
  • 网络bone flute
  1. 舞阳贾湖骨笛发掘出土在考古学和音乐学研究上具有空前的学术价值。

    The excavation of Jiahu Bone Flute has the unprecedented academic value in the archaeology and the musicology research .

  2. 最主要的原因在于,骨笛经历数千年的埋葬,已经大量破损。

    The main reason lies in : after thousands years ' burying , the bone flute already had been heavily damaged .

  3. 骨笛仿古实验及分析推测

    The Archaized Experiment and the Analysis on the Bone Flute

  4. 据说最早的乐器,是根中国的骨头,(贾湖骨笛),管弦乐器终于有了先祖。

    It was said the earliest musical instrument is a bone in China ( Jiahu Bone Flute ), and orchestral instrument had the ancestor finally .

  5. 河南省八千年前新石器时期贾湖遗址中发现的可演奏骨笛开启了我们对目前已知最早的音乐声阶的研究。

    At the7th-millenium Neolithic site of Jiahu , Henan , China , the discovery of playable bone flutes has initiated study of the earliest-known musical scales .

  6. 遗憾的是,自骨笛发现的二十多年以来,学术界对它的研究却并没有达到应有的深度。

    The research had not actually reached a very deep level during the past 20 more years since the bone fluted had been discovered first time .

  7. “1987年中国出土的一支约8000年前的骨笛证明那时就有了音乐和乐器。”

    " a Chinese flute made of animal bone about 8000 years ago and unearthed in May 1987 , show that there were Chinese music and musical instruments then . "

  8. 在我国,六千年前的新石器时代遗址中,已有不少陶埙、陶哨、骨笛、石磬等乐器出土。

    In the Chinese ruins of the Neolithic age over 6,000 years ago , musical instruments like pottery xun , pottery whistle , bone flute , stone qing , and tuo drum were excavated .

  9. 乐史图说四则&骨哨、骨笛、陶钟和夔鼓图像的相关描述

    Four Points about Historical Pictures & The Related Description of Bone Whistle , Bone Flute , Earthen Bell and Crocodile Skin Drum Picture

  10. 从骨哨到骨笛的进化历史可以证明良渚遗址的长玉管是一件乐器,它的名称应该是“玉哨”,它们身上闪亮着良渚遗址中的音乐曙光。

    From the evolution of bone pipes to bone flutes , the long jade tube in Liangzhu can be regarded as a musical instrument called " jade pipe " that signifies twilight of music in the relic .