
  • 网络University of Massachusetts;Amherst;University of Massachusetts Amherst;UMASS;University of Massachusetts at Amherst
  1. 不过,正如马萨诸塞大学(UniversityofMassachusetts)贝尔蒂奥姆企业中心(BerthiaumeCenterforEntrepreneurship)的常务董事比尔伍尔德里奇(BillWooldridge)教授所指出的那样,中层经理头衔是一个总称。

    Yet the middle manager title is a catch-all , as Bill Wooldridge , professor and managing director of the Berthiaume Center for Entrepreneurship , University of Massachusetts , notes .

  2. 马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校(UniversityofMassachusetts,Amherst)的经济学家南希•福尔布雷(NancyFolbre)在她2008年出版的著作《孩子的价值》(ValuingChildren)中称,父母放弃的工资应包括在抚养子女的成本中。

    Nancy Folbre , an economist at the University of Massachusetts , Amherst , argued in her 2008 book " Valuing Children ' that forgone wages should be included in the cost of raising children .

  3. 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校(UniversityofMassachusettsAmherst)的苏珊•克劳斯•惠特伯恩(SusanKraussWhitbourne)教授认为,年龄是一种社会建构,在很大程度上取决于个人。

    Susan Krauss Whitbourne , professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst , sees age as a social construct , highly dependent on the individual .

  4. 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校(UniversityofMassachusettsAmherst)的苏珊•克劳斯•惠特伯恩(SusanKraussWhitbourne)教授认为,年龄是一种“社会建构,在很大程度上取决于个人”。

    Susan Krauss Whitbourne , professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst , sees age as a " social construct , highly dependent on the individual . "

  5. 马萨诸塞大学(UniversityofMassachusetts)的研究人员去年对133名管理者的调研发现,如果一名审计师招人喜欢并且提出了条理清晰的论据,管理者往往会遵从他的建议,即使他们并不赞同而且审计师也缺乏佐证。

    A study of 133 managers last year by researchers at the University of Massachusetts found that if an auditor is likable and gives a well-organized argument , managers tend to comply with his suggestions , even if they disagree and the auditor lacks supporting evidence .

  6. 前不久,马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校的LGBT资源组织石墙中心(TheStonewallCenter)完成了第一份关于非传统男女性别大学生的全国调查报告。

    The Stonewall Center , an L.G.B.T. resource group at the University of Massachusetts , Amherst , recently completed the first national study of college students who identify as something other than male or female .

  7. 从一笔贷款、一份工作,到刑事司法系统中的缓刑决定,在判断众多事情的合适性方面越来越依赖自动化,让马萨诸塞大学(UniversityofMassachusetts)软件工程副教授尤里?布朗(YuriyBrun)感到不安。

    The growing reliance on automation to judge suitability for everything from a loan to a job or even to probation in the criminal justice system , worries Yuriy Brun , an associate professor specialising in software engineering at the University of Massachusetts .

  8. 很多马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校毕业生

    To consider that many of you all UMass Lowell University graduates

  9. 如果马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校的。某位工程师或科学家能够弄清。

    If a umass Lowell engineer . Or scientist can figure it out .

  10. 马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校教务长

    and I 'm the Provost of UMass Lowell

  11. 这里我希望马萨诸塞大学的材料科学家

    Here 's hoping a UMass raw material scientist

  12. 我要恭喜马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校这里从来就是无烟区。

    And let me say congratulations , UMass Lowell , it 's always smoke free .

  13. 你们是马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校毕业生

    You are University of Massachusetts Lowellgraduates

  14. 美国马萨诸塞大学风景园林及绿脉规划的成就(1970-)

    The Evolution of Landscape and Greenway Planning in the USA at the University of Massachusetts & Amherst ( 1970 to date )

  15. 节目在五年间获得过18次艾米奖包括7次音效设计奖该奖项的分享者包括马萨诸塞大学洛厄尔分校校友

    The show won 18 Emmies in 5 years including 7 for sound design which were shared by UMass Lowell 's sound recording technology alum

  16. 美国马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校的一名研究人员对918名双薪家庭的女性进行了研究,结果发现,薪水越高的女性做的家务活越少,比如做饭和打扫卫生。

    A researcher at the University of Massachusetts Amherst found that big paychecks equal less cooking and cleaning in a study of918 women in double-income families .

