
  • Shangri-La;SHANGRI-LA ASIA;Shangri-la hotel;Shangri-La's
  • shangrila
香格里拉 [xiāng gé lǐ lā]
  • [shangrila] 世外桃园,人间乐园。来自小说《失落的地平线》中所描绘的一个乌托邦式的地方

  1. B:王女士定的,是香格里拉。

    B : Ms. Wang did . It 's Shangri-La .

  2. 香格里拉县污水处理示范项目的SWOT分析

    SWOT analysis of polluted water treatment model project of Shangri-La county

  3. 香格里拉因为1933年詹姆斯希尔顿(JamesHilton1900-1954)的小说《消失的地平线(LostHorizon)》而开始闻名于世。

    Shangri-la became famous after the novel Lost Horizon by James Hilton ( 1900-1954 ) published in 1933 .

  4. 香格里拉因为1933年詹姆斯希尔顿(JamesHilton1900-1954)的小说《消失的地平线(LostHorizon)》而开始闻名于世。

    Shangri-la became famous after the novel Lost Horizon by James Hilton ( 1900 – 1954 ) published in1933 .

  5. 基于3S技术的香格里拉县生态系统服务功能价值变化初步研究

    Service Value Assessment of Ecosystem Based on 3S of Shangri-La County

  6. 到目前为止,只有香格里拉酒店(shangri-lahotel)确认了租约,尽管还有其他的租约在商谈中。

    So far the only confirmed occupant is the Shangri-La Hotel , although talks are under way with others .

  7. 今年早些时候,香格里拉(亚洲)有限公司(Shangri-LaAsiaLtd.)宣布,旗下72家酒店将停止供应鱼翅。

    Earlier this year , Shangri-La Asia Ltd. said it would ban shark fin from tables across its 72 hotels .

  8. 此外还有1956年昙花一现的百老汇音乐剧《香格里拉》(Shangri-La),由詹姆斯·希尔顿的小说《远逝的地平线》(LostHorizon)改编。

    and a short-lived 1956 Broadway musical , " Shangri-La , " based on the James Hilton novel " Lost Horizon . "

  9. 香格里拉酒店(Shangri-La)以糕点见长。

    The Shangri-La , she said , specializes in pastries .

  10. 有时,我会住在香格里拉(Shangri-La),有时是别的酒店。

    Sometimes , I stay at the Shangri-La , sometimes at other places .

  11. 然而,半岛酒店(PeninsulaHotels)和香格里拉酒店集团(Shangri-LaHotelsandResorts)等总部位于香港的酒店集团,通常都持有相关项目的部分股权。

    Hong Kong-based hotel groups such as Peninsula Hotels and Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts , however , do typically hold equity stakes in their projects .

  12. 香格里拉对话(Shangri-LaDialogue)论坛已成为亚洲防务方面的重要盛会之一,特别是中国如今更愿意发表自己的观点了。

    The Shangri-La Dialogue forum has become one of the key defence events in Asia , particularly as China becomes more willing to voice its views .

  13. 大连香格里拉大饭店中水回用工程设计规模为60m3/d,采用MBR工艺。

    The wastewater reuse project of ShangriLa Hotel in Dalian City was designed as a MBR facility with capacity of 60 cubic meters per day .

  14. 在更为静谧的第16大区,嘉宾们可以惬意地入住香格里拉酒店(Shangri-LaHotel),这儿曾一度是拿破仑侄孙罗兰•波拿巴王子(PrinceRolandBonaparte)的府第。

    In the more sedate 16th arrondissement , guests can relax at the Shangri-La Hotel in a building that was once home to Prince Roland Bonaparte , great-nephew of Napoleon .

  15. 据国家环保总局(SEPA)提供的消息称,陈凯歌导演的电影“无极”在拍摄时破坏了靠近云南西南的香格里拉湖岸的环境。

    Chen 's film ," The Promise " damaged the environment near a pristine lake shore in Shangri-la in southwest Yunnan Province , according to the State Environmental Protection Administration ( SEPA ) .

  16. 香格里拉、半岛、J.W.万豪、雅高以及喜达屋等酒店品牌纷纷表示不再提供鱼翅。

    Shangri-la , Peninsula , JW Marriot , Accor and Starwood are among the hotels that have declared they will not serve shark fin .

