
  • 网络marcus;markus;George E. Marcus
  1. 乔治·E·马尔库斯等:《作为文化批评的人类学》。北京:三联书店,1998年。

    Marcus , Gorge E.Anthropology as Cultural Criticism . Beijing : SDX Joint Publishing Company , 1998 .

  2. 弟弟马尔库斯利用春假去探望姐姐

    The brother Marcus was visiting the sister on spring break .

  3. 我同样希望马尔库斯获释

    I want Marcus released just as much as Nicole .

  4. 尼科和马尔库斯将在两天后被审判

    Nicole and Marcus are being sentenced in two days .

  5. 比起马尔库斯你更关心她是否获释

    You care more about getting her released than Marcus .

  6. 必须保证尼科·布拉丁和她兄弟马尔库斯获释

    must secure the release of both Nicole Bradin and her brother Marcus .

  7. 我的神啊马尔库斯是学诗歌的

    Now , Marcus is a poetry major , for God 's sake !

  8. 你再去把尼科和马尔库斯的认罪录像拿来

    Will you get a hold of Nicole and Marcus ' confession videos ?

  9. 我们护士强烈要求将马尔库斯转送至一个医疗机构接受治疗

    Our nurse demanded that Marcus be transferred to a medical facility for treatment .

  10. 我们要把尼科救回来马尔库斯那边我们只能尽力

    We 're getting Nicole back . We 'll do what we can for Marcus .

  11. 而你却担心在她的情感问题?拉菲克提出用爱国者导弹交换马尔库斯

    And you 're worried about her feelings ? Rafik 's demanding patriot missiles for Marcus .

  12. 她是昨天获准看望马尔库斯的护士之一她设法拍了这些照片

    One of their nurses was allowed to visit Marcus yesterday and she managed to get these photos out .

  13. 当马尔库斯听说这份晚餐的时候,他们说,他唉声叹气,悲悼帝国的命运。

    And when Marcus heard of this dinner , they say , he groaned and bewailed the fate of the empire .