
  1. 中国三大石窟是什么?

    What are the three famous sites of Grottoes in china ?

  2. 龙门石窟是中国三大石窟瑰宝之一。

    The Longmen Grottoes are one of the three major treasure houses of stone carving in China .

  3. 在敦煌、云岗、龙门三大石窟艺术之后,9~13世纪的大足石刻显示了外来的佛教石窟遣像艺术在中国发展的最后成果:完全中国化,并成为中国日常生活的艺术载体。

    The Dazu Carvings , dating from the 9th to the 13th century , represent the last period of the developments in the foreign Buddhism grotto art .

  4. 龙门石窟,中国三大石窟之一,在2000年被评为世界文化遗产。

    The Longmen Grottoes ( also Shiku ), as one of the three greatest grottoes of China , was inscribed as one of the World Culture Heritage in2000 .

  5. 云冈石窟是中国三大石窟之一,代表了公元5世纪至6世纪时期中国杰出的佛教石窟艺术,是中国佛教艺术第一个巅峰时期的经典杰作。

    Yungang Grottoes is one of three caves , representing the 6th century AD , during the 5th century to the outstanding Buddhist grotto art in China is the first peak of Chinese Buddhist art during the classics .