  17. 而且,他是牛津大学,澳大利亚国立大学,墨尔本大学和马萨诸塞大学的访问学者。

    He has visited , among other places , at the Australian National University , Oxford University , the University of Melbourne and the University of Massachusetts Amherst .

  18. 马萨诸塞大学医学院的研究小组给雄性鼠提供低蛋白饮食,自哺乳期到性成熟期。

    A research team from the University of Massachusetts Medical School placed male mice on a low-protein diet from the time they were weaned until they reached sexual maturity .

  19. 该校有学生2800人,是美国最大的女子学院,与并附近的曼荷莲学院、艾姆赫斯特学院、汉普郡学院以及马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校并称为麻省五校联盟。

    With 2800 students , Smith is the nation 's largest women 's college . It is part of the Five Colleges consortium with nearby Mount Holyoke , Amherst , Hampshire and UMass Amherst 。

  20. 最近一项关于1000多个工作的父亲的研究发现,工作的父亲陪伴孩子的时间越长,更快乐。这项研究是由来自东北大学、美国马萨诸塞大学和波士顿学院的研究者发起的。

    A recent study of approximately 1,000 working fathers conducted by researchers from Northeastern University , the University of Massachusetts , and Boston College found that the more time that working fathers spend with their children , the happier they were .

  21. 他在获得马萨诸塞州立大学达特茅斯分校计算机电子与工程硕士学位后于2000年7月加入IBM。

    He joined IBM in July 2000 , after finishing his Masters degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth .

  22. 不过,马萨诸塞州大学波士顿分校(UniversityofMassachusettsatBoston)的生物学家卡迈勒吉特·巴瓦(KamaljitBawa)表示,倘若无法更好地理解喜马拉雅的气候变暖,可能会给该地区独一无二的生物多样性带来严重的后果。

    But Kamaljit Bawa , a biologist at the University of Massachusetts Boston , said failure to better understand warming in the Himalayas could have serious consequences for the region 's unique biodiversity .

  23. 1986年,艾米参加在马萨诸塞州大学举行的抗议时,甚至遭到逮捕。

    She was arrested during a protest at the University of Massachusetts in1986 .

  24. 你也完全不用担心他们因为他们将获得马萨诸塞州立大学的全额奖学金全额奖学金

    You don 't have worry about them at all , because they are getting full scholarship ofthe university of Massachusetts.Full scholarships

  25. 马萨诸塞州大学研究发现,如果一天工作超过12个小时的话,出现危险情况的可能性会提高三分之一。

    And working more than 12 hours a day raised the risk by more than a third , the University of Massachusetts found .

  26. 在正式参选前,他已在马萨诸塞州大学洛威尔/波士顿先驱报的民调中以2:1的战绩领先共和党对手。

    Even before he had formally announced his entry , he led his main Republican rival by two-to-one in a University of Massachusetts Lowell / Boston Herald poll .

  27. 马萨诸塞洲大学和塔夫斯大学的卡明斯兽医药学院的研究人员询问了700多个宠物狗的主人有关农药使用的问题。

    Researchers at the University of Massachusetts and the Tufts University Cummings School of veterinary medicine questioned the owners of more than 700 dogs about use of pesticides .

  28. 马萨诸塞州塔夫茨大学的DavidKaplan认为他已经找到了一个解决办法。

    And David Kaplan of Tufts University , in Massachusetts , thinks he has found one .

  29. 5月的美国马萨诸塞州哈佛大学校园里,历史与微观经济学专业的三年级本科生Matthew,被一则落款为哈佛大学中国基金的实习招聘吸引了。

    Back in May , Matthew , a junior student who majors in history and microeconomics at Harvard University , attended a campus recruitment fair sponsored by the Harvard China Fund .

  30. 这名研究人员就是马萨诸塞州哈佛大学的伊贾德·马迪士(IjadMadisch)。

    The researcher was Ijad Madisch at Harvard in Massachusetts .