
  1. 结论骨髓小粒中幼稚细胞簇的检查对MDS的诊断具有重要的参考价值。

    Conclusion Assay of precursor clusters in bone marrow smear has potential diagnostic value in MDS .

  2. 目的探讨骨髓小粒中幼稚细胞簇的出现对骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)的诊断价值。

    Objective To determine the clinical significance of preursor clusters from bone marrow smear in myelodysplastic syndrome ( MDS ) .

  3. 结论:骨髓小粒的观察对AA、MDS、增贫的鉴别诊断有着重要的意义。

    Conclusion : We conclude that observing bone marrow particles may be helpful in the differential diagnosis of AA , MDS and proliferative anemia .

  4. 骨髓小粒对AA、MDS诊断及非典型再障、MDS、增生性贫血鉴别诊断的意义

    The value of bone marrow particles in the diagnosis of AA , MDS and the differential diagnosis of chronic aplastic anemia , MDS and proliferative anemia

  5. 结果:AA患者的骨髓小粒中非造血细胞所占比例明显高于MDS、增贫和正常人,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。

    Results : The result showed that the non hematopoietic cells in bone marrow particles in AA were significantly higher than those in others ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 目的:探讨骨髓小粒对再生障碍性贫血(AA)、骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)、增生性贫血(简称增贫)的鉴别诊断价值。

    Objective : To explore whether bone marrow particles is helpful in the differential diagnosis of aplastic anemia ( AA ), myelodysplastic syndrome ( MDS ) and proliferative anemia .

  7. 方法:对10例AA、5例MDS、5例增贫及10例正常人的骨髓小粒进行研究。

    Methods : To observe the bone marrow particles from 10 patients with AA , 5 patients with MDS , 5 patients with proliferative anemia and 10 normal subjects .

  8. 结果MDS患者骨髓小粒中幼稚细胞簇的阳性率明显高于其他血液病患者(P<001),但是低于急性白血病患者(P<005)。

    Results The positive rate of precursor clusters from bone marrow smear in patients with MDS were markedly higher than that of patients with other hematological disorders ( P < 0 01 ), but lower than that of AL patients ( P < 0 05 ) .

  9. 血液病患者骨髓小粒和脂肪滴的观察

    Observation on bone marrow particles and fatty drops in 104 patients with hematopathy

  10. 骨髓小粒对再生障碍性贫血的诊断意义

    Marrow parvule in the diagnosis of aplastic anemia

  11. 认为骨髓小粒的非造血细胞成分对非典型再障与增生性贫血的鉴别诊断有较重要的参考意义。

    It is thought that the non-hematopoietic cells in marrow parvule have referential significance in the differential diagnosis of atypical aplastic anemia and hyperplastic anemia .

  12. 骨髓液和骨髓小粒的观察&对再生障碍性贫血鉴别诊断的意义

    Observation of Bone Marrow Particles : Its Significance in Differential Diagnosis of Aplastic Anemia

  13. 方法对抽取不同骨髓液量之间的骨髓标本,用骨髓有核细胞直接计数法计数有核细胞,定量骨髓涂片定量计数巨核细胞,同时记录骨髓小粒的有无,比较不同骨髓液间的差异。

    Methods Extracts between the different marrow liquid volume the marrow specimen , with the marrow nucleated cell direct count method counting nucleated cell , the quota marrow smeared quota counting megalokaryocyte , whether there was simultaneously records . The marrow granulose , compared with different marrow fluid between difference .