
Conclusion Assay of precursor clusters in bone marrow smear has potential diagnostic value in MDS .
Objective To determine the clinical significance of preursor clusters from bone marrow smear in myelodysplastic syndrome ( MDS ) .
Conclusion : We conclude that observing bone marrow particles may be helpful in the differential diagnosis of AA , MDS and proliferative anemia .
The value of bone marrow particles in the diagnosis of AA , MDS and the differential diagnosis of chronic aplastic anemia , MDS and proliferative anemia
Results : The result showed that the non hematopoietic cells in bone marrow particles in AA were significantly higher than those in others ( P < 0.01 ) .
Objective : To explore whether bone marrow particles is helpful in the differential diagnosis of aplastic anemia ( AA ), myelodysplastic syndrome ( MDS ) and proliferative anemia .
Methods : To observe the bone marrow particles from 10 patients with AA , 5 patients with MDS , 5 patients with proliferative anemia and 10 normal subjects .
Results The positive rate of precursor clusters from bone marrow smear in patients with MDS were markedly higher than that of patients with other hematological disorders ( P < 0 01 ), but lower than that of AL patients ( P < 0 05 ) .
Observation on bone marrow particles and fatty drops in 104 patients with hematopathy
Marrow parvule in the diagnosis of aplastic anemia
It is thought that the non-hematopoietic cells in marrow parvule have referential significance in the differential diagnosis of atypical aplastic anemia and hyperplastic anemia .
Observation of Bone Marrow Particles : Its Significance in Differential Diagnosis of Aplastic Anemia
Methods Extracts between the different marrow liquid volume the marrow specimen , with the marrow nucleated cell direct count method counting nucleated cell , the quota marrow smeared quota counting megalokaryocyte , whether there was simultaneously records . The marrow granulose , compared with different marrow fluid between difference .