  17. 丽兹酒店(TheRitz)2012年歇业后,进行了总耗资达1.4亿欧元的翻修(距离香格里拉与文华东方酒店进军巴黎不到一年时间),并将于2015年重新开业,比预期的时间晚了一年。

    The Ritz , which closed for a 140m revamp in 2012 , barely a year after the Shangri-La and the Mandarin Oriental barged into Paris , will not reopen until 2015 - a year later than expected .

  18. 每年6月初,都有一位中国将军坐在新加坡香格里拉酒店(Shangri-Lahotel)宴会厅的主席台上,告诉台下的各国国防部长和高级军官:中国渴望和平,不会对任何人构成威胁。

    Every year in early June , a Chinese general sits down on a stage at the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore and tells a ballroom packed with defence ministers and military brass from all over the world that China aspires to peace and will not pose a threat to anyone .

  19. 港岛香格里拉饭店的珀翠餐厅(Petrus)推出了六道菜的套餐,定价为每位3988港币,外加10%的服务费。

    At the Island Shangrila 's Petrus , the price per person for a 6-course set menu was HK $ 3,988 plus 10 % service charge .

  20. 马克南担任英格兰南部汉普郡(Hampshire)帕克希尔饭店(Parkhillrestaurant)米其林星级餐厅LePoussin(如今已关张)主厨时只有21岁,有次受邀参加在北京香格里拉酒店(Shangri-Lahotel)蓝韵餐厅(BluLobster)举办的午宴。

    McKenna , who had become head chef of the ( now closed ) Michelin-starred Le Poussin at Parkhill restaurant in Hampshire , southern England , when he was just 21 , was asked to launch the Blu Lobster restaurant at the Shangri-La hotel .

  21. 位于加德满都的香格里拉尼泊尔徒步公司(Shangri-LaNepalTrek)为登山队提供支持。公司执行董事吉班·吉米雷(JibanGhimire)表示,当关于今年的创痛的记忆退却之时,登山迷们还是会带着同样的热情重返珠峰。

    When memories of this year 's trauma subside , mountain enthusiasts will return to Everest with the same zeal as before , according to Jiban Ghimire , the managing director of Shangri-La Nepal Trek , a company in Katmandu that provides support to mountaineering teams .

  22. 该赛事也向业余选手开放,业余组冠军将获得北京至伦敦的往返机票以及下榻位于伦敦碎片大厦(Shard)高层即将开业的香格里拉酒店的奖励。碎片大厦如今是西欧的最高建筑。

    The race is also open to amateurs , with the winner earning round-trip tickets from Beijing to London and three nights stay at Shangri-La 's soon-to open hotel atop the Shard in London , now the tallest building in Western Europe .

  23. 市场在巴黎,如雷阿勒商场,香格里拉Mégisserie,那些被发现Mouffetard路沿线,和类似的小型版本在其他城市是非常重要的粮食分配。

    Marketsin Paris such as Les Halles , la M é gisserie , those found along RueMouffetard , and similar smaller versions in other cities were veryimportant to the distribution of food .

  24. 音乐会,展览和文化活动月将带给游客更接近米兰和它的地标,如斯卡拉剧院,博物馆和香格里拉三年展其的navigli区运河。

    Six months of concerts , exhibitions and cultural events will bring tourists closer to Milan and its landmarks , such as La Scala theater , La Triennale Museum and the canals of its Navigli district .

  25. 香格里拉区域森林和草场资源的可持续性分析

    A Sustainable Analysis on Forest and Pasture Resources in Shangri-la Region

  26. 云南省迪庆香格里拉旅游品牌成功营销经验

    The Successful Experience of Tourism Branding in Shangri-la of Yunnan Province

  27. 大香格里拉土壤放线菌组成分析及生物活性测定

    Diversity and bioactivity analysis of actinomycetes isolated from Grand Shangri-La soil

  28. 香格里拉证(学士学位):这是3年的课程。

    La Licence ( Bachelor Degree ): It is a3 year course .

  29. 威尔逊先生,这就是香格里拉大酒店。

    B : This is the shangri La Hotel , Mr. Wilson .

  30. 香格里拉大峡谷旅游区环境管理体系研究

    Research on the Environmental Management System of Shangri-La Grand Canyon Tourism District