
qū chú
  • Expel;repel;banish;drive out;drive out (away);get rid of
驱除 [qū chú]
  • [drive out (away);get rid of] 驱逐;排除

  • 驱除杂念

驱除[qū chú]
  1. 肠道中的生物细菌同我们的免疫系统一起发挥作用:驱除病原体,产生维生素k,促进肠道蠕动,还有最重要的一点,帮助消化食物,而这一点直到现在才被人们发现(尽管我们仍知之甚少还有待大量研究)。

    Poorly understood until recently ( and there is still quite a bit of research to be done ) , the natural bacteria that lives in our guts works with our immune system to drive out pathogens , produce vitamin K , stimulate peristalsis , and perhaps most importantly , digest our food .

  2. 驱除害怕,因此每个人可以为公司有效的工作。

    Drive out fear , so that everyone may work effectively for the company .

  3. 工业产出的增长有助于驱除人们对于经济正再次陷入衰退的挥之不去的担忧。

    The rise in industrial production helped chase away lingering fears that the economy is slipping into a new recession .

  4. 我会用它来驱除你生活中的悲伤。

    I will use it to drive the sadness out of your life .

  5. 他试图驱除心中的忧愁。

    He tried to banish gloom from his thought .

  6. 驱除蛔虫和鞭虫的效果均与两个对照组相近(P均>0.05)。

    But similar effect was obtained in treating ascaris or whipworm infections ( P > 0.05 ) .

  7. 维生素E和阿斯匹林能驱除血凝块

    Vitamin E and aspirin can drive the clot away

  8. 新月或者“U”形往往被认为是丰饶肥沃的象征,并且还具有驱除邪灵的魔力。

    Crescent or " U " shapes are often said to be the symbol of fertility and also possesses power to ward off evil spirit .

  9. 很明显,J兄并不想要我们不再操心身体以驱除小我。

    Clearly , Jesus does not want us to stop caring for the body as a path to letting go of the ego .

  10. 考虑到氨氮的脱除和提高氨氮脱除效率以及通过好氧驱除有机物等主要因素,对几种用于氨氮硝化和反硝化、化学需氧量(COD)好氧处理的工艺、设备进行了比较。

    Considering removal efficiency of Ammonia and Organics , some processes and equipments are contrasted which are for nitrification and denitrification of ammonia-nitrogen and aerobic treatment of COD .

  11. 驱除侵袭大质粒pINV对福氏2a志贺氏杆菌2457T影响的比较蛋白质组学研究

    Comparative proteomics research on removing of large invasive plasmid pINV of Shigella flexneri 2a strain 2457T

  12. Zoc发现它有驱除邪恶创造安宁的力量

    Zoc discovered its powers to expel evil and create well-being .

  13. 本文介绍了在银坩埚中用氢氧化钠分解氟化铝,以高氯酸驱除氟,EDTA容量法测定铝含量的分析方法。

    This paper presents a method determining aluminium by EDTA volumetric analysis . In silver crucible , the aluminium fluoride is decomposed with sodium hydroxide and fluorine is drived out with perchloric acid .

  14. Closantel缓释剂驱除山羊实验感染肝片吸虫的效果

    Effect of Closantel Sustained Release Bolus to Goats Experimentally Infected with Fasciola hepatica

  15. Rintal片驱除绵羊消化道线虫的试验

    Anthelmintic test of nematodes in enteron of sheep with rintal tablet

  16. 松阴的崇拜者罗伯特路易斯史蒂文森(robertlouisstevenson)记道:“他视驱除这些无所不能的外国人为己任,而帮助把这些外国人介绍到日本却是他的主要功绩之一。”

    As Robert Louis Stevenson , an admirer , notes : " he had it upon him to keep out these all-powerful foreigners , whom it is one of his chief merits to have helped introduce . "

  17. 这个小镇的泉水因为有治疗功效而为人所知。1626年,EnglishSpa这样的说法首次出现。到了1777年,spa小镇已经声名远扬,以致于任何有温泉且能驱除疾病的地方都取名叫做spa。

    By 1626 we have a citation for an English Spa and by 1777 the name of the town of Spa became truly generic so that any town with a hot spring where you could soak your ills away was called a spa .

  18. 伦敦数据提供商markit刚刚宣布,为了驱除市场上的迷雾,它将开始公布有关欧洲证券化产品的新数据信息。

    Markit , the London-based data provider , has just declared that it would start publishing new information on European securitised products in an effort to demystify the market .

  19. 纳米级硅酸盐结构微粒(PBAA)驱除猪饲料铅效果及其机理研究

    Studies on Effectiveness of Nano-silicate ( PBAA ) in Eliminating Feed Lead and Its Mechanism in Pigs

  20. 提示Closantel缓释剂对驱除实验感染肝片吸虫有一定效果,在虫体感染前投药会起到预防作用。

    It suggest that sustained release closantel has limited helminthic effect to Fasciola hepatica , but It can be used for prevention before infection .

  21. 1626年,EnglishSpa这样的说法首次出现。到了1777年,spa小镇已经声名远扬,以致于任何有温泉且能驱除疾病的地方都取名叫做spa。

    It had springs of waters with reputed healing properties . By 1626 we have a citation for an English Spa and by 1777 the name of the town of Spa became truly generic so that any town with a hot spring where you could soak your ills away was called a spa .

  22. 治疗疾病和驱除疾病距离增加到40码。

    Cure Disease and Abolish Disease range increased to 40 yards .

  23. 一种能破坏或驱除寄生在肠内的蠕虫的药物。

    A medication capable of destroying or expelling parasitic intestinal worms .

  24. 在中世纪的欧洲,人们佩戴豆子以驱除巫婆。

    In medieval Europe , beans were worn to repel witches .

  25. 从一处居住地驱除,为了惩罚。

    Ban from a place of residence , as for punishment .

  26. 两种药物驱除放牧绵羊线虫的效果对比试验

    Comparison of Effect of Two Medicine Against Nematode in Grazing Sheep

  27. 3种药物驱除羊寄生线虫的效果观察

    Observation of Anthelminthic Effect of Three Anthelmintic Medicines on Sheep Parasites

  28. 盐酸左旋咪唑擦剂驱除猪消化道线虫效果观察

    Efficiency of Levamisole Hydrochloride Liniment Against Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Pigs

  29. 丙硫咪唑和噻嘧啶混合疗法驱除肠道线虫的效果观察

    Therapeutic effect of albendazole and pyrantel pamoate mixed treatment against intestinal nematodiasis

  30. 治愈感冒、驱除疲劳感。

    Fight off a cold , a feeling of tiredness .