
  1. 通过梳理马克思的虚拟资本理论,剖析了国际金融动荡的深层次原因是虚拟经济与实体经济的严重背离。

    This paper analyses Marx 's fictitious capitalist theory and discusses about the deep cause of international financial turbulence in fictitious economy .

  2. 马克思的虚拟资本理论为我国金融市场建设和宏观货币政策选择提供了理论依据。

    Marxist theory on virtual capital offers theoretical support for the construction of China 's financial market and China 's selection of macro policy concerning currency .

  3. 马克思的虚拟资本理论深刻揭示了金融资产所特有的虚拟性质,揭示了经济周期性与金融危机的根源,揭示了货币流通与利率变动的内在规律。

    Marxist theory on virtual capital reveals the specific virtual nature of financial assets , the cyclicity of economy and causes for financial crisis , the internal rule of currency circulation and change of interest rate as well .