
  1. 美国金融危机与马克思的经济危机理论

    On the Economic Crisis of the US and Marxist Theory of Economic Crisis

  2. 马克思的经济危机理论与凯恩斯的经济危机理论在研究背景及任务、经济危机成因、经济危机实质方面有着根本区别,于是对经济危机治理的思路与方法也不相同。

    Due to the essential differences in crisis theory between Marx and Keynes , in terms of research background and objective , the crisis causes and substance , there has also some differences in thinking and approaches for crisis treatment .

  3. 第二章回顾和梳理马克思主义的经济危机理论和金融危机思想的相关内容,并且总结国内外马克思主义关于经济危机理论的研究。

    In chapter two , the paper reviews and sorts out the Marxism theory of economic crisis and financial crisis and summarizing the Marxism theory at home and abroad .

  4. 马克思主义的经济危机理论是科学的理论,立足于实践和科学基础上,随着实践的发展而进一步发展,与时俱进,不会过时。

    The Marx doctrine of economic crisis theory is a scientific theory , based on practice and scientific basis , with the development of practice and furtherdevelopment , advancing with the times , never out of date .

  5. 而唯独马克思主义经济学的经济危机理论,对于我们认识历次经济危机具有很好的理论指导意义。

    On contrast , Marxist economic theory on economic crisis will provide guidance for us to better understand past crisis .