
  • The University of Hong Kong;HKU
  1. 香港大学(UniversityofHongKong)去年的一份研究总结称,香港空气污染每年造成至少1600人死亡。

    Last year a University of Hong Kong study concluded that the territory 's air pollution claims at least 1,600 lives annually .

  2. 该指数是由香港大学(UniversityofHongKong)开发的一系列指数的分项指数,一定程度上特为此笔交易而开发。

    This index is one of the subsets of a series developed by the University of Hong Kong partly for this specific transaction .

  3. 迄今为止,香港大学商学院一直在复旦大学(fudanuniversity)的上海校园内授课。

    To date hkubs has taught its programmes on the campus of Fudan University in the city .

  4. 香港大学(UniversityofHongKong)今年早些时候进行的一项研究显示,空气污染导致香港每年约3200人死亡。

    A previous study by the University of Hong Kong this year suggested that air pollution was responsible for some 3,200 annual deaths in Hong Kong ( pdf ) .

  5. 香港大学(HongKongUniversity)最近开展的一项调查显示,51%的香港居民支持通过该方案,37%的人反对该方案。

    A recent survey conducted by Hong Kong University showed 51 per cent of Hong Kong residents in favour of passing the bill , with 37 per cent opposed .

  6. 香港大学(UniversityofHongKong)助理教授、呼吸内科专家大卫?林(DavidLam)表示,项目得出初步结果将需要5年时间。

    David Lam , assistant professor and specialist in respiratory medicine at the University of Hong Kong , says it will be five years before early results from projects materialise .

  7. HKU-HRPI指数由香港大学(UniversityofHongKong)学者开发。一些专家认为,该指数已相当稳健,足以支撑一个衍生品市场。

    The HKU-HRPI index has been developed by academics at the University of Hong Kong , which some experts believe is robust enough to support a derivatives market .

  8. JosephFan是香港大学公司管理方面的专家。他说,仅仅制定新的法律和条例是不够的,因为很多公司善于钻法律的空子。

    Joseph Fan , a corporate governance expert at the City University of Hong Kong , says new laws and regulations are not enough because some companies are able to skirt the law .

  9. 香港大学(UniversityofHongKong)MBA课程行政主管萨钦•蒂普尼斯(SachinTipnis)提到,内地和香港的中国学生为课堂带来截然不同的背景。

    Sachin Tipnis , executive director of MBA programmes at the University of Hong Kong , notes that mainland and Hong Kong Chinese students bring vastly different backgrounds to the classroom .

  10. LBS与纽约哥伦比亚大学商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)和香港大学(UniversityofHongKong)合办了EMBA-GlobalAsia课程,该课程是今年榜单上的新成员。一位毕业生表示,获得欧洲、美国和亚洲的视角具有启发意义。

    A graduate of the EMBA-Global Asia , run by LBS with Columbia in New York and the University of Hong Kong and new to the ranking this year , said it was enlightening to get European , US and Asian perspectives .

  11. 但香港大学法学教授陈文敏(JohannesChan)告诉我,英语水平下降的同时,香港人的汉语水平也没有提升的迹象。

    But Johannes Chan , a law professor at the university , told me there were few signs that their Mandarin was improving as their English deteriorated .

  12. 作为世界一流的学府,HKU(香港大学)为广大学子提供了一种开放的学习生活环境。

    As a world-class university , HKU ( Hong Kong University ) provides an open learning and living environment for its students .

  13. 香港大学校长马斐森(PeterMathieson)表示,校园里有一种局面或多或少恢复了正常的感觉。

    Peter Mathieson , president of the University of Hong Kong , says there is a sense that things are more or less back to normal on campus .

  14. 香港大学法律学院院长陈文敏(JohannesChan)在前往澳门作一个讲座时,被澳门方面拒绝入境。

    Last week , Johannes Chan , dean of the law faculty at the University of Hong Kong , was refused entry to Macao when he was due to give a lecture .

  15. 但香港大学语言学教授马诗帆(stephenmatthews)说,这种解读在中国受到排斥,虽然许多“方言”无法互相沟通,但中国还是强调汉语的统一性。

    But this interpretation , says Stephen Matthews , a linguistics professor at Hong Kong University , is rejected in China where the unity of Chinese is stressed despite many " dialects " being mutually unintelligible .

  16. 香港大学儿科和青少年医学教授AllanLau称,这种化合物可以用于研制新药,但距离新药上市最长可能需要八年时间。

    " Given the problems with drug resistance , this compound can be used to develop a new drug ," said Allan Lau , professor of pediatrics and adolescent medicine at the University of Hong Kong .

  17. 香港大学公共卫生学副教授高本恩(BenjaminCowling)在电子邮件中表示,这种口罩的设计用途是防止血液飞溅之类的问题,而不是阻挡细颗粒物。

    But these are designed to prevent problems like splattering blood , not to block tiny particles , Benjamin Cowling , an associate professor of public health at the University of Hong Kong , said in an email .

  18. 马利克.佩利斯在香港大学教授微生物学,11年前香港爆发禽流感时,他是发现H5N1型禽流感病毒的首批科学家之一,并参与了解析禽流感病毒基因图以及基因变异的研究小组的工作。

    Malik Peiris teaches microbiology at Hong Kong University . He was among the scientists who first identified the virus when it appeared in the city 11 years ago , and was part of a team that provided the genetic map of the bird flu virus and its mutations .

  19. 香港大学是为中国、为整个世界建立。

    HKU is a university built for China and the world .

  20. 香港大学图书馆电子书籍的馆藏建立

    E-book Collection Building at the University of Hong Kong Libraries

  21. 香港大学联合招生办法及其启示

    The Joint University Programmes Admissions System of Hong Kong and its Implication

  22. 香港大学钻孔过程数字监测仪在土钉加固斜坡工程中的应用

    Use of HKU drilling process monitor in slope stabilization

  23. 他曾在香港大学和哥伦比亚大学研习中国古典文学。

    He has studied Chinese classics at Hong Kong University and Columbia university .

  24. 2006年至2008年香港大学博士后研究工作。

    Post doctoral research associate , 2006-2008 , The University of Hong Kong .

  25. 郑炳鸿先后获得香港大学建筑学士及美国麻省理工学院城市设计硕士。

    Wallace Chang obtained BA from the University of HK and MA in MIT .

  26. 傅女士持有香港大学社会科学学士学位。

    Ms. Fu received her Bachelor of Social Sciences from University of Hong Kong .

  27. 香港大学图书馆学科馆员制度及其启示

    The Subject Librarian System of The University of Hong Kong Library and Its Enlightenment

  28. 香港大学本部大楼外部

    The Exterior of Hong Kong University Main Building

  29. 合肥、北京、香港大学新生生活与心理发展状况调查

    Survey on Life and Psychological States of Freshmen in Hefei , Beijing and Hong Kong

  30. 这是香港大学动物学系食品与营养科学研究组的网站。

    This is the website for Food and Nutritional Science , University of Hong Kong .