
ɡǔ shi
  • skeleton
骨殖 [gǔ shi]
  • [bones of the dead] 遗骨、尸骨

  1. 他的骨殖已经运回故乡,亲人都悲痛万分。

    His skeleton has been transported home and all his relatives are in deep sorrow .

  2. 掘开坟墓后,我们看到,棺木已经腐朽,母亲的骨殖,已经与泥土混为一体。

    When we dug up the grave , we saw that the coffin had rotted away and that her body had merged with the damp earth around it .

  3. 这座新坟靠近那座下陷的老坟,但中间留着一处空地,仿佛两位长眠者的骨殖无权相混。

    It was near that old and sunken grave , yet with a space between , as if the dust of the two sleepers had no right to mingle .