots smarten up her black jeans .

  24. 肖尼西说,香奈尔很容易疲倦,因为眼睛有白内障,所以她在太阳光下需戴护目镜,由于后腿上长了一个良性肿瘤,她还穿了护腿套。

    Shaughnessy said Chanel tires quickly , wears goggles for cataracts when she is in the sun , and booties to cushion a benign tumor on her hind leg .

  25. 世界上年龄最大的狗“香奈尔”于本周三迎来她21岁的生日,生日当天,她不仅得到了吉尼斯世界纪录颁发的证书,还享受了入住犬旅馆和做水疗的待遇。

    Chanel , the world 's oldest dog , celebrated her21st birthday on Wednesday with a certificate from the Guinness Book of Records and a visit to a dog hotel and spa .

  26. 当她的脸贴着百货商店窗户的时候,我知道那孩子心里在想什么,格雷斯和我那时的年龄一样大,我决定要为她做点什么,这是她的第一款香奈尔皮包。

    I know what it 's like to be that kid , with her face pressed against the department store window . Grace is me at her age . so I decided to do something for her . Her own little Chanel .

  27. 阿尔贝二世亲王的姐妹、卡罗琳公主和斯蒂芬妮公主都身着粉色礼服,面带微笑。到场的还有法国总统尼古拉萨科齐、香奈尔设计师卡尔拉格菲尔德以及歌剧女歌手蕾妮弗莱明。

    Albert 's sisters , Princesses Caroline and Stephanie , both dressed in pink , smiled as they watched the couple marry in front of a crowd that included French President Nicolas Sarkozy , Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld and opera singer Renee Fleming .