
  • The Skinny;bony
  1. 理想很丰满,现实却很骨感。

    The ideal is fullness , the reality is very skinny .

  2. 已经十分骨感的韩火火仍坚持要减肥。

    Despite being very skinny , Han insists he needs to lose weight .

  3. 很多时候,对于盲目选择某个专业的学生来说,现实比理想更骨感。

    Many times , the idea of a specific major is better than the reality for students who enter it blindly .

  4. 设计师之所以聘用那些骨感女孩

    And the reason why designers hire these girls

  5. 没准儿我想要骨感些。

    Maybe I want to be skinny .

  6. 我也不想变得骨感,只是要比以前再苗条一点点。

    I don 't want to be skinny , just a little slimmer than before .

  7. 但是世界上没有如果,理想很饱满,现实很骨感。

    But there is no if , the ideal is full , the reality is very skinny .

  8. 我从前是个胖子,现在和所有躺着的人一样有骨感!

    I used to be fat , now , and all lying there , like stick thin !

  9. 一年的功夫康特尼就瘦了56磅,15岁时她就变得很骨感。

    Courtney lost 56lbs in the space of a year and by the age of 15 she was skeletal .

  10. 她有那些轮苍白的面孔,看起来太年轻,她身材高挑,骨感的身体之一。

    She has one of those round pale faces that looks too young to be attached to her tall , skinny body .

  11. 他慢慢地移向教堂里后面靠背长凳,衣服罩着他身上就好似挂在单薄的架子上一般,红润而又骨感的脸庞之上,头发光滑地向后背着。

    He slowly approached the rear pew , his clothes hanging on his thin frame , hair slicked back from his ruddy and pocked-marked face .

  12. 每次打开电视机或者翻开杂志,所看的都是我自己想拥有的到弱小、骨感身材。

    Every time I turn on the television or open a magazine , I see tiny , skinny little bodies that I think I should have .

  13. 骨感至极,但又非常时尚,友好。但是到了床上就有些稚嫩了,没什么绝活儿。

    Extremely skinny , but very cool and friendly . However , when it comes to bedroom , she 's very inexperienced and has little to offer .

  14. 这种超瘦的身形最初见于时尚界的T台,后来被更多追求骨感“零号”身材的年轻女孩子所接受。

    The super skinny style sprung up on fashion industry runways and later was adopted by a world of young girls targetting a bony " size zero " figure .

  15. 看着我妈妈的老照片,我总是纳闷为什么自己永远不能像她那么骨感,然后我发现身边有朋友比她妈妈年轻时还要瘦。

    I look at old pictures of my mother and wonder why I 've never been able to be as skinny as she was . And then I have friends who are thinner than their mothers ever were .