
  1. 其他应当判决驳回诉讼请求的情形。

    Other circumstances where the court shall reject the claims .

  2. 行政诉讼驳回诉讼请求判决研究

    A Research of the Dismissal Adjudgment in Administrative Action

  3. 驳回诉讼请求判决替代维持判决的观点几成学界通说。

    Dismissal adjudgement alternative to maintaining adjudgment is ruling view several academic judgment into general said .

  4. 法院驳回诉讼请求。

    The court dismissed the action .

  5. 在行政诉讼法修改的背景下,维持判决与驳回诉讼请求判决之间的关系渐成热点。

    In the context of administrative procedure law modifying , the relationship between maintaining adjudgment and dismissal adjudgment is gradually becoming a hot spot .

  6. 单纯从相对人可能会提出的基本诉讼请求这一角度出发,得出一个国家应当设置的基本行政判决种类,具体包括撤销判决、履行判决、赔偿判决和驳回诉讼请求判决。

    From the single angle of possible suit brought by the private party , the basic mode of administrative judgment in a country should include judgment of repeal , judgment of specific performance , judgment of compensation and judgment of dismissing a suit .

  7. 本文从国际法角度,对截至目前提起的对日民间索赔案件进行了分类梳理,并针对日本法院驳回原告诉讼请求的理由和依据予以剖析解读,以求分辨曲直,澄清责任。

    With the view of the international law , this article classified the cases that happened and analyzed the reasons that the Japanese court denied the claims in order to clarify the matters and distinguish the obligation .

  8. 三是驳回当事人的诉讼请求或抗辩。

    ( c ) The parties ' claims or defenses will be rejected .

  9. 广州当地一男子,因其前妻把他们当初的结婚照剪成了碎片,愤而提出对前妻的诉讼,广州番禹区法院周二驳回了其诉讼请求。

    Guangzhou 's Panyu District People 's Court on Tuesday threw out a lawsuit filed by a local man against his former wife , who had clipped their wedding photos into pieces .

  10. 民事诉讼中驳回起诉与驳回诉讼请求的司法界定

    Legal Specification of Lawsuit Rejected and Claim Overruled in Civil Proceeding

  11. 驳回起诉和驳回诉讼请求是两个不同的概念。

    Lawsuit rejected and claim overruled are two different concepts .

  12. 判决:驳回滕王阁公司的诉讼请求。

    Decision : rejected Tenwangge Company 's appeal and upheld the original verdict .

  13. 基于上述理由,法院判决驳回了原告的诉讼请求。

    Be based on afore-mentioned reason , the court adjudicates the suit that rejected accuser requests .

  14. 关于更正请求的呈交书式,下列情况下任何缔约方不得驳回请求:驳回起诉和驳回诉讼请求是两个不同的概念。

    As regards the requirements concerning the presentation of the request , no Contracting Party shall refuse the request , Lawsuit rejected and claim overruled are two different concepts .