
  • 网络Fragrant;Aromatic;shannon
  1. 它不仅具有接近香浓极限的码性能,而且能够实现简单的译码。

    It has not only the performance coding approaching to Shannon limits , but also can realize simple decoding .

  2. 该厂把牛奶饮料配制得香浓可口。

    This factory makes milk drink aromatic and agreeaBle to the taste .

  3. 特色:含有丰富维他命C的绿茶粉,混合在香浓的起司中,烘焙出香酥美味的好滋味。

    Features : baked by green tea powder ( rich in Vitamin C ) and mixed with cheese .

  4. 它拥有SIS系统可以冲煮出完美的香浓浓缩咖啡。

    It has the SIS system ( Soft Infusion System ) allowing to brew a perfect creamy espresso .

  5. 蔓越莓奶酪CranberryCheese香浓的奶酪蛋糕糊中搭配上新鲜的蓝莓果粒,恰到好处的勾勒出其圆润饱满的质感。

    Heavy paste of the cheese cake with fresh blueberries on fruit , right round the outline of its full texture .

  6. 因拥有欧洲最古老、规模最大的圣诞市场之一而自称“圣诞之都”(ChristmasCapital)的斯特拉斯堡向各方游客张开臂膀,欢迎大家探访12月遍及全城的礼品集市、音乐演出、圣诞灯光和香浓美酒,不管你是好孩子还是坏孩子。

    A self-proclaimed " Christmas Capital " - thanks to one of the oldest and largest Christmas markets in Europe - Strasbourg welcomes the virtuous and vice-loving alike to its December citywide extravaganza of gift bazaars , concerts , lights and mulled wine .

  7. 上世纪六十年代,这道用新鲜水果搭配香浓丝滑热巧克力酱的美食诞生于纽约一家名为ChaletSuisse的餐厅之中,如今这家餐厅已经不复存在了。自面世之后,它便成为派对上最受欢迎的甜品。

    The dish , in which fresh fruit is dipped into a hot , rich , creamy chocolate sauce , was born in a long-lost New York restaurant called Chalet Suisse in the 1960s . It has since become one of the most popular dessert options for parties .

  8. 当多美·托尔(TomiTuel)的丈夫结束出差回到家后,多美给他煎了牛排、调了一杯香浓丝滑的鸡尾酒、烤了一块蛋糕,还在厨房餐桌上方的风扇上挂了许多聚会彩带。

    When Tomi Tuel 's husband comes home from a business trip , she grills him a steak and mixes up a Mudslide cocktail , bakes a cake and hangs party streamers from the fan over the kitchen table .

  9. 感受:丰富滋味,香浓爽脆。

    Experience : A rich blend of tastes , crisp and tasty .

  10. 现在,来一杯香浓的茶,亲爱的。

    Now , come have a nice cup of tea , dear .

  11. 女儿微笑着喝了一口香浓的咖啡。

    The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma .

  12. 偏低则难以冲泡出咖啡的香浓。

    Low it is difficult to brew the coffee brewed .

  13. 这种牌子的咖啡,香浓可口。

    This Brand of coffee smells fragrant and tastes good .

  14. 粤菜清淡适口,而京菜则味重香浓。

    Cantonese food is lighter while Beijing food is heavy and spicy .

  15. 口感极为香浓,富含杨槐以及蜂蜜的味道。

    It tastes with great fragrance , full of acacia and honey aroma .

  16. 气味:香浓的浆果香味与木香味,同时带有微微的辛辣味道。

    Bouquet : Aromas of stewed fruit and wood , with spicy nuances .

  17. 希望是滴滴香浓意犹未尽

    Hope it 's good to the last drop ,

  18. 香浓的面包味勾起了我的食欲。

    The accent of bread made me hungry .

  19. 喝下那最香浓的青稞酒呀。

    Drinking the most aromatic highland barley wine .

  20. 但我比较喜欢芝士蛋糕,因为它那香浓的口味。

    But cheese cake I like it for the strong taste with the fragrance .

  21. 来自牙买加纯正品质,咖啡豆,无可抵挡那诱人的香浓。

    From Jamaica pure quality , coffee beans , no against the attractive fragrant .

  22. 香浓美味咖啡,伴您度过好时光。

    A cup of aromatic and tasty coffee is your company for a good time .

  23. 就这样,大夏天,也能享受一杯香浓的印度奶茶了。

    Now you could too enjoy a cup of Chai when it 's hot out !

  24. 散发着植物芳香,具有香浓的欧洲黑醋栗与西洋李子气息。

    Concentrated creme de cassis and damson plums to the flore , with floral aromas .

  25. 香浓的奶茶和清新的柠茶就是在这里出品的!

    The wonderful milk tea and the refreshing lemon tea are the proud products of Uncle !

  26. 果香味比我曾做过的什麽酒都香浓。

    The perfume of the fruity taste even better than any wine I 've ever made .

  27. 哦,这么多品种,所有都色纯香浓。

    Oh , such a variety . All of them are excellent both in color and flavour .

  28. 麦氏速溶咖啡滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。高速滴式生物过滤器

    " Maxwell House " instant coffee & good to the last drop . high rate thickling filter

  29. 我啜吸三口就喝光了,不过咖啡的香浓温暖我却至今难忘。

    After three sips it was gone , but I could still feel its warmth and energy .

  30. 经年之后,单宁糖浆味会变成香浓的巧克力味,甘草香料则会变成清爽的李子布丁味。

    given time , tannic molasses turns to rich chocolate , licorice spice to soothing plum pudding .