- procedure of first instance

Enforcement of Civil Procedure of First Instance : Principle , Route and Method
Simple procedure is to normal procedure of the procedure of first instance coexist , independent in their contents , simple procedure is simplified ordinary procedure , but it is not the ordinary procedure , not just program of ordinary procedure auxiliary procedure .
Balancing the aims of legalization of administrative litigation , this system is applicable to the first procedure , not other instances ;
Summary procedure is the first trial procedure as well as the common procedure , and it is an effective method to realize the justice and efficiency of judicial activities .
This chapter focuses on system innovation for improving the ordinary procedure of first instance .
CHAPTER XII Ordinary Procedure of First Instance
PART TWO TRIAL PROCEDURE Chapter XII Ordinary Procedure of First Instance Section 1 Bringing a Lawsuit and Entertaining a Case
The article analyzes from two aspects of the trial proceedings of first instance and second instance , and in which respectively discusses vertically all trial procedures necessary for land cases trial including admissibility of the case , reviewing , referees and other aspects .
The first part is about basic principles of trial on appeal .
If a case for retrial was originally tried at first instance , a new collegial panel shall be formed according to the procedure of first instance ;
A case originally of first instance shall be tried de novo by a newly organized collegiate bench in accordance with the procedure of first instance , Audit was a sitting of the council in Exchequer .
If the case was originally one of first instance , it shall be tried in accordance with the procedure of first instance and the new judgment or order may be appealed or protested .