
gǔ céng
  • bone bed;osteoplaque
骨层[gǔ céng]
  1. 颞骨关节面的软骨样骨层的厚度减少,关节盘厚度增加。

    The thickness of temporal cartilage decreased while that of the disc increased .

  2. 在模拟体液中,在复合涂层表面沉积出了较为明显的新生类骨层。

    New dense apatite layer forms on the surface of magnesium containing HA / β - TCP coating after soaking in simulated body fluid ( SBF ) .

  3. 在深度方向皮质骨层接触压力最大,在骨孔底部松质骨层接触压力最小;

    The maximum occurrs in direction of the medial-distal aspect in cortical bone layer and the minimum the buccal-lingual area on the bottom line in the cancellous bone .

  4. 钙磷陶瓷表面形成的类骨磷灰石层对材料诱导新骨生成起非常重要的作用。

    Objective : Biphasic calcium phosphate nanocomposite ( NanoBCP ) is a kind of new scaffold which have a porous and3D structure .

  5. 原发性OA骨软骨钙化层的早期病理改变尚需进行深入研究。

    Primary OA bone calcified cartilage layer of the early pathological changes in an in-depth study needed .

  6. 制作扫描电镜样本,在电镜下观察骨质疏松骨组织板层结构情况。

    Scanning electron microscope was used to observe the bone lamellar structure .

  7. 结论:高角骨面型浅层咬肌功能形态测量值小于低角骨面型。

    Conclusion : The masseter muscle size of adult with high-angle facial skeletal type is smaller than that of those with low-angle .

  8. 不同功能位置时,成人低角骨面型浅层嚼肌形态指标均大于高角骨面型,低角个体比高角个体浅层嚼肌有更大的咬殆肌力。

    During the different mandibular positions , the masseter muscle size of adult with high-angle facial skeletal type were always smaller than these of the high-angle group . ii .

  9. 事实上体内移植到免疫缺陷性大鼠,LAB可形成含成骨细胞的板层样骨。

    In fact , after in vivo transplantation into immunocompromised rats , LAB formed lamellar bone-containing osteocytes .

  10. 成骨细胞在珍珠层复合人工骨表面的粘附和增殖

    Adhesion and Proliferation of Human Osteoblasts on the Surface of the Nacre Composite Artificial Bone

  11. 组织学上可见交界区软骨下骨板的全层断裂,达钙化软骨层。

    Histologically , fracture were observed through the whole subchondral bone to the calcified cartilage .

  12. 实验侧8周可见髓腔再通,组织切片可见骨陷窝及板层骨形成。

    In the experimental group , lamella bone was seen and medullary canal recanalized at 8 weeks postoperatively .

  13. 在骨间膜浅层可刺中胫前动脉和腓深神经的扇形分支。

    There are flabellate branches of anterior tibial arteries and deep peroneal nerves around the needle in the superficial layer of interosseous membrane .

  14. 北京猿人第一个头盖骨及其遗址堆积层年代的电子自旋共振测年研究

    Study of ESR dating for burying age of the first skull of Peking man and chronological scale of the cave deposit in Zhoukoudian site loc . 1

  15. 将同种异体成骨细胞-珍珠层/聚乳酸人工骨复合植入体内,观察机体对细胞与材料的排斥反应。

    After the complexes of osteoblastic cells and Nacre / PDLLA were implanted subcutaneously in allografts of rabbits , the inflammatory reactions were observed at different intervals .

  16. 目的评价人成骨细胞在珍珠层聚乳酸人工骨上的粘附能力。认为珍珠层是一种很有前途的骨植入材料,提出了今后研究的方向。

    Objective To study the adhesion and proliferation of osteoblast on the surface of artificial bone . It is likely that nacre will become a good candidate for bone graft substitution in future .

  17. 固定1天组,变化涉及纤维层及软骨层,固定1个月和3个月组,改建涉及纤维层、软骨层和骨-软骨交界层。3个月组较1个月组变化轻。

    In the one-day group , only the fibrous layer and the cartilage layer were involved , while in the one-month and three-month group the fibrous layer , the cartilage layer and the bone-cartilage interface were all involved .

  18. 随着类骨质的沉积、矿化,成骨细胞陷入骨陷窝,成为骨衬里层细胞或者发生凋亡[3]。

    As the deposition and mineralization of osteoid occur , osteoblasts become a lining cellular layer of bone or apoptosis .

  19. 对于股骨近段130mm的骨质缺损,采用髓内柄长为140mm骨水泥型股骨近段人工假体重建能够有效减少骨水泥层压力,从而避免因骨水泥发生疲劳碎裂而导致假体松动的危险。

    Conclusion The intramedullary stem of the proximal femoral segmental prosthesis must have enough length to decrease the stress on the cement mantle in order to avoid the prosthesis loosening .

  20. 在成骨条件培养下转染后的ADSCs能够大量分泌碱性磷酸酶、骨钙蛋白以及层粘连蛋白,其成骨能力明显增强。

    ALP , osteocalcin and laminin can be secreted abundantly from the transfected ADSCs which were cultured in the osteogenic condition medium .